Stopped losing weight

alaamahameed Posts: 2 Member
edited May 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I started last year 124 kg, now I'm 99 and my goal is 85. In the last tow months I didn't lose any kg.
Need a group with a similar goal to join the


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Without an open diary we need more information...are you logging everything? Are you using a food scale to ensure the portions you're entering are what you're eating? Are you adjusting your calories downward as you lose? Do you eat back some/all of your exercise calories?
  • alaamahameed
    alaamahameed Posts: 2 Member
    I stopped logging and I need to comeback, supporting group is essential for me
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    I stopped logging and I need to comeback, supporting group is essential for me

    A support group helps, but it shouldn't be essential. Your success needs to be self motivated and not rely on the support from others.
  • goldiegirl82
    goldiegirl82 Posts: 5 Member
    Support does help I think! It sure helps me! I am just joining and started my weight loss journey again just 2 weeks ago. I only have about 10 more pounds to lose, I workout 3 times a week at an aerobics facility and I take Fit team Fit Sticks before breakfast and lunch, they help me feel full and give me consistant energy...which I need with 5 kids! I definitely thin having support and motivation helps!!