mbowman323 challnage Week 5 weigh in

mbowman323 Posts: 216
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Wow!! It's awesome to see all the weight loss. A few of you are only a couple lbs away from this 20lb goal. I am proud of all you guys!! So did anyone at all do the mini challnge?? If so was it hard to write stuff that you physically like about yourself? I know it was a bit hard for me after like the 4th one. This weeks mini challange will be to eat a fruit or veggie at each meal ( breakfast. lunch and dinner) I know that this may be a challange for some but it CAN be done.

By all you should know the drill :tongue:
Sign in number
MFP number
Starting weight
Picture of the scale
I lost ___ lbs!!
Only ___lbs to go!
I did ____ on the the mini challange.

Also for those of you having problems with posting your picture. In order for it to work you have to change the IMG code to all lowercase. :happy:


  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I have seen a lot of the 'mini challenges ' and it sounds fun. Could you explain it to me, please? For example...what is a sign in number., where do we load the scale picture etc. Thanks so much!
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    It's a little to late to join this challange. This one will be ending on June 21st. I am thinking of doing a new one starting June 1st for like 10lbs only :) ( ending the last day of June. All will be welcome to this challange

    The mini challanges I create are little things that people can do to achieve small goals and such. The sign in number was for me to keep with each member.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    I like this new mini challenge. I will log all my stuff tomorrow morning (monday). Just wanted to give you the thumbs up.
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    Thanks Sarah :)
  • travishein
    travishein Posts: 78
    Sign in number: 76
    MFP : travishein
    Starting weight: 245
    I lost (-1.8) lbs :(
    Only 12.2 lbs to go!
    I did 'fail' on the the mini challenge.
  • Jillian2128
    Jillian2128 Posts: 71 Member
    starting weight for challenge172.4
    last weigh in 171.7
    this weeks weight 170.4

    I lost 1.3 lbs!! this week
    Only _18 lbs to go!
    I did bad on the the mini challange.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    It's too bad that I missed it, lol! :)
  • kellylou1367
    kellylou1367 Posts: 91 Member
    Is eventually back in business, after putting on 4lbs I still haven't uploaded a pic because I am not down to my lightest weight.

    MFP number Kellylou1367
    Starting weight for challenge 150lbs
    Last weigh in 151lbs
    This weeks weight 148lbs
    Only 18lbs to go
    I done shocking on the mini challenge but this weeks is going to be easy because I do that anyway.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    SarahWrittenThin (writtenthin)
    Starting weight: 287
    Previous weight: 281
    Current weight 282
    Sorry no picture this week... it bummed me out that I'm up. I promise when I go down I will celebrate with you all and post a pic.

    mini challenge was hard but I did it and got lots of comments :)
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    starting weight for challenge 230
    last weigh in 220.6
    this weeks weight 218.2
    lost 2.4 lbs
    only 8.2lbs to go!

    Picture will be added when I get home from work! Great job everyone!

    Edited to add I FAILED the mini challenge!
  • BethanyCM
    BethanyCM Posts: 18
    Starting weigh in 255
    Lat weigh in 250
    This week 249
    Lost 1pound
    14lbs to go.
    Mini challenge wasnt so hot. (this new mini challenge shouldnt be hard lol)
  • #13
    2.7 lbs lost


    I only have 14.2 more pounds to loose to meet this goal!!
    I didn't even realize what this weeks mini challenge was.... So I failed it :(
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    # 8
    Start weight on mfp 187lbs
    current weight 169.8
    I lost 3.2 lbs - I only have 7.8 lbs to go
    I did badly on this week's mini challenge !
  • 79
    [img]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa391/Vanessa_Faulkner/Weight/scale4.jpg[/Iimg] I lost 3 lbs!! I said goodbye to the 140's & hello to the 130's! (137!!!!) Only 11.8 lbs to go! I did do the the mini challange. I posted it on Sarah's (II think) blog (replied to hers). PS...still looks like my stupid pic isn't going to show so here's the direct link: http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa391/Vanessa_Faulkner/Weight/scale4.jpg[/img]
  • Katmela
    Katmela Posts: 21 Member
    Last week's weight: 185.4
    Current weight: 178.6
    Only 5.6 lbs to go!
    I did badly on the the mini challenge :(
  • dlrandolph
    dlrandolph Posts: 30
    I forgot to post last night, but here goes

    Starting weight-180 on MFP
    Starting weight for challenge-171.4
    Current weight -171.4
    Still didn't lose anything
    Still 20lbs to go for the challenge so I'm pretty much out :-(
    I did not do the mini challenge

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