Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer Meal plan

cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
edited May 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Hi there MFP community. I have had an account for a really long time and I am an off again/on again user of my account. I am trying to get better about logging in, logging my food, and staying accountable. I am also trying to get back into the gym routine. I started the Jamie Eason Live Fit trainer last week, so I started week 2 yesterday. It's a great way to get in to strength training if you have never gotten into it before or don't know where to start like myself.
Anyway; There is a meal plan that Jamie Eason has given to go along with the program and at first I didn't think I would follow it, that I would just try sticking with my calorie goals as recommended by MFP. Well, I changed my mind! The meal plan doesn't look too hard to follow at all, it looks rather easy without having too many "special" foods to by... like it's not strictly brand specific or anything. It's protein, vegetables, and starch, that's it!
Since I am JUST starting out, I was wondering if anyone has followed her meal plan before and what you found worked and didn't? What you would do differently? Any sage advice?
This morning started day #1 and I am already frustrated and I have only had one meal so far.
5 egg whites, a starch, and unlimited vegetables. Doesn't sound too awfully hard, right? Well 5 egg whites ALONE is quite a bit and then I had a serving of oatmeal and a little sauteed spinach. I couldn't finish it all. It was way too much. I don't know what to do differently because 5 egg whites will always be a lot on it's own and I am pretty certain that's not where I should skimp because that's the protein. Also, egg whites really aren't very good =( Maybe I need to cook them differently? They are so spongy...anyway. I guess I just want to know what others have experienced with this?



  • michellehumfress
    michellehumfress Posts: 3 Member
    I just started Jamie's workout plan. Me and my boyfriend have started working out with weights and he found this program online. I started with Erin's workout schedule and switched to Jamie's. I did two days so far and like it. I will look at her eating plan. I'm curious. If you would like we can encourage each other with this workout plan. I am currently 170 lbs. I have lost 30 pounds since last march. I have recently got serious about working out and eating right because June 14 I am going on a cruise. I also want to start having more energy and feel better. I love working out now and I can see a difference in my muscles. If you have any workout tips please share if you don't mind.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    edited May 2015
    @michellehumfress - Thanks for the response, sorry it too me so long to get back to you. I had no idea you responded until I just happened to check my thread. I thought I would have gotten some sort of notification or something if someone replied to me =( Anyway; I am part way through week #2 of Jamie's workout plan. I love it so far. It's not at all boring! The meal plan is pretty straight forward, I kind of got messed up over the weekend so I need to restart that. The 5 egg whites 2x a day isn't going to work for me. Me and eggs don't get along. However, it looks to be about 25 grams of protein so that can easily be subbed for a protein shake or something. I am re-starting a weight loss/fitness journey. A few years ago I lost 30lbs while my now husband was away in Japan. He came home, I gained weight, we got married, we had a kid, and I have been trying to lose weight ever since. The nutritional aspect of weight loss is the most difficult for me. I associate food with everything. Watching tv, being happy, being sad, being bored. Eating has been such a crutch for me esp with the job my husband has and being away all the time (3 weeks home, 3 weeks away) and I am a stay at home mom... eating has been the thing to fill the void of not working and him being gone. I currently weigh 196lbs which is only 10lbs shy of what I weighed at the height of my pregnancy and gave birth to my daughter. Before she came along I was always in the 170s/180s so I have always had a bit of trouble with weight. When I last successfully lost weight I only got down into the 160's which was great, but I need to be around 140 for my BMI to be normal so I still had quite a ways to go. Anyway; Long story short... I did it before I should be able to do it again, it just seems 1,000x more difficult now. Exercise once I get in a habit of doing it, I keep it up for a good while. If I end up taking a day or two off for whatever reason it is difficult for me to get back to it. I really need help with my nutrition.
    If I have any workout tips I will pass them along, but honestly I start and stop so much I would probably be the last person to ask ha ha. But same goes for you, if you have any tips please share! Congrats on your 70lbs weight loss. that's amazing! Be careful on the cruise...there is such an insane amount of food available at all times it's crazy! But if you have the willpower now, it shouldn't be a problem. You got this!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hey there! I'm just starting week 6 of the LiveFit program, and having some great results!! I'd say the meal plan is great, and I love the recipes. The one thing I've really struggled with is knowing how many calories to consume, since I can't seem to find anything that touches on it.

