Quit Smoking, Now to Quit Gaining

I feel like I am fighting a losing battle. I was never heavy until I had a hysterectomy in 2001 and like a cat who has been spayed - I blew up! I quit smoking at that time and stayed heavy for several years.

Around 2006, we have several major life upheavals - several tragic deaths in the family, a career change, a big move, a big birthday and I took up smoking again and due to stress lost about 50 lbs. (this was around 2007). Slowly, I put back on about 10 of those pounds and gained and lost an additonal 5 off and on but stayed pretty consistent for years... until recently.

I quit smoking several months ago, have been watching what I eat and until the last month, have been exercising consistently. I really thought I was doing great. THEN... I saw a picture of myself. My son graduated from high school Saturday and several of my girlfriends came up. We took pics and after viewing the photos, I want to cry. I'm committed to doing this for myself and being a good example for my daughter who is also battling her weight. I want her to see that it is better to be healthy and confident but still proactive in changing it rather than just disgusted with yourself and resigned that you'll be heavy forever.


  • shaundam
    shaundam Posts: 38 Member
    I'm new here as well but quit smoking 2 months ago and gained 30lbs that fast. I've always been a big girl and I like being a big girl, just not this big! Best of luck to you, you can do it!
  • yay2012
    yay2012 Posts: 72
    I don't know of anything harder than quitting smoking and YOU DID IT! You have been through so much, I know you can do this too. Hang in there.
  • hyper588
    hyper588 Posts: 28
    I too have quit smoking twice. The last time was just over 2 years ago and I have gained 15-20 lbs...all of it went to my middle, thus my waist has disappeared. :-/

    I have a 30 year class reunion in 5 weeks. I have lost 8 lbs so far. Now, I am determined to hit it very hard...to jump start some new healthy lifestyle changes. I hired a trainer for 10 sessions (2 times a week...for the next 5 weeks).

    I have SLE Lupus, so I take steriods to keep the Lupus in check. They don't help with the appetite, but when I make up my mind...I can control the eating splurges.

    Best of luck with our goals!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    76 days totally smoke free today.
    Gained about 30 lbs.... I know the pain. Hopefully, you've been somewhat active and kept your metabolism up - I did not so it's going to take ALOT for me to lose. But if you've stayed active, in spite of everytihng else, you'll do great. It'll still take time, but you'll do it. you're here after all.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I did it.You can do it. It isn't ALWAYS fun and silly, but I'm now to the point where I only rarely think about it. Hell, I used to plan my workday around my smoke breaks! Keep at, you can do it!! Never hesitate to reach out for support!!

    Good luck!!!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I did it.You can do it. It isn't ALWAYS fun and silly, but I'm now to the point where I only rarely think about it. Hell, I used to plan my workday around my smoke breaks! Keep at, you can do it!! Never hesitate to reach out for support!!

    Good luck!!!
  • XtinaRocks
    XtinaRocks Posts: 24
    You can do it!!! Its always a tough thing to win the battle of the bulge! It's so amazing that not only are you doing this for yourself but also for your daughter!! Thats awesome!! AND you quit smoking! THATS AMAZING!! You're doing so good! Keep up the good work!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. I'm proud of all of you who have succeeded in quitting. The next great challenge is losing this excess weight. Just as you proved you can quit smoking, you will lose this weight as well! You know you are capable. Just stick with the program, be honest about it, and try to fit in regular exercise. Using MFP is pretty fun, and it definately keeps you on track when you use it consistently. It does take time when you do it right, but it will stay off, because unlike a temporary crash diet, you are changing your entire way of life! You can do this! :heart:
  • TheRodswifey
    TheRodswifey Posts: 1 Member
    I am also new and gained a bunch of weight after quitting smoking.. I am a "mindless" eater and will eat without even thinking about it. Good luck to you!! This program is awesome and gives us all the tools!:wink:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Her:smile: is an article I thought you might find interesting!

  • ChirishGirl
    ChirishGirl Posts: 111
    Congrats on taking a step in the right direction! Good luck on the rest, you can do it!
  • djamador
    djamador Posts: 20 Member
    I am in the same boat with the rest of you. I quit on 10-10-10 and have not looked back. However, I have gained 30 pounds and working to get rid of it again.
  • noxx27
    noxx27 Posts: 18 Member
    I gain weight after quiting smoking too, the bad news is I gained it the good news is we can loose it! Just know that you can do anything you set you mind to. Set up your daily calories stick to it, I found it easy to track it on my phone (cause yes there is an app for that.... lol) I talked to one person here that was bad about keeping track so they took a picture on there phone of each item they put in there mouth. and went through them each night.

    What ever way you choose by coming here your not alone!

    Stay strong!

    PS feel free to add me as a friend if you want. :o)
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    If you can quit smoking*, you can lose weight. I quit smoking in April 2008, gained 50 pounds. Losing that and more has been infinitely easier than ditching nicotine... just a different level of willpower. Of course, it takes a longer commitment. Quitting smoking is pretty easy, relatively speaking, after a few weeks. Dieting lasts a lifetime.

    *speaking of quitting smoking: you only quit smoking ONCE. If you have to quit a second, third, or fourth time....then you didnt quit before.
  • soldierboy00
    Accept yourself. You are a wonderful person just as you are right now.

    If you gain a few pounds while going through the process of quitting tobacco, so be it. The benefits will affect your life as well as those who love you in more ways than you can imagine. You can quit smoking without gaining a lot of weight. Don't let the fear of weight gain keep you chained to an addiction that will kill you, given the chance.

  • MindiKat
    MindiKat Posts: 49
    Great article, Jade - plus love the name... that's my daughter's name!

    Everyone has been amazing with the replies. One post and I feel bolstered. Thank you!!!!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I have a 12 year old daughter who I'm working closely with-- we both use MFP to track our goals. Please feel free to add me. I think we may have a few things in common... and maybe we can help each other motivate the kids. I had my tubes tied, quit smoking, I am both widowed and divorced (2 marriages = 2 children), have moved several times to accomodate the changes we have gone throught, and in 2008 I decided to go back to college to finish a busines degree while still working a full time job. Welcome and please don't hesitate to reach out.
  • soldierboy00
    your welcome it also help me learn some new stuff on that article. thanks for bringing the subject
  • MindiKat
    MindiKat Posts: 49
    Oh my, SLaw! I, too, go to school on top of all of it. It's so tough. Kudos to you!