Does it ever not seem real?

Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
edited May 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for 3 years. This is my 3rd go at myfitnesspal and for some reason it just stuck this time. I've gone from 133/134 to 125 in about a month and a half. It just doesn't seem real. It just seems too easy like someone is going to pop out and say "surprise, just kidding!" Did anyone else feel like that in the beginning?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    In the beginning yes.

    What do you mean I don't have to be miserable to lose weight? You mean I don't have to live off of salads? I can still eat ice cream????

    Yes. It's ridiculously simple and easy. The hard part is all mental (patience, learning, etc).
  • deast12
    deast12 Posts: 4 Member
    I am new to myfitnesspal. In 2 months I have lost 24 lbs, just by tracking my food and staying within the calorie limit. I also kept thinking it was a joke, or maybe I am really sick or something. How can just cutting back on calories be the answer???? I still am amazed.
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    deast12 wrote: »
    I am new to myfitnesspal. In 2 months I have lost 24 lbs, just by tracking my food and staying within the calorie limit. I also kept thinking it was a joke, or maybe I am really sick or something. How can just cutting back on calories be the answer???? I still am amazed.

    @deast12 glad I'm not alone. It feels so strange. I suppose it comes from the mentality that if something seems too good to be true it probably is. The only time I was sucessful at losing weight before was when I had jaw surgery and went from 136-126. That's only because I was not able to eat anything at all. So actually being able to lose and eat feels strange :). But I've taken pictures and measurements and my body really is changing.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    In the beginning yes.

    What do you mean I don't have to be miserable to lose weight? You mean I don't have to live off of salads? I can still eat ice cream????

    Yes. It's ridiculously simple and easy. The hard part is all mental (patience, learning, etc).

    I have to disagree with the easy part of this statement. Sure it's as simple as counting calories but ridiculously easy?....not so much. Maybe it is for some people, but for me, it has not been easy at all. If it were that easy to lose weight, everyone would be thin and fabulous.
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    In the beginning yes.

    What do you mean I don't have to be miserable to lose weight? You mean I don't have to live off of salads? I can still eat ice cream????

    Yes. It's ridiculously simple and easy. The hard part is all mental (patience, learning, etc).

    I have to disagree with the easy part of this statement. Sure it's as simple as counting calories but ridiculously easy?....not so much. Maybe it is for some people, but for me, it has not been easy at all. If it were that easy to lose weight, everyone would be thin and fabulous.
    @JSurita2 I definitely think it depends on the person and why they were overweight and such. I know personally I generally like food low in calories like veggies, lean protein, fish etc. I also have always ate small portions. My issue was I was lazy. I ate out most meals. So that's why I gained weight. When it came to calorie counting it was super easy as soon as I got out of the habit of eating out. Which wasn't very hard as I started right when my university ended so I am no longer out and about as much. But then there's my sister where her issue is she hates "healthy" food and has issues eating small portions. So I can definitely see how it could be easy or hard depending on the person's prior relationship with food.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    In the beginning yes.

    What do you mean I don't have to be miserable to lose weight? You mean I don't have to live off of salads? I can still eat ice cream????

    Yes. It's ridiculously simple and easy. The hard part is all mental (patience, learning, etc).

    I have to disagree with the easy part of this statement. Sure it's as simple as counting calories but ridiculously easy?....not so much. Maybe it is for some people, but for me, it has not been easy at all. If it were that easy to lose weight, everyone would be thin and fabulous.

    From a calories in/calories out perspective, it is easy. That's why I said the hard part is mental. There's alot of mental aspects that go into it. Also medical.. which I could have stated too. But if you're accurate and in a deficit, it really is easy. It takes time and all that, but I feel like it is easy. At least it's much easier than I thought it would be. Before getting serious, everything was overwhelming and I was making it out to be more difficult than it really was. Eat all my normal foods within a calorie deficit. Mathematically and scientifically though, it's simple (and yes, I think it's easy).

    I think another part of the problem is that people are so conditioned to think that weight loss is really hard and takes a ton of effort, or that you have to eat next to nothing, or eat certain foods. The weight loss industry makes billions off people by saying how 'easy' they can lose weight but then make it difficult with taking X and Y product, but wait, don't forget to take Z too!
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    When I graduated in 2012, I was 80 lbs heavier, confused about where I was going, a bit depressed, and lonely. I started losing weight, gaining muscle and confidence, starting taking care of my appearance, and went out of my comfort zone to meet new people.

    I'm now within 30 lbs of my goal weight (which is amazing when I think about where I started), and am approaching my second anniversary with a wonderful bf who encourages my healthy goals every day. I have an awesome group of new friends and even gained the courage to move out of state and switch jobs.

    No, when I think about how many changes have resulted from me getting myself healthier and feeling better about myself, it doesn't feel real. Even after a year of being able to shop in the normal clothing department, I still find myself walking towards the plus-size area when I walk into a department store.

    It's an odd thing.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    In the beginning yes.

    What do you mean I don't have to be miserable to lose weight? You mean I don't have to live off of salads? I can still eat ice cream????

    Yes. It's ridiculously simple and easy. The hard part is all mental (patience, learning, etc).

