Rude coworker's

jennabennaG Posts: 6 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
I am 5'5" and 180lbs. I'm obv overweight but I'm doing my best to change that. As a result I've been brining in my lunches to work so that I don't have to succumb to fast food or pizza like the rest of the office. Well just now and like always, I was cutting up my avocado to go on my sandwich thin and THREE of my coworkers stood there saying "eew how can you eat that? You always eat so healthy" and so on. I've been doing this for weeks now so why is this a surprise that I'm eating healthy? I got the same reaction to my banana and protein shake for breakfast. I would never stand over someone as they were prepping their meal and make comments!!!! Would you?!?!?! I think it is rude.

Might I just add that their tones of voice when making comments is always shock and disgust like I'm doing something wrong or bad. That's what gets me.


  • kevcren
    kevcren Posts: 49 Member
    i wouldnt, but i STILL (and its been 5 years) Get the same thing... They KNOW they should too so instead of facing the hard truth of it, they would rather point fingers to make themselves feel better... its sad, but you have to stand strong and know what you want and that you will get there! Heck if you stay at it long enough you may inspire one of them to make better choices too!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Just smile and then ge on with what you are doing. What difference does it make whether people think its rude or not, just focus and do what you need to do.
  • kraft_kris
    kraft_kris Posts: 157 Member
    Don't let them bug you - you just keep on keeping on! I love avocado on sandwich thins! :smile:
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    Health makes people uncomfortable. I see people that are within a healthy weight and after weight loss people tell them they look too skinny. The problem is, most of us are fat and we have a skewed image of what healthy is. And as Americans, our culture accepts these types of rude comments. I would make a rude comment back and shut them down.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I am kind of stuck on people "ew"ing over avocado. I would probably say "you don't like avocado? Good, more for me."
  • las07s
    las07s Posts: 150 Member
    It's not you, it's them. Some people think they are being funny, some people are generally curious if you think it tastes good (and it does, I love avocado. I use it like butter on my toast). In a more self-conscious way, people might criticize you in order to make their own choices seem better. They may be struggling with their own health issues and reducing your efforts might allay their own guilt.

    But to be honest, most people generally don't think too much into what they are saying. I drink a green smoothie for breakfast in a clear glass cup (so that I can see if the juice and fiber is separating), but I have to admit my dark evergreen mystery drink does not look appetizing to the average person (but it is). Coworkers will often pass by my desk and comment on how I need to eat real food and maybe I "could blend a burger in there, too"! :neutral::wink: Really, I don't mind it at all, because (1) I find it funny and (2) I find it a good opportunity to tell them I'm getting just as much vitamins in this green smoothie as I tend to need in a whole day (nix calcium and iron :blush: ) and it gives me more energy than coffee!

    Use their criticism as an opportunity educate them on the healthy fats you can get from avocado and how filling it is! Most people will stop bringing up your food choices to you if they know they can expect an infomercial on the benefits of the various fruits and veggies you happen to be eating.

    Keep it up!
  • megantischner
    megantischner Posts: 85 Member
    Avocados are delicious. Ignore them.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    It's always difficult when you're dealing with coworkers- you don't wanna be rude because you need to work with them on things that matter to your company. It astounds me that my own coworkers feel the need to comment when I bring cubed pineapple and yogurt into a pizza Lunch&Learn, don't they want to work well with me, too?

    I think the best way to address this is to simply...not. It would feel so good to comment back, but these people are picking at your sensitive spots in order to get some kind of response. Don't give it to them. Play nice at work, they'll find someone else to mess with when they realize you're no fun.
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    las07s wrote: »
    It's not you, it's them. Some people think they are being funny, some people are generally curious if you think it tastes good (and it does, I love avocado. I use it like butter on my toast). In a more self-conscious way, people might criticize you in order to make their own choices seem better. They may be struggling with their own health issues and reducing your efforts might allay their own guilt.

    But to be honest, most people generally don't think too much into what they are saying. I drink a green smoothie for breakfast in a clear glass cup (so that I can see if the juice and fiber is separating), but I have to admit my dark evergreen mystery drink does not look appetizing to the average person (but it is). Coworkers will often pass by my desk and comment on how I need to eat real food and maybe I "could blend a burger in there, too"! :neutral::wink: Really, I don't mind it at all, because (1) I find it funny and (2) I find it a good opportunity to tell them I'm getting just as much vitamins in this green smoothie as I tend to need in a whole day (nix calcium and iron :blush: ) and it gives me more energy than coffee!

