Seeking opinions and personal experiences

I've lost 36 lbs since January 11. So about 1.85 lbs per week. I stay within my allotted daily caloric intake of 1220, give or take 200 here or there. I run, hike, bike, participate in spinning classes, aerobic type classes, varying my routine so my body doesn't get used to what I do. I burn a minimum of 2500 calories a week. I feel great, don't feel like I'm starving. I also lift weights which I don't count towards my calories burned because there is no way to quantify that. My goal was losing 50 which I might stretch to 60 considering how fun this has been for me to do - seriously! - and then lose at a pace of 1 lb a week thereafter for another 10 lbs. So that would put me at 130 lbs at 5'6.
Reading some of the posts, are you recommending that I up my daily caloric intake? Since I am also trying to build some muscle mass for a toned look, not a Mr. Atlas look, should I also take a protein shake?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Absolutely. I'm twenty years younger than you, the same height, and female, and I lose on 1720. 1220 is low for most women, and well below recommended for a male.

    You aren't going to be gaining muscle in a calorie deficit, but there's a chance you could be losing it on a low intake.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You should eat more. You're burning through muscle, definitely not gaining it-and not in a deficit.
  • jesikalovesyou
    jesikalovesyou Posts: 172 Member
    Not everyone's body is made the same. My husband can lose weight on 3000+ of calories a day, with minimal activity whereas most people would gain.

    If @FatDevy is feeling good and moving toward his goal, I say, "if it's not broken, don't fix it".
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Not everyone's body is made the same. My husband can lose weight on 3000+ of calories a day, with minimal activity whereas most people would gain.

    If @FatDevy is feeling good and moving toward his goal, I say, "if it's not broken, don't fix it".

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    op, how are you logging? Weighing food on a food scale? It's possible you're eating a little more than 1200 if you aren't-which would be good.
  • jesikalovesyou
    jesikalovesyou Posts: 172 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Not everyone's body is made the same. My husband can lose weight on 3000+ of calories a day, with minimal activity whereas most people would gain.

    If @FatDevy is feeling good and moving toward his goal, I say, "if it's not broken, don't fix it".
    Or do it until you break right?

    He is not going to drop dead eating 1220 calories a day.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited May 2015
    I believe some of you are who advocate that the OP continue 1200 calories are missing the point.
    I run, hike, bike, participate in spinning classes, aerobic type classes...

    With this kind of exercise, a person needs to eat more than just 1200 calories to properly fuel their body. If you don't it can lead to injury.
    I burn a minimum of 2500 calories a week

    So, that is an average of about 250 calories per day, I guess, which includes the exercise above. You need fuel for this, and food is fuel.
    I also lift weights
    I am also trying to build some muscle mass for a toned look

    Oh yea, even though these calories are not counted, those muscles especially need fuel. In order to gain muscle, you need to eat at maintenance or a surplus, and you need to work your butt off in the weight room. You won't gain muscle on a calorie deficit, and eating only 1200 you will lose a whole lot of muscle as well. While in a deficit, the goal is to maintain what muscle you have, and that also requires fuel, which is......?


    Food. :)

  • dalem48
    dalem48 Posts: 86 Member
    edited May 2015
    "He is not going to drop dead eating 1220 calories a day."

    This exactly. There are many days when I am under 1200. I am not starving, weak, tired and my hair is not falling out. I say do what works for you. You know your body better than any one else.

  • DedeLePew
    DedeLePew Posts: 4 Member
    To answer a question about how I calculate my food, I use MFP's database, weighing, etc, use their recipe importer, too. The 1220 is what MFP came up with. Since I need to gain some more muscle tone, I'm going to try 1500-1700 calories for the next month and I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks for you inputs, folks.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    malnutrition takes anywhere from 3-6 months to show up won't happen overnight.

    Hair starts thinning and breaking and falling out in 3-6months along with nails getting brittle etc.

    the underlying damage done to your heart and bones can take years to show but it will show....
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    DedeLePew wrote: »
    To answer a question about how I calculate my food, I use MFP's database, weighing, etc, use their recipe importer, too. The 1220 is what MFP came up with. Since I need to gain some more muscle tone, I'm going to try 1500-1700 calories for the next month and I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks for you inputs, folks.

    Awesome! So glad you were able to separate the wheat from the chaff in the advice you got here. I think you will feel much better and your body will thank you. :smile:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    dalem48 wrote: »
    "He is not going to drop dead eating 1220 calories a day."

    This exactly. There are many days when I am under 1200. I am not starving, weak, tired and my hair is not falling out. I say do what works for you. You know your body better than any one else.

    wait for's more than just hair thinning and falling out...

    and trust me there are people here and out in the big bad world that know your body better than you do...
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited May 2015
    DedeLePew wrote: »
    To answer a question about how I calculate my food, I use MFP's database, weighing, etc, use their recipe importer, too. The 1220 is what MFP came up with. Since I need to gain some more muscle tone, I'm going to try 1500-1700 calories for the next month and I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks for you inputs, folks.

    Well, you won't gain muscle mass on 1500-1700, and you will never gain muscle "tone". Muscles have tone, you can either make them bigger by eating at a surplus and lifting, or smaller by eating at a huge deficit and not lifting. Or save as much as possible by eating at a moderate deficit, lifting, and hitting your protein goal.