Water in take, how important is it?

I am new here. I am wondering how important is it to have the 8 glasses of water or fluids each day? I have a problem drinking that much everyday. I hate having to go to the bathroom every hour on the hour due to the water intake. Is there a better or different way? DO I truely need all that water.?


  • hayleyray
    hayleyray Posts: 2
    im glad u asked.. im kinda going through the same. need some input here
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    absolutely need it. its even recommended you get at least that much but your weight divided in half for your ounces. if you do an intense workout, i do zumba, i get 64 ounces in in that hour for the 64 ounces. start off drinking a glass in the morning. you can add some fruit to it, lime, lemon, orange, i dont use anything, personally all i do is drink water, its good to me. and crystal light and other things like that, but definitely get that amount at least.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    YES! I wrote posts on this topic earlier this year! Both posts are quite informative.

    Here is the importance of water:

    Here is the formula to find out how much water you should be drinking. Hint: Frequent bathroom visits are normal and healthy!

    Hope this helps!
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    That water is vitally important!! You will not lose weight if you don't drink enough water. Once your body adjusts to that amount you won't be going to the bathroom as much. I actually drink around 15 glasses a day and it makes all the difference!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Water intake helps flush out sodium, thus reducing water weight. When I drink tons of water a day, yeah I have to keep zooming mid-shift to the bathroom, but then I weigh myself and I'm suddenly a few ounces, sometimes pounds lighter. I don't know about you, but water weight drives me nuts so I'm now trying my hardest to control it the best I can.

    Plus, more water makes your skin soooo much softer and smoother! Plenty of other benefits along with it too. :)
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    How important is it? Depends, do you want to look like a deflated balloon?

    Water helps to keep the elasticity in your skin and flush out the toxins in your body. As you drink more water your body will get used to it and you wont need to run to te loo constantly!

    Try it with lemon juice, quite nice warm with lemon, or sugar free squash/ cordial. I'm quite into elderflower in sparkling water at the moment.
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    Absolutely. I hated drinking myself and never drank more than maybe 4 glasses a day. When I started here I started forcing myself to drink actual glasses of water. Each hour i'd have a little alarm set and i'd go, fill up a glass and drink it. Now i don't mind drinking anymore and it really helped the first pounds already come off.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    its important and for the skin as well... I notice that when I dont drink enough water my skin looks "ugly", my elbows are dry and feel like sandpaper no matter how much cream and lotions I put on my elbows. It also flushes out the water of water weight. For the bathroom thing it gets better with time...also split up your water intake, dont have like 2 cup fulls at once. For flavors add like crystal light or another sugar free thing, or squeeze some lemon in it. I count coffee and tea as water intake but remember to count the calories as well
  • beckusjane
    beckusjane Posts: 112
    Very important. Eventually your body will get used to taking in so much but keep trying. It has been one of the key ingredients to weight loss for me.
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    It's super important to drink your water. Before January, I drank maybe 2 or 3 glasses a day. I hated water!!!! Your body needs to get rid of what it doesn't need. I had a rough week (I had to pee all the time) the week I started my eight glasses of water. My body did adjust really quickly. I made it a challenge for myself to drink the water and when the week was over I bought myself a gift. What helped me was to cut out all other beverages. I used to drink coffee instead of water - YIKES! And it has now been an easy habit to keep.
    I feel so much better now, and my skin has never been better.
    Oh, yeah. Quite often your body is telling you you're hungry, but really you're just thirsty.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 259 Member
    Unfortunately, yes. Water is crucial. The more the better, really. And you'll actually pee less frequently once your body gets used to being sufficiently hydrated. The first few days of drinking tons of water, your body flushes out a lot of the excess water you have stored in your body that's when you're rushing to the bathroom what seems like every 10 minutes.. after those few days, you'll notice your feet and hands will be slimmer due to less water weight and you won't feel the need to rush to the bathroom so frequently.
  • carlfry
    carlfry Posts: 62
    I have a friend tell me all the time - "My Coach told us that if we were not peeing every hour on the hour, we were not drinking enough water."

