How does this sound.

Becca21 Posts: 361 Member
So was thinking ive been skipping breakfast or just having a yogurt. and lunch id make a meat sandwich that i wouldnt eat "ive gone of bread the smell and texture is just yack"

so breakfast was going to be porridge or some kind of high fiber cereal,
and lunch i was going to make a wholegrain pasta with some tuna or cheese or some chicken and salad, and have some kind of fruit with it,

and then dinner would just be what ever the family are having,


  • datdinogirl
    datdinogirl Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2015
    Alrighty firstly: never, ever skip breakfast, girl! It's the foundation of your day! After years I finally started regularly having breakfast and I couldn't believe how much better that made me feel by itself. I have no idea what your goals are or situation is, but for myself losing weight:

    Breakfast: 2 eggs or egg whites with oatmeal, may sweeten with some agave.
    Lunch: Tuna, chicken, or hummus; some kind of protein you can have with lots of vegetables that you can bear (I love light and refreshing cucumber.) If you want throw some healthy grain in there. Sometimes I sneak in a couple tortillas (2 max).
    Dinner: Salad, MAYBE with some light protein.
    Snacks throughout the day: nuts/almonds, tuna, random vegetables, fruit, occasionally organic, non-sugary yogurt though I tend to veer away from dairy.

    Idk what your living sich is but, be strong against adversity; your family might discourage you but you need to trust yourself. Hit me up if you want help or encouragement.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    You can definitely skip breakfast, there's no reason why you can't.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    You can definitely skip breakfast, there's no reason why you can't.


    Breakfast isn't necessary. It's personal preference.

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I skip breakfast most days, never harmed me at all.

    Lunch tends to be something quick like a protein shake and a banana or a bag of crisps. Dinner I eat meat or fish with a mountain of veggies.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Alrighty firstly: never, ever skip breakfast, girl! It's the foundation of your day! After years I finally started regularly having breakfast and I couldn't believe how much better that made me feel by itself. I have no idea what your goals are or situation is, but for myself losing weight:

    Breakfast: 2 eggs or egg whites with oatmeal, may sweeten with some agave.
    Lunch: Tuna, chicken, or hummus; some kind of protein you can have with lots of vegetables that you can bear (I love light and refreshing cucumber.) If you want throw some healthy grain in there. Sometimes I sneak in a couple tortillas (2 max).
    Dinner: Salad, MAYBE with some light protein.
    Snacks throughout the day: nuts/almonds, tuna, random vegetables, fruit, occasionally organic, non-sugary yogurt though I tend to veer away from dairy.

    Idk what your living sich is but, be strong against adversity; your family might discourage you but you need to trust yourself. Hit me up if you want help or encouragement.

    You don't have to eat breakfast. I only do because it keeps me from snacking during the day.
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    You don't have to have breakfast, but it is a good idea. Food is energy, and your body needs energy to complete daily tasks. So I start with the food right in the morning. Although, I eat about every hour while at work too, so I'll take any reason to eat.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited May 2015
    Alrighty firstly: never, ever skip breakfast, girl! It's the foundation of your day! After years I finally started regularly having breakfast and I couldn't believe how much better that made me feel by itself. I have no idea what your goals are or situation is, but for myself losing weight:

    Breakfast: 2 eggs or egg whites with oatmeal, may sweeten with some agave.
    Lunch: Tuna, chicken, or hummus; some kind of protein you can have with lots of vegetables that you can bear (I love light and refreshing cucumber.) If you want throw some healthy grain in there. Sometimes I sneak in a couple tortillas (2 max).
    Dinner: Salad, MAYBE with some light protein.
    Snacks throughout the day: nuts/almonds, tuna, random vegetables, fruit, occasionally organic, non-sugary yogurt though I tend to veer away from dairy.

    Idk what your living sich is but, be strong against adversity; your family might discourage you but you need to trust yourself. Hit me up if you want help or encouragement.

    No. Meal timing is a preference thing, nothing more. If someone doesn't feel like eating in the morning then there's no reason for them to eat then. I've lost almost 60lbs, and I've been successfully maintaining that loss for 2 years now, and I don't usually eat before 11am. Lots of people here do versions of IF and many of them don't eat in the morning.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Becca21 wrote: »
    breakfast was going to be porridge or some kind of high fiber cereal,
    and lunch i was going to make a wholegrain pasta with some tuna or cheese or some chicken and salad, and have some kind of fruit with it,

    and then dinner would just be what ever the family are having,

    If you would like eating those foods and they fit your calorie goals then it sounds fine.