Don't know how to incorporate exercise into my daily life

I’m a working mom with 2 kids. During the school year I bring my daughter to school on my way to work. She has to be there between 8-8:30. Then I head to work for 9-5. Traffic gets me home around 6. That is if I get out of work on time. Then its home to cook dinner and do chores or errands. I’m off on the weekends but it usually gets full of kids activities, parties, volunteering. It’s always something. I can’t figure out how to insert exercise into my life. Waking up early isn’t an option because I’m a heavy sleeper and find it very hard to wake up in the morning. I’ve been like that my whole life. Please share how you fit exercise into your life and (or) if you have any suggestions. Thanks in advance.


  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    edited May 2015
    I was a heavy sleeper too I gradually started waking up earlier and earlier, did that for a while then started working out at 5 am. I got tired of that and started doing my workouts when my kiddo was asleep at night, and I like that a lot better.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited May 2015
    Walk purposefully , take the stairs not the lift, when you go to the shops walk, when you go to work or scchool walk part of the way by parking or getting off a few stops You have already ruled out mornings by making it NOT an option, which is your choice, so organise and fit more movement into the evenings. You have the same 24h hours as everyone else including working mothers, so set some time aside for yourself and make it happen. 30 mins a day is just over 2% of your day. If youve been like that your whole life, hen maybe its time to change if you really want to.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    You just have to fit it in. I know that sounds blunt, but it's true. I'm a mom of 3 young kids (ages 2-11), and work full time as well, and often have to squeeze in quite a bit of overtime if pressure is on at work. My oldest two boys are in several organized sports, so have sports activities almost every evening. But I try to fit in working out anywhere from 3-6 times a week. I take my youngest for a walk in her stroller in the evenings, I go on bike rides with my older kids, pulling my daughter in the bike trailer, I go to the gym at night after the kids go to bed, and if time permits at work, I go to the gym over the lunch hour or go for a walk. I bought my own weight bench and weights that I use when I can't get to the gym.

    I look at it this way. No one else is going to make time for me to get fit, other than well, me.

    You need to do the same. You need to make the time for you. Good luck!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Here are some ideas: 1. Is there a gym or a place to walk near your work where you can go during your lunch break? 2. Can you cook dinner for your family, save yourself a plate, and go do a 30-45 min workout video in the other room while they eat? Then you can eat after. I have done this because if I try to work out right after eating...bad things happen!. 3. Go to the gym right from work and start dinner at 7 instead of 6? 4. I know I know, but waking up earlier is honestly the best option. Nobody likes to get up early, it's not just you. But sometimes that's what people need to do. I have to do it in the summer because I train for fall half marathons and it's too hot to run outside after work. You get used to it, and honestly it's so much better knowing that your workout is done for the day and you're not thinking about it all day. If none of these will work for you, at least try to walk around during lunchtime. Walk in circles around your building. Go up and down the stairs if you have any. Anything to get you off your chair for 30-45 min helps!
  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm not trying to sound confrontational but waking up early is an option if its your only option. Try going to sleep a little earlier at night and force yourself up in the morning. Before I started my journey I used to say the same thing but I quickly realized, similar to you, coming home at night with a wife and 2 children was not very conducive to working out.

    Having a meal prep day on Sunday can really help free up some time at night as well. If you can plan healthy meals that you prep and freeze it will make coming home from a long day at work and eating healthy much easier.

    I hope this helps a little and if I can help any further please let me know.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    I live a very similar lifestyle... work full time, mom/wife, commute by mass transit, chores & errands after work. I'm going full steam until at least 8:30 pm (right after I clean & close the kitchen down for the night) and you know where I fit my workouts in? I get up at 5:00 am!! I also was a very heavy sleeper (and honestly a little lazy in the mornings) but I just got tired of not looking the way I wanted to look so I made myself get up at 5:00 am to get the workout in and done.

    The first couple of weeks were rough but now that I'm almost 3 months into it I now get up with no problem at all to work out. I love it! Just knowing I got that out of the way and there's no distractions because my family is still sleep at that time. It's my me time, granted I workout at home (treadmill, weights, resistance bands & youtube videos) but I've been seeing progress and I'm very proud of that.

    You can work out on your lunch hour, I chose not to do that because where I work the gyms are crazy expensive (NYC - midtown Manhattan) and honestly I'd rather eat during my lunch than workout.

    Now all that said, you don't HAVE to workout to lose weight. Losing weight is all about CICO = calories in vs calories out. As long as you eat less than you burn a day you can lose weight. When I joined MFP I made sure to read most of the stickies in the forums, this one has some very good information:
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Not meaning to be blunt, but that sounds like most people's lives. Work, commuting, kids, etc. is what most adults with families face. You just have to find a time that works. If mornings don't, then after the kids go to bed. Or on your lunch hour. On the weekend, incorporate exercise with your kids - go for hikes, bike rides, etc. Find a gym with a daycare (if your kids are daycare young), or join the Y so your kids can do fun activities while you work out. If you usually wait while they do a particular activity, then go for a walk around the block while they dance/practice soccer, etc.

    Getting up early doesn't have to mean getting up at 5am. I get up literally 20 minutes earlier and go for a quick bike ride or run. I'm not burning masses and I'm not going to win any fitness competitions, but it's exercise I wouldn't otherwise fit in my day and doesn't mean I lose any significant amounts of sleep.

    There are tonnes of apps with exercises you can do at home (again, so you don't have to "waste" time getting to a gym or anything). Do a 20 minute circuit with something like sworkit will get you sweating and takes literally no time.
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    You just have to fit it in. I know that sounds blunt, but it's true.


