Failed again. Back again.

I think I suck at this but im trying again. Ill keep the excuses to myself


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    We all suck once in a while. The good thing is your back and ready to try again. Life is full of ups and downs that's what makes it interesting.
  • Eric0388
    Eric0388 Posts: 20
    Thanks. Not looking fwd to weighing in tomorrow lol
  • Morfein
    Morfein Posts: 57 Member
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
    -Thomas A. Edison

    Welcome back!
  • a_dawn
    a_dawn Posts: 47
    You don't fail until you quit trying. :)
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Failure is not an options. Now drop and give me 20 pushups.
  • QueenHanifa
    QueenHanifa Posts: 180 Member
    You haven't failed..just stumbled..welcome back on track!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Dude, I'm from Ma. I have family there. You quit again and I'll call my brother and have him come get you and drag you back to the boards. He'll do it too. He loves working out. So much that he gained back the 66 lbs he lost last year to lose it again. He didn't quit and neither will you. You can do it.
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    A sign in my gym reads "winners are losers who got back up and tried again" (or something like that, lol). Ive quit and begun again so many times, but I learned something important each time. Good for you for giving it another go :)
  • yallen8832
    yallen8832 Posts: 68
    Your back on track all that matters welcome back
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity! You haven't failed, you've just taken a quick detour! We're glad to have you back and help support you! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • OttawaJeannie
    OttawaJeannie Posts: 206
    I could have made that same post! LOL!
    Keep trying, that's what's important.
  • Eric0388
    Eric0388 Posts: 20
    Thanks everyone
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    Oh and of course, to quote the amazing John Popper.... "there's no such thing as a failure who keeps trying..."
  • eljayel
    eljayel Posts: 1
    if I can do it, you can do it! :D
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    Hi Eric. I'm in the same boat. I'm a stubborn girl though, so I plan to really change my heart and head this time so that I will be healthy all the way around. Ya know?
    Support and accountability is the key for me I think. I'm sending you a friend request. :0)
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    Glad you are back to join the rest of us in this battle of the sometimes bumpy body parts. :-) LOL I'm a newbie. Week One and Lost One! YAY! Never give up... ever ever ever :-D