21 day fix

I am beginning the 21 day fix tomorrow and I'm looking for others on it too. I would like to see progress of others that are on it and give/get meal ideas. Please feel free to add me!


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    There is a very recent conversation on this, but only the exercise aspect I believe. Might want to do a search. :)
  • keturaheaton
    keturaheaton Posts: 21 Member
    Ok thanks
  • guyburton
    guyburton Posts: 15 Member
    Ok thanks

    Good Luck.. let us know how it goes :)
  • bonzifresh
    bonzifresh Posts: 1 Member
    I just finished 21DF...lost 10lbs and 13.5 inches! Are you using Shakeology? That made a big difference for me. I really wasn't hungry and very little craving. I used a combo of the containers and MFP to monitor food. I'm not a salad person so mostly ate sauteed veggies (spinach, broccoli, aparagus) and it was hard to get them all in. I added a plain Greek yogurt to Shakeology to help get all the protein for the day. I cooked a cup of quinoa (or brown rice) with chicken broth and combined that with lentils or black beans...portioned out 1/2cup of each in containers for my lunches plus and apple and string cheese and a veggie=very filling. Dinner was a protein (4-6oz salmon filet or a 4oz hamburger patty) plus one to two veggies. Often MFP would say at end of day I was under my calories so I would add a snack...watermelon or another apple. Good luck!
  • keturaheaton
    keturaheaton Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the great ideas. Yes I am doing shakeology. It's all kind of overwhelming right now with the containers and how many/what color. I'm sure it will get easier as I go.
  • healthybalance83
    healthybalance83 Posts: 8 Member
    I bought the 21 day fix for the containers. I have the entire program minus shakeology.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm just doing the workouts and really like like them. I'm on day#19 and will repeat my measurements in a couple days.

    I'm not doing Shakeology or following the food plan at this time.

    BTW, there's a 21 Day Fixers group here on MFP, in the "groups" section. You'll find support and info there, if you're interested.
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    Hey, I started today. This is technically my 3rd round, but my first after having my second baby.
    add me :)
  • sthrngl2007
    sthrngl2007 Posts: 37 Member
    Add me
  • healthymomkc
    healthymomkc Posts: 19 Member
    I am starting next week... I ONLY have the containers.. was going to do my own workouts.
  • Arlala555
    Arlala555 Posts: 61 Member
    I was looking up the container sizes and will hack it and I'm starting this on the first. I have 30 day shred video/butt lift/3 ab videos/yoga etc... definately enough video's to get something out of this...lol
  • clairepotgieter20
    clairepotgieter20 Posts: 1 Member
    What's the 21 day fix????
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 306 Member
    I'm hacking mine as well. lol using small ziplock containers. I like that I can make many containers at a time for the whole day and just sit them in the fridge. Starting today. It looks like a lot of food. I entered in MFP and I'm 400 under my calorie goal. I keep measuring, because it doesn't seem right, but it is. lol Good Luck everyone.
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 306 Member
    Can someone link to the group? How do you search groups?