*closed group* Flab to Fab 3, Part 2!



  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    My weekend went very well. I had a few unhealthy meals, but countered it with quite a bit of exercise and managed to stay under calories all weekend! Well okay, I was like 64 calories over on Saturday, but close enough :smile:

    I have set a mini-goal for myself. Until now I couldn't come up with a good one. I want to be 155lbs by June 29th. Which is when my son will be 6 months old. It's also my pre-pregnancy weight!! Then I will just have 20lbs to go! My goal is to also reach 135 by my Birthday, September 21st. I feel that's really doable. That's 1.5lbs a week.

    I haven't come up with what I will do to reward myself if I reach my mini-goal of 155lbs. But when I reach my goal weight in September I plan on getting my tattoo I've wanted for quite some time!!

    This week I want to reach 20lbs lost, I'm 1.2lbs away! Eeee!! Dani we need to push each other this week!! My goals are:
    -Drink at least 80oz of water
    -Burn 3000 calories
    -Eat as whole as possible
    -For the challenge I want to get out my bike one day and take my dog Roxy out for a run. She loves it! I haven't done it in over 2 years now.
    -Stay under on Sodium for the challenge too

    I've been thinking all day about what we could do to get everybody back on track. I've definitely slacked with the intense exercising myself. I want to do 2-3 days a week of more intense workouts, but I seem to only be doing maybe twice a week. I'm heading off to dog obedience classes, I will see if I can think of anything to light a fire under our butts :bigsmile:
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @Lindz8afish~ Wonderful Idea... I need a light light under me too!! :0) I wana get back in the game... I'm jumping in heads first!
  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi girls~!!! I have to admit I have fallen off the wagon a bit the last week or two. I had a very hectic couple weeks; which resulted in poor eating choices and lack of exercise. I also did not log!! This was my worst mistake of all!!!! I AM BACK IN THE GAME!!! I have one month until the beach and I must rock my bathing suit.

    ~~Today was my last day of work (until August) and I am really going to be able to focus on eating healthy and getting my exercise in FIRST thing in the AM.~~~

    We are going camping Thursday and Friday evening and I am a little nervouse about this!! I am going to take a lot of fruit and instead of having hamburgers and hot dogs... I am taken chicken breasts and turkey burgers =) I will get my exercise in on Thursday morning and there are some really nice trails to walk or run with my doggies on Friday. I will not be defeated anymore!

    Every one KEEP your heads up!! We have all come a LONG way and we are all better than the results from last week!! We can do this ladies!! You are all AMAZING women...do not forget that!
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Okay, I had a hard time coming up with something to light a fire under out butts to get back at this, but here's my idea:

    I think we all should post our reasons we want to lose weight again and how we plan to get there. Re-typing it all out might make me realize how much I want this again. I probably will make it my background on my laptop or someplace I will see it constantly. I thought about taping it to my fridge, so I think twice before grabbing something bad, or snacking too late.

    I also think that this Friday when I do measurements and take my pictures I will get brave and post my beginning pics to now. Posting for you guys to see will DEFINITELY keep me motivated to change it hahaha.

    I know everyone is busy, but I think that it's important to remember you need to take time for YOU. Don't forget that :flowerforyou:

    Anybody else have any ideas??
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Okay, I had a hard time coming up with something to light a fire under out butts to get back at this, but here's my idea:

    I think we all should post our reasons we want to lose weight again and how we plan to get there. Re-typing it all out might make me realize how much I want this again. I probably will make it my background on my laptop or someplace I will see it constantly. I thought about taping it to my fridge, so I think twice before grabbing something bad, or snacking too late.

    I also think that this Friday when I do measurements and take my pictures I will get brave and post my beginning pics to now. Posting for you guys to see will DEFINITELY keep me motivated to change it hahaha.

    I know everyone is busy, but I think that it's important to remember you need to take time for YOU. Don't forget that :flowerforyou:

    Anybody else have any ideas??

