Does it ever not seem real?



  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    Sometimes I wonder if I was really that big. Then I put on some old pants. Yeah, I was that big.

    I've lost almost 110 pounds despite, apparently, doing it wrong and exercising wrong. It's a miracle I lost anything at all.

    Wow, congrats!!
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    I think I'm right on the verge of that happening. I'm starting to notice myself being smaller after 60lbs lost, and feel as though my goal doesn't seem so unrealistic. I still have another 60lbs to go, but I think that there will be pretty drastic changes within the next 20lbs, or so.
  • jenniejoy07
    jenniejoy07 Posts: 78 Member
    DaneanP wrote: »

    I seriously thought my scale was broken and made my husband step on just to be sure.

    I've totally done this before!!
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Once you decide to lose, you'll do it. Period. You'll reduce your caloric intake, increase your exercise activity, and it will happen. And then you'll think, "Why didn't I do this before?" and for some reason, more often than not, you'll quit, thinking, "Oh, that was easy" and next thing you know you're 10 pounds more than your highest weight. It IS that easy, but it's NOT that easy to continue until you have reached your goal weight then stay at it. Just keep at it and don't stop. Ever.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    One point is getting the loss and the deficit behind you within a reasonable time frame rather than dragging it out for years.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    This forum was an epiphany for me. I can eat anything and lose weight? Don't have to eat low fat diet food? I admit it took some time to get used to the idea. I didn't lose as fast as last time, but I wanted to go for a long term lifestyle that I could ease into, and that does not include planned or strenous exercise. It's so easy. Sometimes I slip, but most days are just filled with lovely foods that satisfy me, and walks, and stupid dance moves in the kitchen. I've been maintaining for more than six months now and doing great.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I'm with JSurita2. Weight loss may be simple but I don't find it easy. It's very, very hard as I have to battle hunger all the time.

    than you are doing it wrong.

    You shouldn't be hungry all the time...if it's true hunger and based on your diary yah you are hungry.

    You are a 44 year old man eating less than 1400 calories most days...I see a day in april with 967 calories..then for the next week you are consistently over your goal..and your protein is soooo low.

    I see a very distinct pattern...restrict hard for a couple days then you let loose.

    Weight loss is simple CI vs CO and easy if you set reasonable goals and allow for your the foods you crave/love/want vs restricting so hard than letting go and defeating the restrictions with excess calories because you are soooo hungry or want something so bad you say screw this...

    As a woman of almost 43 I will lose weight eating 1800 calories a the summer with extra exercise I can lose eating 2200 a day...and I am 150lbs.

    I swear people use this as a form of punishment for being overweight

    But for some people the calorie equation can get so low that it's just stupid, correct? I don't lose anything unless I eat 1800 calories a day. I'm a male who weighs 80lbs more than you. All those things I shouldn't have to restrict. Oops. They're gone. Too calorie dense. Sure, I can make room for that 200 calories of 3 spoonfuls of ice cream but then I'll just be hungry the rest of the night. But it's simple though right? Just CICO right?

    EDIT: just look at the graph and you'll see how stupid this all is: Feb 28 to May 1, 1800 calories a day. One week of vacation erased it. Then look at last year. 2300 calories a day from the summer until December. Then boom. No loss. There's no logic to any of this sometimes:

    I don't believe so...barring medical conditions.

    I looked at your diary and what I could see based on entries is you don't weight much food and if you do the entries are suspect...eating more than you think.

    And yes it is that simple...CICO...

    I had coffee with cream and sugar, fruit smoothie with protein powder, juice etc. Lean cuisine for lunch and 10 hotwings for dinner along with yogurt and now chocolate...1800 calories...I will lose weight eating this way...I have for the first 18 months here...maintained for 6 months...decided I wanted to see what 140 looks like...

  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    It does seem so much easier than I imagined. When friends were suggesting I try it after a Dr told me to restrict calories, I got pretty angry. I really did not think it could be so simple. But I have these amazing friends who are extremely intelligent (scientists in fact) and they have never given me a bit of bad advice. So I had to trust their logic and since I truly wanted to lose weight I decided to suck it up and try. I am really grateful to whoever it was that suggested MFP on Facebook.