    Use their criticism as an opportunity educate them on the healthy fats you can get from avocado and how filling it is! Most people will stop bringing up your food choices to you if they know they can expect an infomercial on the benefits of the various fruits and veggies you happen to be eating.

    Keep it up!

    great answer!

    i find that women are mean to other women when it comes to things like this. it happens in my office here too.

    but i they never say anything to me when i am prepping my least not to my face...
  • mandalitt
    mandalitt Posts: 10 Member
    I get comments like this too when prepping my lunch... I even had someone wave a burger inches from my face last week just to brag about how good it was... next time it will be smacked on the ground and we will see how good it is then. :p
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I get comments about how healthy I eat, etc. I always have vegetables with lunch or salads, etc. Mostly its an envy thing, "wow your so good, I can't do that" but it is annoying.

    I always brought my lunch to work, since the beginning. For me it was also a way not to spend money. I eat at my desk while working a lot too because I want to get out at a decent hour. When people say something my answer is yes, I try. Or yes it makes me feel good. I find saying that I feel better eating like this shuts people up.

    I have also said "yes I love burgers and fries too, but my stomach would be upset all afternoon" or "if I eat that I will feel the effect for three days" Being Lactose intolerant helps with the desert and chocolate.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    it's easier to put down someone doing better for themselves than it is to admit you could do the same.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    kevcren wrote: »
    i wouldnt, but i STILL (and its been 5 years) Get the same thing... They KNOW they should too so instead of facing the hard truth of it, they would rather point fingers to make themselves feel better... its sad, but you have to stand strong and know what you want and that you will get there! Heck if you stay at it long enough you may inspire one of them to make better choices too!

    I have been bringing my mostly healthy lunch for over 5 years also and still get the responses from co-workers like "you have a healthily lunch today" or "are you on a diet?" They apparently will never understand that this is the way I eat.

  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    mandalitt wrote: »
    I get comments like this too when prepping my lunch... I even had someone wave a burger inches from my face last week just to brag about how good it was... next time it will be smacked on the ground and we will see how good it is then. :p

    Now that is completely rude and I'd probably do the same thing.

    Makes me so grateful I work with an awesome bunch of ladies that respect each other when we say no to ordering out.

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    mandalitt wrote: »
    I get comments like this too when prepping my lunch... I even had someone wave a burger inches from my face last week just to brag about how good it was... next time it will be smacked on the ground and we will see how good it is then. :p

    No joke I would have ACTUALLY done that. I have problems with having things shoved in my face to begin with, plus that is just a seriously d!ck move. I would have slapped it out of his/her hand and claimed it was a reflexive reaction. "Whoopsie, sorry." :p
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    edited June 2015
    i find that people can feel threatened by the lone healthy eater. They take it as an insult - like somehow I'm trying to show off that I'm better than them. Or they just don't want to be confronted with the fact that not all food choices are equal. Or they're on a mission to make you realize "health" food tastes bad and you're only deceiving yourself believing otherwise. I'd probably start picking on their food choices...but i'd recommend taking the high road instead.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    Sadly, there are so many of these threads. I just cannot understand how people can be so rude. I mean, how do all of these rude, clueless people make it through life and actually hold jobs?! Rhetorical question, I know. But, if someone said something to me as rude and thoughtless as what some have posted here I would seriously question both their job ability and common sense overall.
  • pdank311
    pdank311 Posts: 137 Member
    Well first, avocado is awesome. And' I'd say that now, at 145, and then, at 200+.

    Well I get no comments these days. I've been in maintenance for 2+ now so the initial shock is over for them.

    My response to something like that would really depend on who said it to me, and where I thought it was coming from. I tried to be as polite as possible, but some times I let it rip too if I got sick of it.

    Someone above mentioned that we have a skewed view of what normal is. I agree.

    Look. This journey you are taking... It's all about you. Use the comments to reinforce you are doing the right thing. At the end of the day, same people may compliment you when you hit your number and secretly hate you because of it. Does it matter? Nope. You may inspire one of them to do the same too. But that's their mission then. The only person you have to answer to is the person in the mirror.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I don't like anyone near my food at all, positive or negative. Heck, I don't like anyone even near my shopping cart at the grocery store.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I don't like avocado either, but I can't imaging making a comment like that about someone else's food. As for me, I am fortunate at the positive interest my fellow teachers take when they see what I'm having for lunch. In fact, I've had several colleagues ask me if I would consider batch cooking and selling food to them. Let's see. . . was that the chicken pesto pasta with asparagus and walnut? Or the sirloin steak stir fry with broccoli and red pepper? In any event, keep eating what pleases you and ignore the comments.