Cravings-Lady Time

I'm having the hardest time sticking to this right now!!! Its that time and I could eat myself out of house and home. I'm very proud to say that I was craving ice cream but after checking the calories I opted for non-fat yogurt instead and I was able to walk by the break room that was housing tons of cupcakes and cookies yesterday. This is a HUGE stride for me but I still went over calories yesterday. Not by a *kitten* ton, but I went over nonetheless. All I want is sugary junk food and an abundance of it! I feel like I'm starving and had thought about changing my goals to "maintaining" during this time so that I don't completely fall off the band wagon for a week..? I know a few bad days don't mean I have to give up (and I won't) but it does kind of hit my pride I guess that I'm not strong enough to just say no and put my old ways at bay right now. How do you ladies cope with this? I can't be the only one that could tear down a buffet during this pesky time.


  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Many ladies do choose to eat at maintenance level around TOM - it's just easier to deal with.

    I've found that being consistent with my exercise has helped calm the intense munchies I get. Try to make sure you have a stash of nutritious and yummy treats, maybe load up on veggies if you're feeling hungry and not just craving certain things. I sometimes try to have a bunch of veggies, see if the craving backs off, then go for 1 treat. I'll keep doing that throughout the day. At least then I'm being somewhat healthy, right?

    Maybe sipping on diet soda or tea/iced tea would help?

    I've found it's gotten much easier as I've changed my eating habits and upped the amount of exercise I do. Stick with it!

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I understand. I miss brownies and ice cream. usually I just eat a graham cracker, or whip cream (low calories and sweet), or drink some skim milk
    and sometimes if my calories allow, i'll have ice cream or sundaes, but it's all about the planning and calories for me.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My advice is to up your calories for the first 2 days that your appetite increases. Up them by 200-300 or even all the way to maintenance. Two days of letting yourself eat more, at a time when your body is burning more calories (source), is not going to ruin your weight loss efforts. A week of crashing and burning after trying to restrict your calories during the hardest time to do it likely will have a far worse effect.
  • donnajeanbrady
    donnajeanbrady Posts: 2 Member
    I find chewing gum helps with sweet cravings and keeps my mouth busy :smile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's odd, I actually don't have that problem.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    My advice is to up your calories for the first 2 days that your appetite increases. Up them by 200-300 or even all the way to maintenance. Two days of letting yourself eat more, at a time when your body is burning more calories (source), is not going to ruin your weight loss efforts. A week of crashing and burning after trying to restrict your calories during the hardest time to do it likely will have a far worse effect.

    Thanks for the link! I liked this tip:

    Finally, the paper notes that some of the drive for appetite may be mediated by changes in blood glucose homeostasis. Empirically, some women seem to be more prone to hypoglycemia during certain phases of the menstrual cycle and falling blood sugar can stimulate hunger. Ensuring that blood glucose levels stay stable might be extremely beneficial during those periods. For example, consuming moderate amounts of fruit during that part of the cycle (to ensure that there is always some liver glycogen to be released to maintain blood glucose) would be a useful strategy.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    Yep, this is a tough time for me as well. I cope by eating a little more.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I always go over on calories around this time. Particularly 2 or so days before and then 2 days in.
  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    Chewing gum helps with craving sweets but I get the cravings for something salty so that's when I go to something like sunflower seeds or almonds with sea salt or some popcorn.
  • Lyndonbearsmommy
    Lyndonbearsmommy Posts: 1,083 Member
    I am having the same issue. Someone brought really salty chips in and someone else brought in a bunch of cookies. They sit in the break room taunting me. I did eat a cookie though. I pre-log my food to see if I have room for that type of food. I have no real advise, but I certainly can sympathize.
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    edited May 2015
    Guy here... just popping in to make sure everythings in check...

    Yep. Seems to be. Good good.

    I'll be on my way then.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    I find I eat less around TOM. I get migraines though so the thought if eating when my stomach is cramping like crazy and I'm nauseous is not appealing.
  • moledew
    moledew Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for the feedback ladies. I was able to stay under my calorie goals yesterday and just ate more fewer calorie foods instead of my normal meals and snacks, to trick my mind into thinking I was actually getting to just eat more. This is a force to be reckoned with for sure!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    My advice is to up your calories for the first 2 days that your appetite increases. Up them by 200-300 or even all the way to maintenance. Two days of letting yourself eat more, at a time when your body is burning more calories (source), is not going to ruin your weight loss efforts. A week of crashing and burning after trying to restrict your calories during the hardest time to do it likely will have a far worse effect.

    Thanks for the link! I liked this tip:

    Finally, the paper notes that some of the drive for appetite may be mediated by changes in blood glucose homeostasis. Empirically, some women seem to be more prone to hypoglycemia during certain phases of the menstrual cycle and falling blood sugar can stimulate hunger. Ensuring that blood glucose levels stay stable might be extremely beneficial during those periods. For example, consuming moderate amounts of fruit during that part of the cycle (to ensure that there is always some liver glycogen to be released to maintain blood glucose) would be a useful strategy.
    That makes a lot of sense (hypoglycemia and menstruation). I'd stress that it should be fruit, not juice, soda, cookies etc. And would add that I've been more prone (much more) to hypoglycemia since entering (peri)menopause.
  • suke28
    suke28 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My problem is if I want it nothing will stand in my way or can be substituted. I'm still a work in progress.
  • jenniejoy07
    jenniejoy07 Posts: 78 Member
    Jasmunr wrote: »
    I find I eat less around TOM. I get migraines though so the thought if eating when my stomach is cramping like crazy and I'm nauseous is not appealing.

    me too! I get a migraine the day before or the day I start and sometimes another one 1-2 days later. It really sucks. I find eating fruit a frozen fruit bar helps my cravings
  • sadiqajamilla
    sadiqajamilla Posts: 34 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lol I just experienced this whole PMS craving business for the first time yesterday and let me tell you, I ate everything in sight! Yesterday was a mess. I still logged everything though. Moving on to today, not a single craving in sight but Aunt Flo showed up. Diary is open for anyone who wants to see yesterday's madness.
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    I'm on my period right now and am battling my cravings like crazy. If I go over my calories I don't beat myself up over it. MFP doesn't exactly take into account your hormonal fluctuations every month. You aren't weak because you're "giving in" to your cravings. You're choosing to have the food. The food and cravings are not controlling you. You're allowed to have these days. You just have to accept it and move on. Beating yourself up isn't productive or conducive to a positive attitude.
  • moledew
    moledew Posts: 71 Member
    suke28 wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat. My problem is if I want it nothing will stand in my way or can be substituted. I'm still a work in progress.

    YESSSS!! I feel like sometimes I should've just eaten my craving in the first place because after substituting healthier options like yogurt or salted nuts along with fruits and veggies, I went over what my craving would have been.