    The first couple of weeks were tough but now it has gotten to be a habit to plan my meals and weight things out. I think my background in food service has helped. I was already accustomed to weighing and portioning foods so it was just like going back to work only not as much volume.

    I have been loosing weight very slowly for the past 15 years. Started at 340 in 2000 when I gained a lot of weight after the death of my husband in 1999. I plateaued at 290 from 2001-2009 dropped to 280 and got stuck there again until 2014 and was bobbing up and down around 277 in March of this year and had been stuck there for a year. Today I logged at 255. I have not weighed this low since I was 23 years old... that was 22 years ago.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited May 2015
    BFDeal wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I'm with JSurita2. Weight loss may be simple but I don't find it easy. It's very, very hard as I have to battle hunger all the time.

    than you are doing it wrong.

    You shouldn't be hungry all the time...if it's true hunger and based on your diary yah you are hungry.

    You are a 44 year old man eating less than 1400 calories most days...I see a day in april with 967 calories..then for the next week you are consistently over your goal..and your protein is soooo low.

    I see a very distinct pattern...restrict hard for a couple days then you let loose.

    Weight loss is simple CI vs CO and easy if you set reasonable goals and allow for your the foods you crave/love/want vs restricting so hard than letting go and defeating the restrictions with excess calories because you are soooo hungry or want something so bad you say screw this...

    As a woman of almost 43 I will lose weight eating 1800 calories a the summer with extra exercise I can lose eating 2200 a day...and I am 150lbs.

    I swear people use this as a form of punishment for being overweight

    But for some people the calorie equation can get so low that it's just stupid, correct? I don't lose anything unless I eat 1800 calories a day. I'm a male who weighs 80lbs more than you. All those things I shouldn't have to restrict. Oops. They're gone. Too calorie dense. Sure, I can make room for that 200 calories of 3 spoonfuls of ice cream but then I'll just be hungry the rest of the night. But it's simple though right? Just CICO right?

    EDIT: just look at the graph and you'll see how stupid this all is: Feb 28 to May 1, 1800 calories a day. One week of vacation erased it. Then look at last year. 2300 calories a day from the summer until December. Then boom. No loss. There's no logic to any of this sometimes:

    It is that simple, and as you were told in the other thread by multiple people after you made MANY posts on this, maybe you should consult a physician to make sure there is nothing else going on. With you (and I am going by your other posts not just this one) something isn't adding up right. Either you are not being as honest about your logging as you claim or you have an unknown health issue. Instead of complaining about his continually, maybe go to the doctor and rule a few things out. Once that is ruled out, you can focus on what you may be doing wrong diet wise. The problem is every time it's suggested you go to the doctor you question what you should have done at the doctor as if you don't want to go without someone telling you what your issue is first. Well, we are not doctors. Go there, voice your concerns, and a competent doctor will know what to check. It is about calories in calories out. Unless you have a medical conditions, nobody is a special snowflake where calorie counting is concerned.

  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    O.P. to answer your question. I certainly have those moments. I've lost 90 pounds, but mentally my brain has not caught up with my body. Sometimes I'll see myself in a department store mirror and won't even recognize myself, especially when trying on clothes that actually fit. My daughter and I went shopping recently at a store that I hadn't been to in over a year. They have a dressing room with a long hall that has a mirror down at the end. When we were there prior to my weight loss, I remember seeing myself in that mirror and not recognizing myself because I had let myself get so big. I was just mortified. On our recent trip there again, I remember looking in that same mirror and getting tears in my eyes. I looked like a different person. It dawned on me how far I'd come. I again didn't recognize myself, but this time for the opposite reason. It's a strange feeling. A lot of times I still see myself bigger than I am. I still have about 50 pounds to lose, too, so it will be interesting to see how I feel then.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm with JSurita2. Weight loss may be simple but I don't find it easy. It's very, very hard as I have to battle hunger all the time.
    Why? You should not be hungry. There is no reason for it. Maybe up you protein fat intake for satiety.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    In the beginning yes.

    What do you mean I don't have to be miserable to lose weight? You mean I don't have to live off of salads? I can still eat ice cream????

    Yes. It's ridiculously simple and easy. The hard part is all mental (patience, learning, etc).