    LOVE this idea! I think typing it out will be a great way to re-group.. I know a LOT of us are struggling right now! I personally have only lost 2 pounds in 2 months, that is unacceptable! Also, PICS are always a great motivator. I always snap pics of myself on my cameraphone, maybe we could all post some of ourselves on this forum.. (or email if that's is better! ;)

    I'll start =)

    For me it is simple, I just want to be pretty.. to have my outside match my inside. I want to be happy with myself and how I look in the mirror. I wish I didn't care soooo much about what I look like, but I have since I was younger and I don't think I can change how my head works so I am trying to focus on making things work. I don't want to be the 'fat' friend anymore or the 'big girl with the pretty face'.. I was UNfortunate enough to have an ex that was VERY cruel and well, honest. It's hard to recover from that. I don't know why skinny=pretty, but it does..

    Moving on to stuff that isn't so shallow, I definitely want to be healthy BEFORE we have children. I will be 29 next week (YIKES), I will be 30 when I get married and I think we want to start a family very soon after.. I want to be able to work out during my pregnancy and I know that is only possible if I am "healthy" before hand. Another reason is that I want to be the most beautiful bride I can be. I don't want to look back at photo's and be sad. I already booked my photographer to the tune of $3,400 so I WANT these pictures to be great! LOL

    Happy Tuesday everyone =)
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    When I started this whole weight loss journey, it was more of a challenge to myself. I wanted to make the change, and frankly wasn't quite sure if I was able to. The day after Christmas 2010 I weighed myself, the scale was at 188#. This highest I'd ever seen it. I purchased my wedding dress last summer, and knew my wedding was going to be here sooner than I knew. How embarrassing it'd be to have grown out of my dress! =/ I was about 10# up from my summer 2010 weight.. so when I started really exercising (SPINNING!!!) & using mfp more frequently in February my goal then was to lose that 10#. After that weight came off, I wanted to be at an even 170.... which was a weight I knew I had been in 2009. Needless to say, I'm here... only .8 away from 160 and loving every moment of this journey (yes, even the days I splurge and feel a little guilty afterwords.) I am in control of myself. And, I've come a dam long way since Christmas... ~27lbs!!! So, the picture of me in my wedding dress has been my motivator, but I also know I'm a happier person as I focus on ME. The gym is ME time. The food I put into my body is MY decision. And, the scale moving to a lower number, and the jeans that are getting baggy, thats because of MY accomplishments. :0)

    I've been a little lazy w/ the whole logging my food thing... but NO MORE. As of yesterday, I was back in the game 100%. I'm excited for weigh in on Friday, and hoping to be at 160!!!!! That's a mini goal of mine, with my stretch goal being 155. The lowest I ever remember seeing my scale was 158, back in 2007....... so I gota keep pushing through. Hello miss hot body!! ;)
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Ok my turn, sorry it would have been sooner but my internet died and I didn't want to type it on my phone! hah.

    First and foremost, I am on this journey to get healthy and to strive to live a healthy lifestyle to set a good example for Lukas and future children Zack and I have. I also want to be at a healthy weight to start out my next pregnancy (not planning for a while yet!) I just feel better about myself when I make good choices and I am a better Mom when I make time to focus on ME for a bit.

    But I am not in it only for the health, I want to look good too! My husband and I fell in love with me when I was skinny and he was heavier. He lost a lot of weight, but I gained it all. He loves me no matter what and tells me so all the time, but I can't help but feel disappointed in myself for letting go of myself. I want to look in the mirror and not see the chub everywhere!!

    I think I will try to paraphrase some of these reasons and post them on my fridge so I have a constant reminder to make good choices :bigsmile:

    I'm a little nervous of weighing in this week because I feel like TOM should be here soon (still haven't figured out my schedule after being pregnant) I really hope it doesn't ruin my goal of hitting 20lbs lost this week!!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    My reasons for wanting to lose the weight and be healthy. I have been overweight for the last 10 years or so. At my heaviest I was 215. I have always tried to diet but I never had a real desire to put in the effort to make it a lifestyle change. Then this January I was hit with a brick. On New Years Eve I got a phone call from my friend John. I girl from the high school I worked with died that day. She was 17. She was a brilliant student, involved with everything, a great musician and had suck a promising future. Her appendix burst and the toxins overtook her and she died.

