Knee problems after running

horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
So, I started the c25k on Saturday, and finished day 2 today. It was pretty awesome. The first day kinda sucked, but today was a bit easier and I wasn't constantly watching the clock on my app for when it would be over.
Anyways, I noticed that both times after running, my knee hurt.

A bit of back story first:
Well, it's the inside of my knee. The meniscus muscle is strained, said the orthopedic doctor I saw last year. It's been like this for a few years now (Oh, and I'm only 22), and it only really bothers me after I run/do some sort of activity on my feet. I horseback ride competitively, and it never bothers me. I went to physical therapy for 7 weeks, and it didn't really help much. They basically told me to get good shoes, possibly orthodics, and I'd be fine to run.

So I went to my local running store, and was told that on that foot, I pronate quite a bit, which could be causing the knee pain. I got good shoes, and they feel great. When I run, everything feels fine (for now.. I'm only on day 2..), but about 20 minutes after the run, the inside of my knee starts hurting.

I got fitted for orthodics, so I could perhaps start using those.. but I was curious, does anyone else have this problem? I do see people running with knee braces quite often, but I'm wondering if it helps with this sort of problem, or just with the more common "runners knee"?

Thanks, I'd appreciate any help :)


  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I have one of those bands and it seems to help. Its minimal investment before getting too crazy.
  • KKD512
    KKD512 Posts: 3 Member
    Another option: I was having a similar problem and mentioned it to my chiropractor. She did some MAJOR (read: painful) work on a few of my leg muscles and totally solved the problem. Try using a foam roller and see what you can do to work out any kinks.
  • b0ink83
    b0ink83 Posts: 10
    I have problematic knee ( reconstructed ACL on left ) which affected my entire lower body's strength/ alignment and no way i was able to run more than 20mins w/o a huge swelling and pain. I note that it is possible that my running technique is wrong or worn the wrong shoes that gotten me reading about running.

    1. Heel strike or forefoot strike :- Try landing on the ball of your feet first, it helps to reduce impact travelling up your legs. It may take some practice to go fast but it's gonna save you alot of pain. Read up on Chi Running/ barefoot technique

    2. Body alignment shift is likely due to muscle imbalance/ tightness. Stretching/ foamrolling/ trigger point massage helps alot.

    3. Inflammation - Omega 3 oil works wonders with all inflammations. Start popping some daily.

    4. If all fail, cycle then. :))
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I've had problems with my right knee since I started running, so went to a physio who said that I have inflamed the medial tendons.
    She did some (painful) releasing of the tendons and recommended that I strap my knee for running. We tried a few different options but the thing that helps me most is strapping the painful knee with Rock tape - this stuff is magic!
    Maybe ask your health professional about the best support/strapping for your particular issue.
  • crysmiss86
    crysmiss86 Posts: 67 Member
    Hey, I can't help you with the knee pain, I had some knee pain when I started running on Saturday, but mines from my being too heavy, and trying to run. What I responded to this post for is because I am starting the C25K as well. I technically just finished my w1 day 1. Good luck with the knee. I hope something works for you.
  • medchick82
    medchick82 Posts: 5 Member
    Go Chiropractic! :) I have to admit, since I'm going into that profession I'm a little biased. I also have knee pain during and (worse) right after running. I can usually ice it if it hurts really bad and it's better in about an hour.

    Does your pain stay there for the rest of the day/night or wake you up? If so it may be more than the menisci. That menisci is the disc that absorbs shock and handles most of the weight-bearing capacities of your knee, which is why it probably wouldn't hurt while you are horseback riding (you aren't putting any weight into the joint, it's only flexed!).

    Anyway, I would see if you could do some things on your own, ice, taping or braces, then see a physician/chiropractor for a more long-term treatment approach. Hope that helps!

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