    This 100%
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    edited May 2015
    yes, and yes. I'm down 44 pounds in the last 95 days. If I didn't have pictures of the scale from each of my weigh ins I probably wouldn't believe it. It doesn't seem real except that the pants now require a belt (and will soon require replacement), I've already ditched my double XL shirts, and I've started to get muscle I've never had before from my work outs.

    I can't believe I put up with being out of shape for almost a decade when it was this easy...
  • Lizadizzle
    Lizadizzle Posts: 35 Member
    ... and I've started to get muscle I've never had before from my work outs.

    :lol: I scratched my shoulder the other day and for 1/2 a second, worried about a weird feeling lump, ah... it was my deltoid. I'm athletically built, I just got fat over the years. I'd forgotten what some of those muscles looked and felt like!

    OP, yeah, I'm right there with you. I've been off / on with MFP for a few years, I dont know what made it stick / work this time, but I'm so glad it finally is. This time when I started, I found myself able to log stuff, and not be hungry. It was weird. It's still weird. O.O

  • otobeslim
    otobeslim Posts: 6 Member
    As a 56 year old woman I can say it is not as easy as when I was younger. At twenty five the weight flew of me doing what I am doing now. At 30 and 39 I had baby making weight to get off and that was a step harder than at 25. This losing weight is way hard at this age (56). Can not eat 1250 calories a day, I'll gain weight at that. I have always been a smaller portioned eater than most so maybe that's why I need to drop so low. If I stay under 1000 a pound a week comes off. I know ya all will say I'm starving myself. My son went toe to toe with me on that topic. I ate the 1250 with 40 min of exercise a day to boot. I gained for four weeks and I went back to what I knew would work. Healthy clean eating at 1000 calories. Not that I have not been on the site the whole time. Tried another diet The Fast Metabolism diet and watch the calories too. I gained. Weight Watches is fantastic but money is tight and this site works for me!
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    otobeslim wrote: »
    As a 56 year old woman I can say it is not as easy as when I was younger. At twenty five the weight flew of me doing what I am doing now. At 30 and 39 I had baby making weight to get off and that was a step harder than at 25. This losing weight is way hard at this age (56). Can not eat 1250 calories a day, I'll gain weight at that. I have always been a smaller portioned eater than most so maybe that's why I need to drop so low. If I stay under 1000 a pound a week comes off. I know ya all will say I'm starving myself. My son went toe to toe with me on that topic. I ate the 1250 with 40 min of exercise a day to boot. I gained for four weeks and I went back to what I knew would work. Healthy clean eating at 1000 calories. Not that I have not been on the site the whole time. Tried another diet The Fast Metabolism diet and watch the calories too. I gained. Weight Watches is fantastic but money is tight and this site works for me!

    Try 1250 calories and 60 minutes of exercise.
  • teresa_garcia29
    teresa_garcia29 Posts: 65 Member
    Omg I feel the same way. I started back this time though I added infused water and am keeping very close track of calories (1200 a day) and logging every day. I like how I feel. I have lost 10 pounds in less than a month !!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Jasmunr wrote: »
    I've been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for 3 years. This is my 3rd go at myfitnesspal and for some reason it just stuck this time. I've gone from 133/134 to 125 in about a month and a half. It just doesn't seem real. It just seems too easy like someone is going to pop out and say "surprise, just kidding!" Did anyone else feel like that in the beginning?

    Yep ... I'm down 14 kg (30-ish lbs) in 14 weeks, and it still doesn't feel real. Every time I step on the scale I figure it'll show me back close to my starting weight.

  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    I'm down 23 lbs. In 3 months, about halfway to my goal, and honestly when people comment about all my "hard work" paying off I kind of laugh cause it honestly doesn't seem like hard work at all.

    I'm tracking my calories and eating less, but I'm not starving all day. I only go to the gym 3x a week to lift, and even that doesn't seem like "hard work" cause I like doing the point where I'm not currently driving, could easily use that as an excuse to not go to the gym, but I still walk my *kitten* 2 miles there, work out, and walk home. It's a habit at this point. Just something I do.

    It HAS just stuck this time. I would try to lose weight over the years but it never lasted. I blame my struggle with depression for alot of it and now that I've finally been getting treatment for it, this journey has been fairly effortless.

    Of course I'm not trivializing anybody who's struggling to lose weight I'm simply speaking for myself.