    This made me realize that it can all be gone in a flash. Something can happen to me, or to one of my loved ones. I decided on New Years day that I was going to live my life to the fullest. I wasn't going to let anything stop me. The only problem was that I was limited by my weight and by my lifestyle. I can't hike up a mountain if I can't breath walking up a flight of stairs. So I decided to commit to changing myself for me and my family.

    This journey has been amazing so far. I am almost to my 20 lbs mark and I feel great. I do feel like I can do anything that I put my mind to. I am enjoying each day more and more and I know how much better I will feel when I get the remaining 15 or so off. I am not doing this for looks, I mean, sure I won't mind fitting into a size 8 and looking better in my clothes but I have been with my husband for 10 years (married 8) I don't really have to impress anyone. I just want to be able to do whatever I want whether it be hiking up a mountain, climbing up a rock wall, or simply enjoying a day at the beach with my family, I just want to be there and be able to love every moment.

    Thank you all for support you have given me throughout this journey. I know that without you pushing me to continue on I would not have the success I have had as quickly as I have seen it!
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Hey all! I think writing down our reasons why we want to lose weight is a great idea. I haven't had a chance to read everyones yet, as i've been very busy lately, but i will do later tonight.
    First off, i just wanted to tell you guys some things and i'm going to be completely honest. So here goes. The past two days for me have been terrible food wise and i havent logged anything because 1) dont remember everything i've eaten and 2) I'm ashamed. I finally realised that this is purely an emotional battle for me. I am doing so much better than i used to be, but i still slip up, and when i do i have an 'all or nothing' destructive attitude.
    I do feel like i'm yo yoing back and forth, and i'm dealing with a lot of emotional things right now. So i've upped my calories to 1,500, and i'm happy with maintaining for the nxt couple of weeks while i work some things out. I have set up a meeting with a counsellor to discuss some things, mainly the issues i have with eating and body image and i'm really hoping to find some balance in my life.
    I'm off to work out and i hope you all are having a lovely day!
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Oh whoops, i forgot to talk about why i want to lose weight! For me right now though, i think i just want to do the same as kerri and have the outside match the inside. I dont have a lot to lose and i just really want to get healthy and fit and learn to eat 'bad' foods in moderation.
    I have come such a long way since the beginning but i do still use food for emotional reasons, but i'm working on it. I'm so proud that i can get back on track after a terrible day of eating. That is definetly something new to me :)
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    My reasons are mostly to get healthy, which seems sort of weird since I've had more colds since I started this journey than I did in the 6 months previous to January, both mentally and physically. I was not happy with what I looked like, as much as I love my parents, I don't want to look like them. I don't remember my mom being skinny, but I know she was for a few years after I was born, and I don't know what happened, but I don't want to go there.

    so that is that part. As for this week's challenge to get outside. I went with DH and DD last night to the park, I had to sit on a bench, but I got outside, which I really haven't in the last 3 weeks, besides the weather being sort of crappy, it isn't that easy right now, I don't even go out for lunch at work, so I haven't seen a ton of sunlight in the last 3 weeks.

    I failed the sodium challenge yesterday by a bit since I ran out of time to eat breakfast at home. I was also short on the water by a couple of glasses.

    Oh, and how weird is this, I did my fancy move to get on the scale this morning and it said I was 145.x, last week I was 150.x. I either lost a ton of muscle weight, or one of those readings was not correct. I figured that the 150 was closer to being correct since that is about where I was the last time I weighed in and the cast weight...
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    NSV!! My boyfriend told me that while snuggling this morning I seemed smaller! Ha I like my clothes fitting better but THIS was great to hear :)
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    This week's challenges:

    Yesterday I was over on sodium. I haven't been concious about my sodium intake at all and WOW do I take in a LOT of sodium. I'm guilty of the easy boxed items for dinner like rice and potatoes. I also had no idea how much sodium I was eating at lunch alone...4 slices of turkey breast, 1 Laughing cow cheese wedge, and 12 pretzel snaps = 1,000+ sodium!!! And the calories are under 200! I definitely need to start eating more fruits and veggies and using the recipes I have to make my rices or potatoes or whatnot from scratch rather than from a box!

