Dreadmill vs. Outdoors

kristineh86 Posts: 134
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Which do you prefer? I ran on the dreadmill for 35 minutes today and wanted to cry. I was all sweaty and gross and exhausted! I can run outside for an hour and not be tired. WEIRD! I also find that when I run outside, I have random thoughts and think about lots of different things. I also come up with some of my best ideas when running outside. On the dreadmill, all I can think about is when I can get off. Anyone else similar to this?

Also, greeneyedgirl, if you read this i'm not ignoring you. I am still working up a good response for your email! :)


  • Which do you prefer? I ran on the dreadmill for 35 minutes today and wanted to cry. I was all sweaty and gross and exhausted! I can run outside for an hour and not be tired. WEIRD! I also find that when I run outside, I have random thoughts and think about lots of different things. I also come up with some of my best ideas when running outside. On the dreadmill, all I can think about is when I can get off. Anyone else similar to this?

    Also, greeneyedgirl, if you read this i'm not ignoring you. I am still working up a good response for your email! :)
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I also like doing it outdoors....it just seems so much better!!!! Weird huh?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have an elliptical machine. I love it...dont get me wrong....but there is nothing like walking in the park!

    I find I do 30 min on ellip as opposed to an hour or hour 15 at the park. :glasses:

    I also get that OMG....HOW much longer do I have!!:laugh:
  • isadoraworkman
    isadoraworkman Posts: 205 Member
    I also prefer to run outside, it is just more interesting. You are also distracted when running outside. I get what you mean by thinking when you're running outside. It is quite meditative.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I would prefer to run outside. But it's to dark in the mornings now so the treadmill is my friend! It would either be that or weight gain!
  • i HATE running on the treadmill!!!! but thats my only choice cause i have a 3 1/2 year old and an 11 month old....and my hubby works ALOT!!!...so im stuck inside:sad:
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    outside (depending on the temperature!!)
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Can't stand the dreadmill, but I've been running on the stinking thing more than outside these days. I usually will run once my husband gets home from work, but now that it is dark so early, I'm pretty much forced to get my runs in at the gym. Ick. I totally agree with you about only thinking about getting off when running inside. I constantly look at the time and the distance read out. I've actually covered up that stupid thing with a shirt, so I would be forced to look and think about something else. Running outside is so much better - absolutely!
  • running outside is definitely more exciting and you have a scenery instead of a wall to look at. BUT being that its winter, i variate. if i can run while its still light, i opt out for outside. otherwise i do my best indoors, and distract myself with the TV at the gym. i noticed that my thought process doesn't change due to environment, its just more fun outside. but running on a treadmill at the gym works too because ur surrounded by people who are working on the same goal and you can compare yourself to others. i like it when im the first one to get on and the last one to get off the treadmill since i like to stay on for at least 45 min. gives you an ego boost!
  • FrannieB
    FrannieB Posts: 2 Member
    Oh I am not a fan of the dreamill either. Give me the great outdoors anyday! I feel like I have ADD when I'm on the treadmill, looking at others, the tv, listening to my iPod, I can't concentrate, whereas outside I get nice and lost (in my head, not the road).
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