
KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm supposed to do my first ever Zumba program tomorrow with some friends who have been doing it for a few months now. I'm extremely nervous about it because while I enjoy dancing, I am very uncoordinated and have trouble with complex moves that require hand/foot movement at the same time. Not to mention I get wore out very easy. Does anyone have any tips?

Also - is there a way to gauge how many calories I will burn while doing it?


  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    Go and have fun. Learn the steps first, don't worry abour your arms until you get the steps down. It took me several classes before I got the hang of the steps. Once you are used to it, you will get the hang of new songs even faster.
  • everybody has to start somewhere. your friends will surely understand if you can't quite keep up at first...i'm sure it took them some time to be able to do it too:)
  • lifeinpink09
    lifeinpink09 Posts: 87 Member
    Yes! Stay hydrated! PLEASE drink water lol. Zumba is pretty intense and you don't want to be caught without your water bottle.!
  • poutyp11
    poutyp11 Posts: 10
    Zumba is a lot of fun! The moves aren't too complex. Once you get a move they are usually used in a few of the songs and easy to follow. You get a little break inbetween each song to get water etc so you shouldn't get too worn out. Usually instructors will do the same group of songs for a few classes. So if you go often you will pretty much memorize a routine and then it's really fun when you can get into it! It's a great workout....one of my favs....and not to mention super fun! Good luck!
  • Denita
    Denita Posts: 28
    I'm not a dancer but i LOVE Zumba!! I've been doing it since October and I still mess up but I always have fun. Just go and enjoy it and try not to get discouraged... you'll catch on faster than you think. You will burn some crazy calories too!! :)
  • caradon
    caradon Posts: 14
    I have been doing Zumba since November, 8 weeks after I had my baby, and I absolutely love it!!! It is so fun and a great workout. Did I mention I also still weigh 290? Ya, that part sucks, but I can still Zumba! If you are ever feeling overwhelmed with the movements, just concentrate on your feet, and keep your hands down until you can catch back up. Also, I modify tons of movements, and I still get a good workout. Whenever I log it on here, I put it under cardio exercise, Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist. I think it is the closest they have in the database. You will do great. Don't worry about it, just have fun. And remember, no matter how you do, no one is watching you they are all watching the instructor. Also, give it a few times even if you don't like it at first, it gets easier the more you do it, and when you start to know the routines a little bit, then you feel not so self conscious. Let's be friends! I am going to friend you right now! Good luck, and let me know how you like it!
  • MJKing2
    MJKing2 Posts: 177
    I try to Zumba 3 times a week and I love it! It is a fantastic way to burn a lot of calories and super fun. I don't know about the classes in your area, but the ones in mine are full of all different kinds of people and coordination levels. There are several people (men and women) that struggle to get the moves down, but nobody care. We are all there for the same purpose...to get in shape and have fun. As long as you keep moving that's what is important. It'll take awhile to get the moves down, even seasoned Zumbaers (I think I just made up that word, ha!) have trouble remembering every step to every dance, don't worry about it. Just have fun! :) My HRM was the best investment I (or my hubby) have made for my health. I usually burn around 700 calories for a 60 minute session, but that will obviously vary depending on your body type. Before I got my HRM I used dance from the database and tracked it that way. Good luck and have fun!
  • I agree with the other person who said BRING WATER! You will need it! :) Also, an important thing to remember is that everyone around you is far too busy trying to nail all the same moves themselves to spend any time worrying about what you're doing (or not doing as the case may be.) My biggest fear was (and sometimes I forget and start worrying about it again) that everyone was watching me make a fool of myself. Then I realized that I was far too busy watching the instructor to worry about anyone else and that they were all feeling the same way. :) The point is to have fun!!! Our instructor always says: "Just throw your limbs out there and eventually they'll fall into the right place." oh, and: "If you can't get the arms AND the feet, then just do the feet, or just do the arms...whatever you can do, just do it until eventually you'll be doing more each time." It's sooo true-and the amount of fun you have will make the sheepish moments (you know, the ones where suddenly everyone is facing you and you realize you turned the wrong way) all that much funnier! Laugh and keep going. ;-) Good luck-and let us know how it goes/went!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    thanks everyone!
  • NikkiB101
    NikkiB101 Posts: 13
    I did my first couple of Zumba classes a few weeks ago on holiday and it was great. It was lots of fun & no one noticed if you got a bit lost as they were too busy thinking about their own steps. Our instructor also said don't worry too much about the steps, just keeping moving and burning calories until you catch up again. That really helped!

    Good luck.
  • rumcheeka
    rumcheeka Posts: 6
    Zumba is amazing, if you love dancing, you will love it! Don't worry about the movements at first, just remember to keep moving and have fun. It doesn't even feel like exercising, and you're burning calories at the same time .... bonus!!!

    You'll be fine, don't be nervous and just have a laugh with your friends!!
  • i record it a dance- aerobics
  • thunt1990
    thunt1990 Posts: 157 Member
    My first zumba class i felt like an idiot/chicken with my head cut off, i kept messing up but i still went back. It was the best decision i ever made. Zumba is sooo fun! If you have a good instructor she really keeps you motivated and you burn crazy calories. It will be a great time and at least you are going with friends. :smile:

    I log it as high impact aerobics on here
  • Fear brings paralysis.. Don't let it... or it will help you to talk yourself out of doing the best thing you could have ever done.. DANCE LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING...because NO ONE IS!!! LOL.. it's not about knowin how to do what the teacher does, it's about MOVING and SHAKING... shake in one place or shake all over... just shake to burn ;)

    I started with that same fear, now I'm a Zumba junkie... tee hee hee... When new people start they always say the same.. I don't know if I'llbe able to keep up.. they always come bk saying, it wasn't that bad.

    C'mon baby...shake whatcha mama gave ya!!!!! Remember the more you shake, the more you burn ;)

    ~ZumbaJunkie ;)
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    There is a learning curve with Zumba. It forces you out of your comfort zone. You are going to LOVE it, and you will get addicted!!!
  • nevakeelin
    nevakeelin Posts: 10
    love zumba and i've just done it from youtube videos
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    Have fun!!! It will all fall into place for you.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Dont worry. Everyone is thinking the same thing. You will love it. I go once a week and have just signed up for two more classes. It is so fun. x
  • nevakeelin
    nevakeelin Posts: 10
    where can you find zumba?
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I would just google in your area, or if you have a YMCA they might have classes.

    For those that that asked to be told how it was...

    It kicked my butt hardcore lol. Couldn't keep up with a lot of the movements and had to flat out stop a few times but I'm going to give it a few more trys. The instructer said it was 1000 calories, but I don't think I burned that much.
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