    I'm aiming for 40/40/20 with this plan. My TDEE us about 1950kcal, so I've been aiming for 1650kcal+ exercise calories every day. It's low enough that I'm still at a slight deficit, but high enough that my body has the energy it needs to do the workouts. I've definitely become stronger and smaller since starting (I posted a before and after photo in Success Stories last week). I'm not really sure if I'm eating the "right" amount of calories, but I figure I'll stick to it for as long as it's working, and reassess if it no longer does.
  • michellehumfress
    michellehumfress Posts: 3 Member
    It's nice to hear another person is using Jamie Eason also. So far I'm enjoying it. I have been eating about 1300 calories a day until my cruise and working out. How much have you lost since working out with Jamie.?

  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi there MFP community. I have had an account for a really long time and I am an off again/on again user of my account. I am trying to get better about logging in, logging my food, and staying accountable. I am also trying to get back into the gym routine. I started the Jamie Eason Live Fit trainer last week, so I started week 2 yesterday. It's a great way to get in to strength training if you have never gotten into it before or don't know where to start like myself.
    Anyway; There is a meal plan that Jamie Eason has given to go along with the program and at first I didn't think I would follow it, that I would just try sticking with my calorie goals as recommended by MFP. Well, I changed my mind! The meal plan doesn't look too hard to follow at all, it looks rather easy without having too many "special" foods to by... like it's not strictly brand specific or anything. It's protein, vegetables, and starch, that's it!
    Since I am JUST starting out, I was wondering if anyone has followed her meal plan before and what you found worked and didn't? What you would do differently? Any sage advice?
    This morning started day #1 and I am already frustrated and I have only had one meal so far.
    5 egg whites, a starch, and unlimited vegetables. Doesn't sound too awfully hard, right? Well 5 egg whites ALONE is quite a bit and then I had a serving of oatmeal and a little sauteed spinach. I couldn't finish it all. It was way too much. I don't know what to do differently because 5 egg whites will always be a lot on it's own and I am pretty certain that's not where I should skimp because that's the protein. Also, egg whites really aren't very good =( Maybe I need to cook them differently? They are so spongy...anyway. I guess I just want to know what others have experienced with this?


    I'm on week 10 of her plan and it's probably the best training plans I've done. That said, I haven't stuck to her meal plan 100%, but I have pretty much stuck to the workout plan (with a few days missed here and there due to being out of town). Here are my thoughts and what helped me:
    1) Meal prep. I cooked my meals on Sundays and Wed for the week. So when I left for work, all I had to do was grab my meals for the day from the fridge and go. I usually only ate 3-4 oz of protein, because it was just a lot of food. Check out aleshahaley.com. She has a lot of GREAT recipes you could try...she actually has done Jamie's plan twice through.
    2) I made some of her protein bars. If you look at her meal plan, you will see there are a few things you can substitute for some of the meals. I pretty much always had her protein bars for one of the meals. I made a chocolate protein bar that tasted like brownies and I could pretty much eat them everyday!
    3) For breakfast I NEVER could eat the 5 egg whites. I always have 1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal, and I mix in 1/4 cup eggwhites in the oatmeal, and 1/2 scoop of chocolate protein powder, plus 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk and some ground flax seed. When I did have plain eggwhites, I used Eggbeaters. They're not quite as yucky to me as plain eggwhites for some reason.
    4) About week 9 I got pretty tired of the meal plan. LOL. So I decided I'd switch to flexible dieting. It's worked much better for me and my lifestyle (and less stressful). I'm still following the workouts, just not the meal plan anymore. I know my results may be affected, but I'm planning to continue her workouts after the 12 weeks, so I'm fine with that.
    5) Weekends were so hard for me. I'd probably we farther ahead in my results if not for the weekends. LOL. But that's life, and probably why flexible dieting is working better for me.

