Hi girls, and welcome to WEEK THREE of our Bikini by July 4th Challenge!!! This group is now closed.

This week's check-in:
Current weight:
Total pounds lost since:
Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch?
What's your workout schedule look like this week?

I hope everyone has a GREAT week!!!


  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Hi Leslie. I'm posting my weight tomorrow if that's ok, hoping for a loss of course:happy:

    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? low sodium tuna on one piece of Ezekiel bread w/ a quarter of an avocado, sliced tomato, a couple leaves of spinach and pickle relish.

    What's your workout schedule look like this week?

    Monday: JM Ripped in 30, JM 6 wk 6 pack, elliptical, yoga
    Tuesday: JM Ripped in 30, JM 6 wk 6 pack, yoga,
    Wednesday: day off (will probably do the elliptical or go for a walk with the kids), yoga
    Thursday: JM Ripped in 30, JM 6 wk 6 pack, yoga
    Friday: JM Ripped in 30, JM 6 wk 6 pack, yoga
    Saturday: JM Ripped in 30, JM 6 wk 6 pack, hot tub, yoga
    Sunday: JM Ripped in 30, JM 6 wk 6 pack, hot tub, yoga

    Not very exciting, is it?
  • jocelynrinear
    I was going to weigh in tomorrow too. Is this Ok?
    Favorite Quick Lunch-Raw spinach, with 1 hard boiled egg, white albacore tuna and fresh lemon.
    This weeks workout
    Monday-Run 3 miles
    Tuesday-Turbo Fire 55EZ
    Wednesday-Run 3 miles or Zumba
    Thursday-Turbo Fire 45 and Tone 30
    Friday-Run 3 miles
    Saturday-Zumba 90 minute workout
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
    weighin in on Tuesday....I'll let u know!

    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? peanut butter and crackers (mmmm), fire ninja salmon sushi
    What's your workout schedule look like this week?
    M-F 5-8 mile power walk (had to slow down on working (running, my favorite) out because of knee pain....doctors orders)

    Have a awesome week ladies :heart:
  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 160
    Total pounds lost since: 2lbs since last week!!
    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? I love a sandwich with low sodium turkey and avocado slices with some pretzel crisps on the side.
    What's your workout schedule look like this week? MTWTF--> 3.3 miles at 5.0mph... weights everyother day... 3.0 miles on the bike on the off days of weights.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 136.6
    Total pounds lost since: 1.8 lbs

    What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch?ule look like PB&J, piece of fruit and string cheese.

    What's your workout schedthis week?
    M: Yoga Meltdown
    T: 2 mile run
    W: speed work on treadmill
    TH: 3 mile run
    F: Rest
    S: 2 mile run + hiking/canoe
    S: 3 mile run or long hike+ canoe
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 124
    Total pounds lost since: 0 TOM is right around the corner...but I haven't gained anything :) and I did lose 1/2 inch off my thighs
    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? It's not really quick but I love it. Baked Salmon with a little lemon pepper, brown rice, green beans and a little butter all mixed up in a bowl. Sometimes I use Tilapia or Chicken, depending on what I have on hand
    What's your workout schedule look like this week?

    Monday (Today)- Day 27 of 30 Day Shred, 300 crunches (had to catch up from having the weekend off) and hoping to get 1 hour of ellpitical in..already did 30 minutes.

    Tuesday- Day 28 of 30 Day Shred, 100 crunches, 1 hour elliptical

    Wednesday- Day 29 of 30 Day shread, 100 crunches, 1 hour elliptical

    Thursday- Day 30 of 30 Day Shred, 100 crunches, 1 hour elliptical

    Friday- 100 crunches, 1 hour elliptical, Hot Body BootCamp (or whatever dvd I feel like doing)

    Saturday- 100 crunches, Hot Body Boot Camp

    Sunday- 100 crunches, Hot Body Boot Camp
  • kellylou1367
    kellylou1367 Posts: 91 Member
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 148lbs
    Total pounds lost since: Lost 3lbs since last Monday

    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? I always prepare ahead for my lunch and my favourite healthy lunch is a sweet potato balti I make or for an extra speedy lunch if on the odd occasion I have'nt prepared I love smoked salmon slices with low fat cream cheese and lettuce wrapped in a wholemeal tortilla.

    What's your workout schedule look like this week? It's looking canny, have a definite 2 sessions wrote down for the gym and hoping to squeeze in a third, I have some things I need to get done this week so going to be good as best as I can for fitting it around gym sessions.
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member
    Hi girls, and welcome to WEEK THREE of our Bikini by July 4th Challenge!!! This group is now closed.

    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 147.5-148
    Total pounds lost since: 0 :o( ..up from 146

    I decided to run out a take my measurments since I haven't done that. Hoping it helps with my motivation!!
    Waist:28.5 (goal 27.5)
    Hips:38.5 (goal 37.5)
    Thigh 23 (goal 22.5)

    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? grilled cheese on Light Rye, light cheddar with spicy mustard and canadian bacon..mmmm! so good on a rainy day!
    What's your workout schedule look like this week? Today 50 min elliptical, 20 min run 6mp, 30 min weights..tomorrow goal is long run, Wed, Thurs, Fri~ gym again..trying to step up the weights and do more of a circuit to keep my heart rate up..maybe that will help! wish me luck!! You are all doing great~
  • natmadc
    natmadc Posts: 116 Member
    Current weight: 159
    Total pounds lost since: 3
    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? turkey wrap
    What's your workout schedule look like this week?
    IDK yet but tis probably going to include some swimming
  • pixycats
    pixycats Posts: 62
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 135.4
    Total pounds lost since: 2.4
    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? Any type of sandwich and fruit will just about make me happy. Usually peanut butter on wheat, with a banana or some applesauce.
    What's your workout schedule look like this week? It should look something like this though I tend to change my mind each day, but will likely have about that many of each workout.

