weight weighing me down....

After a few attempts at weight Lisa with some sucess, it feels Like now is the time to make a change for Life. Weight is a struggle i have always has. With 88lbs to lose it feels Like a mountain to climb, but I'm here to make my First step, fingers crossed.


  • Kmedeiros83
    Kmedeiros83 Posts: 86 Member
    Sure it's a journey but you are more than capable of getting there. Share your journal and start logging everything!
  • daniellemitchell14268
    Thanks hun, aiming to do my best
  • CrystalEverAfter
    CrystalEverAfter Posts: 29 Member
    It didn't happen overnight and it will take more than a day to reach your goal too. The biggest changes are the ones to subtle to see day by day. Remember how great you feel when you value your body and health enough to take care of it! Pretty soon your outside will match your inside and you will be more radiant than ever :)
  • Donnster
    Donnster Posts: 2 Member
    88lbs is a big number! Try breaking it down and have rewards (non edible lol) for each interim goal you reach. I've got 100lbs to lose, I'm currently at 51 off and just chipping away at it! Try change one thing at a time rather than being too severe and trying everything at once. You'll get there, stay positive
  • daniellemitchell14268
    Thanks for those lovely comments and great advice it means a lot x
  • Tailgater75
    Tailgater75 Posts: 330 Member
    I've had at least 4 failed attempts at losing weight. This app is the first time anything has worked for me. I started at 270 and am down to 250 right now. My goal is to be 220 by Sept 19 for my buddy's wedding. I actually have the confidence to do it this time. I hope the app gives you the success you're looking for too. Feel free to add me if you'd like another friend. :)
  • curvybikergal2015
    curvybikergal2015 Posts: 17 Member
    All friend requests to me accepted.