    You didn't say single mom; do you have help? I take my daughter to school so my wife can get to work early in order to fit in a workout at lunch. She picks her up so I can fit my in after work. Also, my wife and I cook most of our weekday dinners on the weekend or after our daughter goes to bed--dinners are basically always reheated.
  • Vanessa6122
    Vanessa6122 Posts: 14 Member
    pack a gym bag with you in the car. One day where you have a chance and leave work a little earlier, or if someone else picks up your daughter or she's at a playdate, at least you have the clothes with you and just go from there. Once you start it;ll be easier to incorporate it into your daily life. That's how I did it. I started fitting it in like that 3 days a week now I've started bumping it 5 days.
  • LoneWolfSNC
    LoneWolfSNC Posts: 6 Member
    The truth of the matter, not everyone's schedule is created equal but if there's a will there's a way. With the right workout (circuit training, HIIT, etc), anyone can get a great workout in in only 15-30 minutes. It's not easy changing up your schedule but you can fit it in if you make it a priority. Not only will it help you be fit but it will give you more energy in the day for all these other tasks and it'll set a great example to your daughter.
  • purplemystra
    purplemystra Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks everyone. You all have given me some really good advise. I need to stop making excuses and make it happen.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I workout with a buddy who is very heavy sleeper and night owl - I finally got him to commit to a 2 week trial of getting up early (and going to bed early 12:30 was his idea of early) and working out with me in the mornings. He discovered he liked it, in fact he sleep much better and was actually getting up and not only working out but making himself breakfast before work. I agree with stevesample76, if that is your option then it is up to you to make it work for you. A while ago I realized that I give a lot of myself to others, whether it be family or work, etc. . . why should I come last! For me getting in my workout in the morning starts my day off with a much better frame of mind than any other option I could come up with.

    I will say that for me it means that I get up early everyday, weekdays 4:40 am and weekends 6:00 am, even on the days that I don't workout.
  • Bellodesiderare
    Bellodesiderare Posts: 278 Member
    Like you, I hate mornings and always have. I choose to rise early and exercise because the gym is much less crowded in the mornings, my work out is done for the day so I can't get busy with life and make excuses to skip it, and I have more energy overall if I work out in the AM. That sounds like it isn't an option for you right now and that's okay.

    Have you thought about meal prepping for your family for the week so once you get home from work you can just pop everyone's bins into the microwave and have dinner on the table in 5 minutes? Meal prepping takes up a few hours, but it saves so much time in the long run and makes the week much less stressful. Perhaps once the kids are fed, you'll be able to squeeze in some exercise?

    I know lots of people who exercise during their lunch break. Would that be an option for you? There are virtually unlimited work out routines on, YouTube, Pinterest, etc that can easily be done in 30 minutes- an hour.

    On another note, exercise is not necessary to lose weight. As long as you are eating at a calorie deficit you will lose weight (barring a medical condition). However, I believe exercise IS important to good health and believe everyone should participate in some form of exercise. The bottom line is if it is important to you, you will find/make time for it. Even 10 minutes of exercise is better than no exercise at all. I suggest starting off with short workouts and building from there.

    Good luck to you!! I hope you find some of my suggestions helpful!
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I know a lot of folks have recommended getting up early, but it might be easier just to fit it in either right after work or even after dinner/kids are in bed. That was how I started, and now I do sometimes get up in the mornings to work out, but if I had tried that at the start I would never have stuck with it. Despite our crazy busy schedule, I just sit down and figure out which days I can squeeze my workouts in and then do it.
  • Kmedeiros83
    Kmedeiros83 Posts: 86 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thanks everyone. You all have given me some really good advise. I need to stop making excuses and make it happen.

    I think most of us have been guilty of making excuses. Life changes can spark more excuses, but no one is going to exercise for you. If you have a husband/partner feel free to leverage that help and go to the gym on alternating days. I have a little one and between both my wife and I having a job and life obligations we definitely have to pull strings to make gym time happen. It's about priorities though and you have to make your health a priority.

    I'm totally with you on not being a morning person, so all my activity comes in right after's also a great way to let out all that work crap so you don't bring it home with you ;)
  • gdyment
    gdyment Posts: 299 Member
    Look for "dead" time. For me it's commuting time (twice a week bike), lunch time (45 min runs or sometimes swim if I take longer lunch), Wednesday while daughter is swimming I hit the track next door (60 mins), Thurs gymnastics for daughter, wife hits zumba and gym (105 mins), then on Sat I can get a 45 min run while the boy is in Gymnastics and another 20 mins while swimming. Anytime I'd be sitting playing some stupid ipad game, I see if it's possible to workout instead. If my kids were in outdoor soccer for 2-3 hrs on weekends, I'd bring my bike and a stationary trainer. If they were in hockey, I'd get my crap done then. Sunday is a long run - start it 7 or 8 and back in time for rest of the day. Stroller chariots are good too - friends that are both active and have kids do long runs together with the faster runner pushing the stroller. I run with them sometimes and take my turn as well.

    Now single parents, I dunno how you do it - that's just amazing.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    If you really want to work out, you'll start getting up earlier.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    7min work out there's an app for it and it can be done in pj's if ya can't find room for that then I worry
  • laura789a
    laura789a Posts: 18 Member
    I work out in the evening once my little man is in bed, granted my house is slightly less tidy but I've prioritised, lol. I bought a cheap exercise bike and knock out an hour most nights whilst watching TV, I'm seeing great results and I've found it fits in pretty easily round my life :)
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    Get up early. Just start doing it. Your body will adjust and as you exercise you'll have more energy and will find getting up easier.

    There's no magic wand. Everyone here sacrificed something and carved out twenty to thirty minutes of their day to fit in their workouts. If it's important, you'll find the time. If not, you won't. Pretty simple.