need help please!

When logging my meals do i log the weight of the chicken before or after its cooked? After i cook my chicken it weighs about 4oz less.


  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Depends on what you have chosen to log your chicken ie. if it says 'chicken-cooked' or 'chicken-raw'. Generally choosing the raw option and weighing it raw is the way to go.
  • directedmage552
    directedmage552 Posts: 14 Member
    Doesnt it loose calories and weight when you cook it?
  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    edited May 2015
    Doesnt it loose calories and weight when you cook it?

    It loses weight but Calories stay the same. It'll lose some nutrients though (depending on time and method cooked).

    EDIT: I suppose if you cook off some of the fat Calories will decrease.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Some moisture dissipates from cooking, hence the different calorie load per gram. I don't recommend eating raw chicken.
  • directedmage552
    directedmage552 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    When logging my meals do i log the weight of the chicken before or after its cooked? After i cook my chicken it weighs about 4oz less.

    I go with before because when I grill chicken, it always "shrinks" to a smaller size.
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    When I was a teenager, working in fast food restaurants, a quarter pound burger was the weight before it was cooked.