    Good luck! Stick with it and I think you'll be happy with it.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    How can it be an easy meal plan if you can't eat the proposed food? Just eat what you like, as long as your diet is balanced and varied, and you hit your calorie goal, you'll be fine - you got this - protein, starch and vegetables - it's just that, no foods have magical properties.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    How can it be an easy meal plan if you can't eat the proposed food? Just eat what you like, as long as your diet is balanced and varied, and you hit your calorie goal, you'll be fine - you got this - protein, starch and vegetables - it's just that, no foods have magical properties.

    The meal plan itself isn't difficult or complicated with weird food I'm not accustomed to is what I'm talking about. I've never in my life attempted to eat 5 egg whites plus oatmeal in one sitting. I just meant there is no special brand stuff you have to have, it's pretty straight forward.

  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    @kommodevaran also, I think I said the rest of the meal plan wouldn't be hard to follow at all I was just having difficulty with the amount of stuff proposed to be eaten for breakfast....wanted other breakfast options from people who've been there done that.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey there! I'm just starting week 6 of the LiveFit program, and having some great results!! I'd say the meal plan is great, and I love the recipes. The one thing I've really struggled with is knowing how many calories to consume, since I can't seem to find anything that touches on it.

    I'm aiming for 40/40/20 with this plan. My TDEE us about 1950kcal, so I've been aiming for 1650kcal+ exercise calories every day. It's low enough that I'm still at a slight deficit, but high enough that my body has the energy it needs to do the workouts. I've definitely become stronger and smaller since starting (I posted a before and after photo in Success Stories last week). I'm not really sure if I'm eating the "right" amount of calories, but I figure I'll stick to it for as long as it's working, and reassess if it no longer does.

    I think I saw somewhere further into the plan (after week 7 or at week 7) where she has us start calorie counting/carb cycling. It's somewhere in there, not sure exact week but I know I have seen it. I do love the exercise part of the program a lot. Still working out kinks with the meal plan. If what you are doing is working I would say stick with it. How did you find out your TDEE? I found a calculator on an IIFYM website...but not sure how accurate it is. MFP estimates I should be eating 1200 calories but that's way too low. I was thinking I should aim for 1400 or so on days I exercise and maybe 1300 on days I don't?

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    How can it be an easy meal plan if you can't eat the proposed food? Just eat what you like, as long as your diet is balanced and varied, and you hit your calorie goal, you'll be fine - you got this - protein, starch and vegetables - it's just that, no foods have magical properties.

    The meal plan itself isn't difficult or complicated with weird food I'm not accustomed to is what I'm talking about. I've never in my life attempted to eat 5 egg whites plus oatmeal in one sitting. I just meant there is no special brand stuff you have to have, it's pretty straight forward.

    Easy in theory is not the same as easy in real life. What you described didn't sound healthy nor tasty. No need to eat five egg whites, or eggs, for that matter, if you don't like it. Sure, you can train yourself to accept different flavors, but that regimen is not necessary. Maybe if you were a bodybuilder, training hard every day for years on end, but "trying to get back into the gym routine" is not on that level. If you want to "torture" yourself with disgusting food, if that somehow makes you feel you are doing something, go ahead, but it'll give you no extra credit or health points.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm on week 10 of her plan and it's probably the best training plans I've done. That said, I haven't stuck to her meal plan 100%, but I have pretty much stuck to the workout plan (with a few days missed here and there due to being out of town). Here are my thoughts and what helped me:
    1) Meal prep. I cooked my meals on Sundays and Wed for the week. So when I left for work, all I had to do was grab my meals for the day from the fridge and go. I usually only ate 3-4 oz of protein, because it was just a lot of food. Check out aleshahaley.com. She has a lot of GREAT recipes you could try...she actually has done Jamie's plan twice through.
    2) I made some of her protein bars. If you look at her meal plan, you will see there are a few things you can substitute for some of the meals. I pretty much always had her protein bars for one of the meals. I made a chocolate protein bar that tasted like brownies and I could pretty much eat them everyday!
    3) For breakfast I NEVER could eat the 5 egg whites. I always have 1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal, and I mix in 1/4 cup egg whites in the oatmeal, and 1/2 scoop of chocolate protein powder, plus 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk and some ground flax seed. When I did have plain eggwhites, I used Eggbeaters. They're not quite as yucky to me as plain eggwhites for some reason.
    4) About week 9 I got pretty tired of the meal plan. LOL. So I decided I'd switch to flexible dieting. It's worked much better for me and my lifestyle (and less stressful). I'm still following the workouts, just not the meal plan anymore. I know my results may be affected, but I'm planning to continue her workouts after the 12 weeks, so I'm fine with that.
    5) Weekends were so hard for me. I'd probably we farther ahead in my results if not for the weekends. LOL. But that's life, and probably why flexible dieting is working better for me.