    M: Rest Day - short walk
    T: C210k or Group Power
    W: C210 k or Group Power (depending on Tues.)
    TH: Group Power and/or Group Centergy
    F: C210k
    S: Group Power and/or Centergy, C210k
    S: Hiking!

    I'm feeling a little unmotivated today, so this is a good time to check-in! Just have to think about that bikini waiting for me. :)
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Current weight: 148.4

    Total pounds lost since: 1

    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? Healthy Choice frozen dinners, or a tuna sandwich.

    What's your workout schedule look like this week? I've been doing 30 Day Shred every day for the past week. I was supposed to supplement with the elliptical 30 mins x3week, but I kinda fell off the wagon in that dept. I'm gonna try to add it in again this week though.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Current weight: 128

    Total pounds lost since: 1

    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? Quorn in pitta with peri-peri sauce and lettuce. Also I discovered oatmeal and that could become a regular.

    What's your workout schedule look like this week? 30DS L3, 20-50 mins elliptical and 40 mins walking most days or some combination lasting at least 40 mins each day. Plus weights 2-3 times during the week for my boobs.
  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 126.0! I know it's not huge but I was wearing heavy sneakers and next week will be bigger :D
    Total pounds lost since start: 1.8 lbs, since last week: .7 lbs
    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? Sliced apple and banana in vanilla greek yogurt with leftover steamed cauliflower and red peppers yummmmm!!!
    What's your workout schedule look like this week? Swimming every day and ab exercises...not much else I'm allowed to do on crutches :/

    ALSO: I'd like to change my goal weight from 122 to 121. Thanks!!
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Current Weight: 154.2. Since I gained 4 pounds last week I have lost a total of 4.6 pounds now (or since the beginning .6 lbs)

    QOTW: Healthy lunch. I love roast beef so I get the Low Sodium Boars Head Brand Roast Beef and a slice of reduced fat cheddar cheese. I try not to eat it to often though. I love this question as hopefully it will give me some new ideas!

    Workout this week: Zumba, ChaLean Push Week 1, Boot Camp, Pilates and Core. I want to try to throw a run in there sometime too.

    Leslie: Did I even set a goal weight I can't remember-- LOL
    RPNKA Posts: 28
    Current weight: 161.0
    Pounds lost since last week: 1.8
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? yes
  • MommyAleong
    MommyAleong Posts: 12
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 152
    Total pounds lost since: 4.5
    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? Promasil protein shake with milk, salad and crackers
    What's your workout schedule look like this week?
    Monday - off
    Tues - yoga and cardio
    Wed - bootcamp
    Thurs - workout video or run
    Fri - gym
    Sat - workout video or run
    Sun - workout video or run
  • mochamom3
    mochamom3 Posts: 6
    I will have to weigh in tomorrow as well.

    But my favorite quick and healthy lunch would Tyson Grilled and Ready Chicken Breast, with a slice a provalone melted onto it. I eat this almost every day.

    My Schedule this week: Mon. - off
    Tues. - weights and cardio
    Wed.- cardio
    Thur. - weights and cardio
    Fri. - off
    Sat. - long walk
    Sun. - off
    I am recovering from a knee injury, so I am having a hard time finding cardio workouts that don't cause pain. I used to run and do zumba, but am not able to anymore. It been really discouraging to not be healing better after 3 mo. If you have any ideas (besides swimming) of a good cardio workout, I'd love to hear it!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Weighing in today:

    Current Weight: 125.2

    Pounds lost: .4

    Inches lost: 2.25

    I'll take it.:happy:
  • SoUnaware
    SoUnaware Posts: 85 Member
    Current weight: 123.5
    Total pounds lost since: 0

    -I had two or three cheat days last week and only gymmed twice. Its a miracle I didn't gain. This week will be much better :)

    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? Vegan pizza. I buy it at Trader Joe's and it's already made up, just needs to be heated up. But there's no additives and everything is organic, so it's as healthy as can be! And only takes ten minutes in the oven!

    What's your workout schedule look like this week? Goal: get to the gym three times, instead of last week's two. (Baby steps. I have a really hectic work schedule.)
  • Celeste79
    Celeste79 Posts: 21
    Current weight: 202
    Total pounds lost since: +0.8 I'm attributing this week's gain to TOM
    Question of the week: What's your favorite healthy and quick lunch? Cottage cheese and diced tomato with cracked pepper
    What's your workout schedule look like this week?
    Mon. - W4D1 C25K, Spin
    Thues. - Rest
    Wed. - W4D2 C25K, Spin
    Thurs. - Yoga
    Fri. - W4D3 C25K
    Sat. - Yoga, Spin
    Sun. - Rest