


  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    I find black coffee to be a great substitute when I want to consume something but don't want or need food.


    I lol'd
  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    Used too be the same. Used to love tim hortons or Starbucks until I seen the calorie load! I trained myself to drink it black and if I don't I use skim milk sometimes or just a pinch of sugar... Never cream and heavy sugar anymore!
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    if I'm hitting Starbucks then a caffe americano is a good choice when watching calories closely

    but hell, a grande caffe latte has 12g of protein and only 190 cals...and tastes badass
  • courtneystricker
    courtneystricker Posts: 26 Member
    dont give me ideas for starbucks i have little to no self control when going there i have to stay away ive only been doing this for 22 days and not yet strong enough to say no to the awsome taste of anything carmel
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I'm like you. I must have something in my coffee and it can't look too dark... lol
    I've accustomed myself to drinking it with 2% milk and Splenda. 1 cup of milk is enough for 2 cups of black coffee. I also have tried the Torani Sugar Free coffee flavorings... Hazelnut and Vanilla are good and being that I use splenda, I can get the sugarfree kind and it still tastes sweet. The splenda took a little time to get used to. Hope this helps.

    I'm also curious about trying the protien powder in it. To those that do this, does the powder get clumpy and yucky? Do I have to put it in the blender or will stirring do?
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    I like iced Americano with 2 splenda and a splash of fat free half and half. Or I also like black coffee with teaspoon of brown sugar splenda and non about a 1/4 cup of skim milk. Both taste decent with minimal calories.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    "I'm also curious about trying the protien powder in it. To those that do this, does the powder get clumpy and yucky? Do I have to put it in the blender or will stirring do?" spicy618

    I wonder the same thing. I can imagine dropping in some protein powder and having it float around in one lump or several after trying to stir it in.
  • faegirl22
    faegirl22 Posts: 60 Member
    has anyone tried kust switching to tea

    I love black tea (all different varieties) with just a splash of milk, but it doesn't do much if I'm craving coffee. Not as much caffeine and sometimes I just like the taste of coffee with steamed milk or creamer. Maybe try replacing half your coffee with tea?
  • taentea
    taentea Posts: 91 Member
    Many years ago I used to live on instant coffee with lots of sugar and cream. I would have maybe 1 normal meal during the day and the rest was coffee. Once I realized how bad it got, I've quit coffee cold turkey for near 10 years. At some point I saw no more reason to avoid something smelling so nice, so I let it back into my life but developed a much healthier relationship with it. I don't drink instant coffee. I don't need 'a fix', so I only drink a cup when that cup looks worth drinking. I also cringe from the idea of adding anything to my black coffee. It just doesn't look appealing anymore. It didn't just happen. Obviously I had enough time to cleanse my palette from the taste of coffee heavy on cream and sugar. I didn't start loving bitterness right away either. I began with drinking my coffee black but having something sweet on the side - a piece of chocolate or ice cream. This is how I still prefer it actually, as coffee is more of a dessert to me and I prefer pure water and tea as my main drinks for the day. But I'm so used to how black coffee itself tastes now, I just don't want it any other way. And it doesn't matter if there's anything sweet to go with it.