    Good luck! Stick with it and I think you'll be happy with it.

    Hi; Thanks for your in depth review! I have done meal prepping before and need to take it up again! It really helped me stay on track... for the most part. I did find that a lot of things didn't taste good after a day or two. I did 2 prep days and would prep for 3 days at a time. I tried storing things in the freezer too and only taking them out the day before I was going to eat them, and they still didn't taste very good =( So you put liquid eggs whites into your oatmeal, and it still tasted alright??
    I want to know more about flexible dieting. I was hoping someone at my gym could help me figure out my macros so that I could attempt flexible dieting because that to me sounds much more in my realm of possibilities, however, it sounds hard too. How do you satisfy your macros without going over calories and how do you make sure it all balances the way it's supposed to? So much to learn about it. I was going to make Jamie Eason's carrot protein bars because that's what specifically was on the plan, but you think I could make the chocolate or the lemon ones instead? I am very black and white when it comes to reading things. Unless it says "unlimited vegetables" where I could assume that means any vegetables on her list, I always want to stick with whatever is exactly written. So she said carrot protein bars on the meal plan and so I assumed that was the only one she wanted us to have.
    Weekends are hard for me too, and everything is harder when my husband is home (he works 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off) when he is home there is quite a bit of junk in the house because he has no desire to eat healthy what-so-ever.

    Thank you so much for your input.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    edited June 2015
    Easy in theory is not the same as easy in real life. What you described didn't sound healthy nor tasty. No need to eat five egg whites, or eggs, for that matter, if you don't like it. Sure, you can train yourself to accept different flavors, but that regimen is not necessary. Maybe if you were a bodybuilder, training hard every day for years on end, but "trying to get back into the gym routine" is not on that level. If you want to "torture" yourself with disgusting food, if that somehow makes you feel you are doing something, go ahead, but it'll give you no extra credit or health points.

    I simply want/ed to try to stick with the meal plan she suggested as closely as possible to get the best results from the program she designed. I am sure some people do the program and don't follow the meal and vice versa. I certainly didn't think I would be able to do it to 100% perfection right away. The program is designed for beginners (people with little to no gym experience at all), however can be for anyone on up to advanced gym goers, so I don't understand her recommendation for that many eggs/egg whites for one meal except that I think she wants a certain # of grams of protein per meal. 5 egg whites = 25 grams of protein, so I can easily have 25 grams of any other protein. I could do a protein shake and oatmeal or mix the powder directly into the oatmeal if that's what I was going to have. The whole point of my post was to see what other people do for her meals if they follow her meal plan. Sometimes I have a hard time thinking outside the box when something is laid out a specific way, I have a hard time thinking of other ways to achieve the same results using different methods.

  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    I'm on week 10 of her plan and it's probably the best training plans I've done. That said, I haven't stuck to her meal plan 100%, but I have pretty much stuck to the workout plan (with a few days missed here and there due to being out of town). Here are my thoughts and what helped me:
    1) Meal prep. I cooked my meals on Sundays and Wed for the week. So when I left for work, all I had to do was grab my meals for the day from the fridge and go. I usually only ate 3-4 oz of protein, because it was just a lot of food. Check out aleshahaley.com. She has a lot of GREAT recipes you could try...she actually has done Jamie's plan twice through.
    2) I made some of her protein bars. If you look at her meal plan, you will see there are a few things you can substitute for some of the meals. I pretty much always had her protein bars for one of the meals. I made a chocolate protein bar that tasted like brownies and I could pretty much eat them everyday!
    3) For breakfast I NEVER could eat the 5 egg whites. I always have 1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal, and I mix in 1/4 cup egg whites in the oatmeal, and 1/2 scoop of chocolate protein powder, plus 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk and some ground flax seed. When I did have plain eggwhites, I used Eggbeaters. They're not quite as yucky to me as plain eggwhites for some reason.
    4) About week 9 I got pretty tired of the meal plan. LOL. So I decided I'd switch to flexible dieting. It's worked much better for me and my lifestyle (and less stressful). I'm still following the workouts, just not the meal plan anymore. I know my results may be affected, but I'm planning to continue her workouts after the 12 weeks, so I'm fine with that.
    5) Weekends were so hard for me. I'd probably we farther ahead in my results if not for the weekends. LOL. But that's life, and probably why flexible dieting is working better for me.

