Progress pics!

Last summer I was on my way to the heaviest I have ever been which I accomplished by November 2014. I felt sluggish, unhappy and just didnt want to do anything. I was so UNHEALTHY and I felt it! I joined a support group on fb that has literally changed my life since Jan 2015. I have lost nearly 30 lbs and numerous inches but in reality the way I feel is the biggest difference. This group has taught me how to eat clean and healthy and still have indulgences in moderation! I have never felt as great as I do now and I am only halfway to my goal! I cant imagine how I will feel when I hit that goal. I AM HAPPY AND HEALTHY and I really owe it to alot of different people for keeping me on track and accountable! My trainers, my family and my friends all push me to just keep going! It really is bittersweet knowing that this time I will be healthy for the rest of my life rather than a quick fix. It can be done with determination and hard work. I guarantee if you start your own healthy journey, you will NOT regret it!