    Outside challenge--I did it! I went for a walk in Portland (MI) last night on the river trail they have and didn't realize it at the time but it was a new place and i was out walking so that fits as my physical challenge :) That was easy! On a really good note...I LOVED being out there...I intend to drive to Portland for my Saturday long runs and also once school's out I might run on the trail for a weekday run as well :)

    Why did I begin this journey of weight loss?! Mostly because I found myself getting lazy and of course gaining weight! It started about 4 years ago when I met my fiance'. I am definitely someone who gets "comfortable" in a relationship and I just didn't care enough about how I looked b/c I had an amazing man in my life and that's all that mattered. I had watched myself do this in another relationship so before it got too bad...I wanted to take control! Now that I've seen results and I know I can do it...i want to keep working harder! I love the way I feel now b/c I"m so much healthier. I know I can be healthy and look good on the outside...so I've told myself I am NOT going to let myself gain back what I've lost! Too much yo yoing for me! I'm done with that!

    Another reason to continue this journey is that I'm getting married in June 2012 and I want to look as good as I can in my dress :)

    ***What else was I supposed to be writing about? I don't know if I'm missing something or not...but i'm done for now!***
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    I want to lose weight, need to lose weight, for my health. In the last few months, I've been diagnosed with more things than I can handle. Besides, I don't want to be lumpy anymore. I don't want to cringe every time I see a camera and I don't want to feel like crap every time I see myself in a picture. I want to lose weight for my boyfriend, he deserves someone more attractive than me. I want to be the person he sees when he looks at me, as distorted as I think that vision is.


    A long time ago my boyfriend and I came upon this gorgeous renovated barn on a golf course. We went in. It was a beautiful catering hall. The other night at dinner, he asked me the name of it. I asked why. He said he was just thinking about it. Of course I pushed and asked why...wondering why that place would pop in his head. He stammered a bit, using the need to swallow his food to buy time. He said he was picturing the two of us at Montauk Point (on Long Island where I grew up and took him on one of our first trips) and then a huge party at La Massaria (the catering hall). OH MY GOD. Here I am thinking it'll never happen, and he's thought of two beautiful places, that I'd have never put together. He thinks about this stuff? Now if I could only see the ring he's thinking of. LOL

    I have to lose weight because I may be in a dress (eek) sometime in the near future.
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Well, I would like to lose weight because I am unhappy with the way I look. Until about 5-6 years ago, I was always "chunky" or "fluffy" or, as my one-time French boyfriend put it, "voluptuous," but I never felt the need to do anything about it. Then after my son was born, I spent the better part of a year with (I'm now convinced) some moderate PPD, walking around in a sleep-deprived funk, eating anything I could get my hands on. My son was colicky, never napped, and, in general, a lot to handle. To say that I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. I turned to food for comfort, and boy was I comforted! At that point, my unhappiness turned into flat-out self-loathing at the way I had "let myself go." My husband and I went through some marital strife, which has resolved itself, but that certainly didn't help in the eating for comfort scenario. And to top things off, I had a second miscarriage last fall, after an unplanned pregnancy (since my husband had had a vasectomy 4 months before, we thought we were in the clear!) What a roller-coaster ride THAT was! More consolation needed, more food eaten.

    The final straw came when I went on a cruise in December with my sisters and my mom. Man, I knew the pictures would be bad, but I looked way worse than I ever anticipated. Wake-up call! I made a pact that after the New Year, I would make a change that would stick. I have done it! I lost 29 lbs the first 3 months of this challenge, and I am so proud of myself. I went on vacation at the end of March, and seem to have started down a slippery slope since then.