    I try to live by that now ;) My friend is very wise!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    You need half of your body weight in ounces of water a day. I weigh 282---I have to drink 141oz a day--or 18cups a day--minimum.. Drinking that amount use to be a problem for me, but now that ive been doing it for awhile, its automatic--yesterday I drank 22cups, day before 26, day before that 24... You only go pee that much at first, after a week of drinking the amount ur suppose to drink, you dont need to go so often. I however would enjoy if i had to go more because it gets me out of my chair at work and gets me more active, burning more calories, etc.

    Water helps sodium flush out, and other toxins; u also release fat cells in ur pee. Ive been on "diets" before where all i have done is drink water and not change my food or activity, and ive lost weight. It helps with hunger, etc etc etc.

    If you drink coffee, caffeinated tea, soda (Even diet), crystal light, etc etc etc, it all depletes water in your system. Also, if u have alot of sodium in your diet it with dehydrate you, if u drink alchol, same thing; also u use water when u excercise... U need water too loose, and days I go over sodium, work out, or drink coffee, i be sure to drink extra water, beyond my 18cups a day.
  • Divatime
    Divatime Posts: 33
    I too had to learn the importance of this. I started carrying a 32oz water bottle and I don't even realize how much I'm drinking until it's gone. I drink all day at work and save the last 32oz for at home with dinner. The water bottle makes it so much easier!

    Hope this helps! :smile:
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    Unfortunately, yes. Water is crucial. The more the better, really. And you'll actually pee less frequently once your body gets used to being sufficiently hydrated. The first few days of drinking tons of water, your body flushes out a lot of the excess water you have stored in your body that's when you're rushing to the bathroom what seems like every 10 minutes.. after those few days, you'll notice your feet and hands will be slimmer due to less water weight and you won't feel the need to rush to the bathroom so frequently.

    Water is important and you should make an effort to drink it, but I wonder if the whole "your body will adjust to extra water" thing is really true? I love water and drink a minimum of 8 ounces of water a day...have done so for years. My skin is still dry, I still go to the bathroom constantly, and I feel dehydrated super easily. My doctor says its because my body has adjusted and now requires this much water to function, and it may be better to cut back a bit for convenience's sake. Just another experience...
  • wreckermom
    wreckermom Posts: 2
    I completely hate running to the bathroom so much. I know I am whining but i am new to this documentation of ewverything you eat and drink and im never gonna meet my goal. I honestly hate running to the bathroom. Is there any alternative? My bladder seems to be so small.... :(
  • Divatime
    Divatime Posts: 33
    It's not just you...it drove me crazy to have to go so much at first. But then my colleagues reminded me that I'm flushing out toxins, I noticed I was less hungry and my skin had a glow to it. Don't give up...figure out a way to make drinking water fun and challenging...my nice new water bottle did it for me. It seemed like so much so of course...we all like challenges. I challenged my self to finish the water bottle every day. I also get some cheers from my colleagues when I'm complaining about going to the restroom but that has gotten a lot better than it was early on. I do 64 ounces during the work day instead of trying to do 96 during that time...the rest I save for when I can go to my own toilet! lol! :)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    also, note: I feel like im forcing myself to drink when i drink out of a cup, i drink out of water bottles only. I keep one on my desk, one on my nightstand, one at my boyfriends house, and one I carry around with me... Also, adding ice I drink more...when i go to resturants i order a water with a straw--cuz again--i hate drinking out of a cup, but love sipping.. I drive the waitresses crazy cuz i empty 4-5big glasses of water (which would be about 8cups of water), just during the meal... helps me eat less, but i do it cuz i really enjoy the ice cold water.

    Can add lemon, orange, lime, etc to your water.. lemon i know for sure boosts metabolism, not sure about others, but dont add caffeinated tea or crystal light to your water... crystal light has sodium and caffeine--caffeine depletes your water, sodium doesnt help u with anything. Tea doesnt have calories but if its cafeinated it will deplete your water...unless u use decaf tea, unsweetened, then u can count it as water...
  • debrastormcrow
    I believe that the water intake not only helps to keep you full and not want to eat constantly but it also flushes out your system as you change your diet and lose the weight. As for needing all 8 glasses, I believe that if you can't do all 8 then the as much as you can get down the better off you will be.