    Good luck! Stick with it and I think you'll be happy with it.

    Hi; Thanks for your in depth review! I have done meal prepping before and need to take it up again! It really helped me stay on track... for the most part. I did find that a lot of things didn't taste good after a day or two. I did 2 prep days and would prep for 3 days at a time. I tried storing things in the freezer too and only taking them out the day before I was going to eat them, and they still didn't taste very good =( So you put liquid eggs whites into your oatmeal, and it still tasted alright??
    I want to know more about flexible dieting. I was hoping someone at my gym could help me figure out my macros so that I could attempt flexible dieting because that to me sounds much more in my realm of possibilities, however, it sounds hard too. How do you satisfy your macros without going over calories and how do you make sure it all balances the way it's supposed to? So much to learn about it. I was going to make Jamie Eason's carrot protein bars because that's what specifically was on the plan, but you think I could make the chocolate or the lemon ones instead? I am very black and white when it comes to reading things. Unless it says "unlimited vegetables" where I could assume that means any vegetables on her list, I always want to stick with whatever is exactly written. So she said carrot protein bars on the meal plan and so I assumed that was the only one she wanted us to have.
    Weekends are hard for me too, and everything is harder when my husband is home (he works 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off) when he is home there is quite a bit of junk in the house because he has no desire to eat healthy what-so-ever.

    Thank you so much for your input.

    Not a problem! Thanks to following J.E's meal plan, I was able to get a hang of the kinds of foods I could eat to help me meet my macros. I was trying to maintain a 40% carb, 40% protein, and 20% fat balance when I was on her meal plan and trying to stick to under 1700 calories. With my current eating plan, I upped the carbs to 45% and lowered protein to 35%. It's definitely harder for me to figure out my macros without a diet plan "telling" me what I should eat each meal. But there are certain foods from her meal plan I've tried to keep the same (breakfast is one of them). And I try to get protein at every meal. There is someone on Youtube (her channel is "1fitashmom"). And I've been watching some of her videos to get an idea about how flexible dieting works for her. She is a bikini model. What I've noticed is she reads food labels constantly so that she can accurately track her macros. But she has so much variety in her eating and I really like that. I don't follow her same macros, but how she does it is what I'm most interested in. She puts egg whites in her oatmeal, and that's where I got the idea. I don't find it changes the taste of my oatmeal at all.

    Another thing that has helped me with my macros is pre-logging. I plug in all the foods I plan to eat for the day, review my macros, and then either add or delete certain foods. It's better than waiting until late in the day and finding out I went way over on carbs and way under on protein.

    For the chocolate protein bars, I basically subbed unsweetened applesauce for the carrots, and chocolate protein powder for the vanilla (plus add 3 TBSP cocoa powder). I also added a few TBSP sugar free chocolate chips. So good. And I'm making more tonight! :)

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Easy in theory is not the same as easy in real life. What you described didn't sound healthy nor tasty. No need to eat five egg whites, or eggs, for that matter, if you don't like it. Sure, you can train yourself to accept different flavors, but that regimen is not necessary. Maybe if you were a bodybuilder, training hard every day for years on end, but "trying to get back into the gym routine" is not on that level. If you want to "torture" yourself with disgusting food, if that somehow makes you feel you are doing something, go ahead, but it'll give you no extra credit or health points.