    So, after being stuck at 217 for 3 weeks, this week I tried something new. I stopped exercising last week because of the cut on my leg, so I made an effort to stay below my calories. It would appear that I was unable to use sheer willpower to make healthy choices when faced with a huge number of calories at the end of my day, so I cut out the huge calorie burn for a few days, forcing me to stay below my calories, and make healthier choices. FINALLY, I broke the plateau when I stepped on the scale this morning. I exercised yesteray, but didn't eat back my exercise calories. I truly believe that you need to eat more to weigh less, but I was giving into a bad habit of eating crap because I had extra calories at the end of the day. I'm retraining myself again, and hopefully when I go back to exercising regularly, I'll be able to make healthier choices to finish up my calories.

    Anyway, I hope all you lovely ladies are doing well. I'm finally looking forward to the weigh-in this Friday! Looking for a loss for the first time in too long!

    Take care everyone!

  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    HMMM!! Why do I want to lose weight?? Because I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror. I really don't like my body. I don't see it like everyone else sees it. I know a lot of it is all in my head and I shouldn't be so hard on myself but that is how most of us think. We as women think way too much into our body images. I don't want or need rock hard abs or a bikini body, I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I have lost a lot of weight in the past and people still look to me for advice sometimes because they know I have been successful with weightloss. I feel like I am ripping them off somehow because I have gained back some of the weight. I have no business giving them weightloss advice when I feel like such a failure.

    I have been gaining weight for the mostpart since this 2nd challenge started. One more gain and I'll be at ZERO lbs lost :( Part of it was vacation which I was prepared for. But lately I don't know what is going on. I am almost at the weight I was when the 1st challenge started in Jan. So I've changed a few things to see if it helps. I've upped my daily calories and lowered my weightloss goal for the week. I am taking a multi vitamin. I have also not weighed myself at all this week. I'll admit I am a daily weigher. I thought daily weighins would help me stay on track. If I gained in a day I would look back to see how much fibre I ate, did I drink enough water, too much sodium, etc, etc, just to see where I could improve. So we will see what this week brings. I am afraid for Friday and it is TOM.
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    Hey Ladies! I am going to be skipping out of town for the weekend. So here are my measurements and Kasia's (kladyga) measurements.

    Kasia's Measurements --- (first #s are from 3/30/11.....second set of #s are from 4/27/11….third set from 5/25/11)

    L/R arm flex
    Right arm - 12.5.....12….12
    Left arm - 13.5.....12.5….13


    Chest/Nipple Line

    Waist/Belly Button




    L/R Thigh
    Right Thigh - 26.....24….24.5
    Left Thigh - 25.....24….25

    L/R Calf
    Right Calf - 17.....17.5…16.5
    Left Calf - 18.5.....17.75….17

    Jen's Measurements --- (first #s are from 3/30/11.....second set of #s are from 4/27/11….third set from 5/25/11)

    L/R arm flex
    Right arm - 11.....9.5….10
    Left arm - 10.5.....9.75….9.25


    Chest/Nipple Line

    Waist/Belly Button




    L/R Thigh
    Right Thigh - 19.....18….19
    Left Thigh - 19.5.....18.5….19

    L/R Calf
    Right Calf - 13.5.....13….13
    Left Calf - 14.....13.5….14
  • KristieKRN
    KristieKRN Posts: 71 Member
    BUSY working tons of hours! Just want to wish everyone strength through the end!
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    ***KERRI*** I would like to let you know my weigh in for the week too please. :)

    It's 128.6. Woo-hoooooo!

    I am going to miss you girlies. My hubby has a new toy so I might be able to get on and check in...but if not - everyone have a great and safe holiday weekend. :) xoxo I have tons of healthy alternative foods....so here's hoping I can be good! Sometimes going camping can be hard when there are 30 people cooking! LOL.
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    YE ALL REJOICE!! I lost 1.1lbs this week even with TOM. Very pleased. Maybe the spell has been broken. :happy:

    3/25 137.7 lbs
    4/8 141.4 lbs
    4/15 141.4 lbs
    4/21 139.7 lbs
    4/29 141.9 lbs
    5/6 141.6 lbs
    5/13 143 lbs
    5/20 143.4 lbs
    5/27 142.3 lbs

    Goal for challenge 130 lbs
    Reset goal 5/27 to 137 lbs