Hi from Canada

OttawaJeannie Posts: 206
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone :)

My name is Jeannie and I am 44 years old and I am tired of being heavy!

Five years ago, I was really into kickboxing and just starting to feel fit and confident, great really...then I got divorced...for the second time. Ugh! Rather than sticking with exercise, I went back to the comfort of beer and nachos...and other "beige" foods.

I gained A LOT of weight and here I am starting the long process of losing it and becoming fit and healthy. I am doing my best to give up my "all or nothing" thinking and allowing life to happen without beating myself up over what will just be speedbumps when I look back at my journey.

I am slowly fitting it all in - exercise, cooking, cleaning. It's all so much to someone who is used to eating out and flopping down in front of the tv after a long day at work. One step at a time. A month ago I would have been "eating" a venti latte for breakfast, now I eat a REAL breakfast and limit coffee to maybe once a month. Yay for small victories, eh?

I really like the myfitnesspal app and have been trying to log my foods everyday and I'm doing pretty well so far. I've lost 10lbs and I find all the before and after posts here very inspiring. Thanks for sharing your victories with me. It's been a tremendous help.



  • Hi! I live in Ontario too! You can friend me if you like!
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    Good luck to you! I'm also in Canada (AB) and have been on MFP since January but have only been REALLY on it for about 2 weeks. You can friend me if you'd like. It's always nice to have the support along the way, which I'm looking for as well. :)
  • hrhwrightca
    hrhwrightca Posts: 45 Member
    Congratulations on your 10lb weight loss that is fantastic :) I could use a Canadian friend on here also if you want to add me - we are the same age and at about the same weight loss challenge :) hopefully we can inspire each other :)
  • OttawaJeannie
    OttawaJeannie Posts: 206
    Thanks so much! Three new friends. Yay me! :)
  • mc322011
    mc322011 Posts: 36 Member
    hello guys!

    i'm from montreal! i've been using fp for about 3 weeks but i'm still in the process of getting everything in gear to have a real weightloss... i,ve been training for 6 weeks in step aerobics i,ve seen little change in my body i,ve lost like 4,5 inches overall my body but still no change in the number on the scale so I think that food is my problem!!! so I intend to monitor my food through this wonderful tool!

    you can add me as friend!

    see ya!
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    hello fello Canadian.
    Good luck on your weight loss journey. This site is great for support and motivation
    You may add me as a friend!!
    take care
  • hrhwrightca
    hrhwrightca Posts: 45 Member
    We can always use new friends along this journey :) welcome
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