    I have to disagree with the easy part of this statement. Sure it's as simple as counting calories but ridiculously easy?....not so much. Maybe it is for some people, but for me, it has not been easy at all. If it were that easy to lose weight, everyone would be thin and fabulous.

    From a calories in/calories out perspective, it is easy. That's why I said the hard part is mental. There's alot of mental aspects that go into it. Also medical.. which I could have stated too. But if you're accurate and in a deficit, it really is easy. It takes time and all that, but I feel like it is easy. At least it's much easier than I thought it would be. Before getting serious, everything was overwhelming and I was making it out to be more difficult than it really was. Eat all my normal foods within a calorie deficit. Mathematically and scientifically though, it's simple (and yes, I think it's easy).

    I think another part of the problem is that people are so conditioned to think that weight loss is really hard and takes a ton of effort, or that you have to eat next to nothing, or eat certain foods. The weight loss industry makes billions off people by saying how 'easy' they can lose weight but then make it difficult with taking X and Y product, but wait, don't forget to take Z too!

    I suppose it is a mindset we have to adapt. I could agree with that. When I did Weight Watchers I was very successful and I didn't find it as difficult as some others did. For some reason MFP hasn't been the same experience for me but I'll keep at it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    no, but I'm a math and science kinda guy...
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    I'd be surprised if I lost that much that fast.

    Just curious, how many calories did you allow yourself a day?
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    Fridays are my weigh days. I had a not-so-good week calorie wise. I missed a couple of work outs. I got on the scale this morning hoping I just had not gained. Wham! Down 2 pounds. Unlike other weeks where I kill myself and get hardly any movement.

    I seriously thought my scale was broken and made my husband step on just to be sure.

    The takeaway for me is that MFP just works. When you have the mindset that you are going to log everything and be completely honest with yourself, it works. No gimmicks, no lose-weight-super-fast false expectations. Slow and steady.

    Why didn't I do this years ago?
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    I'd be surprised if I lost that much that fast.

    Just curious, how many calories did you allow yourself a day?

    @strong_curves MFP has me at 1290 to lose 1 pound a week. (I'm like a mm under 5'0 so I just say 5'0). I usually document about 1,000-1,100 calories but I don't count the numerous bites I take throughout the day. Many times I'll grab a handful of nuts or veggies. I'm trying to eat a bit more though. I've just been sick this last week so it's been difficult :). I'm also thinking about changing it to .5 a week soon but I'm not sure when it's a good time.

  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Yup. Today I'm on this app 100 days. I'm 37lbs down. It's never been this easy.

    The biggest difference is that, this time, I feel in control of my body. Before it was "eat this, not that" and maybe I'd lose or gain or I'd plateau. But this is steady sustainable weight loss and yeah it's not always easy and sometimes I good but I'm in control and that makes such a difference!
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I'm with JSurita2. Weight loss may be simple but I don't find it easy. It's very, very hard as I have to battle hunger all the time.
  • deast12
    deast12 Posts: 4 Member
    crazyjerseygirl - that is how I feel. More in control
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'm with JSurita2. Weight loss may be simple but I don't find it easy. It's very, very hard as I have to battle hunger all the time.

    than you are doing it wrong.

    You shouldn't be hungry all the time...if it's true hunger and based on your diary yah you are hungry.

    You are a 44 year old man eating less than 1400 calories most days...I see a day in april with 967 calories..then for the next week you are consistently over your goal..and your protein is soooo low.

    I see a very distinct pattern...restrict hard for a couple days then you let loose.

    Weight loss is simple CI vs CO and easy if you set reasonable goals and allow for your the foods you crave/love/want vs restricting so hard than letting go and defeating the restrictions with excess calories because you are soooo hungry or want something so bad you say screw this...

    As a woman of almost 43 I will lose weight eating 1800 calories a the summer with extra exercise I can lose eating 2200 a day...and I am 150lbs.

    I swear people use this as a form of punishment for being overweight
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    My female self on 1310kcal laughs at you gentlemen like a hero from a 1930s musical. Ha-ha!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Jasmunr wrote: »
    I've been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for 3 years. This is my 3rd go at myfitnesspal and for some reason it just stuck this time. I've gone from 133/134 to 125 in about a month and a half. It just doesn't seem real. It just seems too easy like someone is going to pop out and say "surprise, just kidding!" Did anyone else feel like that in the beginning?

    Sometimes it doesn't seem real that it is working so well this time. I didn't expect such good results when I joined MFP.
    It has been really easy for me compared to everything I've tried in the past.
    I guess I am lucky that my issue seemed to be mainly knowing how many calories to eat to lose weight and knowing what I was eating. I haven't changed my diet much at all. I spend a few minutes logging. I am not hungry all the time. I'm not an emotional eater. I am not a binger. I don't have medical problems. I just ate too many calories for my activity level. It could have always been this easy for me. So I do feel ridiculous or stupid for not counting calories sooner because I thought it would be too difficult or restrictive.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    some weeks have been easy. Some not at all. Right now I'm hungry. HUNGRY. But I'm not eating a snack because I'm saving extra calories for a special occassion tonight. It's not easy to live with a little hunger for an hour or two, but it is worth it so I can enjoy a night out and still lose weight.