    I simply want/ed to try to stick with the meal plan she suggested as closely as possible to get the best results from the program she designed. I am sure some people do the program and don't follow the meal and vice versa. I certainly didn't think I would be able to do it to 100% perfection right away. The program is designed for beginners (people with little to no gym experience at all), however can be for anyone on up to advanced gym goers, so I don't understand her recommendation for that many eggs/egg whites for one meal except that I think she wants a certain # of grams of protein per meal. 5 egg whites = 25 grams of protein, so I can easily have 25 grams of any other protein. I could do a protein shake and oatmeal or mix the powder directly into the oatmeal if that's what I was going to have. The whole point of my post was to see what other people do for her meals if they follow her meal plan. Sometimes I have a hard time thinking outside the box when something is laid out a specific way, I have a hard time thinking of other ways to achieve the same results using different methods.

    I understand. A different method could be to just experiment with different macro splits and play around with the food diary? After all, that's what MFP is for. If you eat a standard diet, you will discover that meals are different, that it is okay, and that dinner usually is the largest meal of the day, it often contains some form of meat or fish, and therefore gives you the greatest part of your daily dose of protein. You don't need any meal plan besides what you decide to eat. But of course you can decide to follow this (random) meal plan, exactly or modified.

  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    It's nice to hear another person is using Jamie Eason also. So far I'm enjoying it. I have been eating about 1300 calories a day until my cruise and working out. How much have you lost since working out with Jamie.?

    When I can get to a computer, I'll post a progress pic. I've lost..... (drumroll...) about two pounds so far, and I'm on my sixth week! Sounds low, right? What's interesting is that I look like I've lost fifteen to twenty pounds. Goes to show you can't just rely on a scale to see results... Measurements and pictures are the way to go! I was so stunned by my progress pics I spent two days staring at them, haha. Also, feel free to add me as a friend through BB. com, username is the same. My progress pics are there.

  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm currently in week 8 of her program, and I've never followed the meal plan. I just used an online calculator to figure up my daily calories (TDEE method) and macro amounts and stuck to those instead. I can't eat the same thing everyday, all day. I've had great results, IMO.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    edited June 2015

    You have been a huge help. Thank you! I will check that YouTube channel out. It really is all about finding what works for you. I have to crack down on my food though, seriously...that's what is messing me up. I keep saying "I'll start tomorrow" and it never comes. I need to quit fooling around, otherwise the exercising I am doing is for nothing.

    Thank you so very much. Seriously!!
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    Fit_Fox88 wrote: »
    I'm currently in week 8 of her program, and I've never followed the meal plan. I just used an online calculator to figure up my daily calories (TDEE method) and macro amounts and stuck to those instead. I can't eat the same thing everyday, all day. I've had great results, IMO.

    I found a TDEE calculator as soon as I asked someone else how they figured out theirs. It told me a calorie goal and % of carbs, fat, and protein for the day and then broke it down per meal. Eating the same thing everyday really does suck, and I know that you shouldn't look to food as a source of excitement...but come on! lol.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    It's nice to hear another person is using Jamie Eason also. So far I'm enjoying it. I have been eating about 1300 calories a day until my cruise and working out. How much have you lost since working out with Jamie.?

    When I can get to a computer, I'll post a progress pic. I've lost..... (drumroll...) about two pounds so far, and I'm on my sixth week! Sounds low, right? What's interesting is that I look like I've lost fifteen to twenty pounds. Goes to show you can't just rely on a scale to see results... Measurements and pictures are the way to go! I was so stunned by my progress pics I spent two days staring at them, haha. Also, feel free to add me as a friend through BB. com, username is the same. My progress pics are there.

    Can't wait to see your pictures!
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    I understand. A different method could be to just experiment with different macro splits and play around with the food diary? After all, that's what MFP is for. If you eat a standard diet, you will discover that meals are different, that it is okay, and that dinner usually is the largest meal of the day, it often contains some form of meat or fish, and therefore gives you the greatest part of your daily dose of protein. You don't need any meal plan besides what you decide to eat. But of course you can decide to follow this (random) meal plan, exactly or modified.

    Yea I am just going to see what works. I can't make myself miserable or I won't stick with anything. Someone suggested putting liquid egg whites in with oatmeal and then cooking it...that might be an option. I will try tomorrow and see.