Why is the scale not moving?



  • sheinz7132
    sheinz7132 Posts: 12 Member
    Turkey sausage if pre sliced so I go by the package, same with the turkey but I do weigh or measure everything else.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I'm going with water weight from new exercise. It is temporary.
  • Nerdycurls
    Nerdycurls Posts: 143 Member
    It could possibly be due to salt consumption and retention. Seriously, if I eat something with a lot of salt in it it can take me days for the retained weight to go away.

    You NEED to weigh everything and log accurately. I don't go by the package, as the package is often inaccurate as well (I learned this with bottled prepared foods, like pickles).

    This may also sound very judgmental, but I have NEVER understood why women severely reduce their calorie intake...and then wonder why they aren't losing weight. Women's bodies are not meant to starve-- we naturally have fat reserves as a result of our physiology. Only consuming 1,200 calories seems like starvation to me, especially when you factor in that the average woman is 5'4" and approximately a size 16. I have seen many women's diaries with less than 1,200 calories and it seems insane.

    If I only ate 1,200 calories a day I'd be a very hangry person.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    sheinz7132 wrote: »
    Turkey sausage if pre sliced so I go by the package, same with the turkey but I do weigh or measure everything else.

    Oh okay, because I saw a lot of "cups" for veggies and fruit. Well, it's been two weeks, right? And you added exercise at that time? You can retain water when you start exercising and two weeks of logging isn't that long. Try to make your goal at least 1200, continue weighing all food, and see what happens next week.
  • skylarwalsh
    skylarwalsh Posts: 9 Member
    So, I know that you are measuring things out, but I would weigh them instead. For example, if something like chips says a serving is about 13 chips or 1 ounce, go with the ounce. You may over eat or under eat if you don't. 1/4 cup of something may not be the same amount of grams that the serving size says. Hopefully that helps a bit!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    serving sizes and measuring cups can be way off ( and i mean way off sometimes by hundreds for just some foods)
    Weigh everything on a scale!!!

    I had a cheesecake with a difference of 43 calories!! 1 piece/1serving
    And a soft taco same thing label told me 1 serving was 56 gram...right it was way more ..... This for only two kinda foods.

    But indeed it is also just two weeks. And it also depends how much you have/want to lose.

    But please dont go by serving sizes and cups and spoons. Just weigh ALL your food. It will make a difference sometimes more calories sometimes less :)
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    sheinz7132 wrote: »
    I eat between 1000-1100. Fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, fish, chicken. I have always lost weight but gained it back so I thought I would try doing it the right way. I am working out like crazy (5 days a week) and eating well.

    This is a terrible idea, OP. Please don't.

    MFP is notorious for setting calorie goals FAR too low, regardless of height and weight. For example, it told me to eat 1200, and my BMR (the bare amount of calories I need to LIVE) is 1280. And I am extremely tiny, only 4’11 ½.
    So unless you are smaller than me, or bedridden, it is almost a CERTAINTY that you are eating too little. (This can result in lean muscle loss, chronic fatigue, metabolism damage, and bingeing due to over-restriction.)

    Go to


    and enter your height/weight/activity level.

    Subtract 10-20% from the number it calculates for you, and that is the number of calories you should be eating a day in order to lose weight. With this method you do not eat back your exercise calories, as they are already figured into your daily goal.
  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    I don't think I should log on here anymore, everyone thinks they're doctors and nurses. Guess I wasted my time with my degree lol. I could have been educated through Web MD or my fitness pal...who knew.

    If your degree taught you that starvation mode is real, then you need to request your money back.
  • JamesZamman
    JamesZamman Posts: 4 Member
    May I suggest that you might be dealing with insulin resistance? This is where your body stores calories as fat rather than allowing those calories to be used as energy. Insulin resistance often increases with age. I had the same issue for months; actually, it kind of scared me. Long story short, it wasn't the number of calories that mattered so much, it was the type of calories (low glycemic versus high glycemic--like many fruits-- plus the number of calories at each meal). I read "The Mediterranean Zone" by Dr. Barry Sears, became educated and enlightened and THEN began to lose weight. Eat smaller meals more often. And consider that many databases reporting calories burned by particular exercises have been shown to be grossly overstated. READ SEARS' BOOK!! Good luck.
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    Something is off in your tracking. Use a food scale religiously for all of your solids and use measuring cups for your caloric liquids only. Barring an undiagnosed/undisclosed medical condition you're eating more than you think you are.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited June 2015
    I don't think I should log on here anymore, everyone thinks they're doctors and nurses. Guess I wasted my time with my degree lol. I could have been educated through Web MD or my fitness pal...who knew.

    When starvation mode exist we wouldn't have very thin hungry and poor people who die of hunger isn't it?
    Their body would be the perfect indication of the fact of staying fat/thick because they are really starving of hunger and no food.

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    When you don't eat enough ... your body believes it's starving ans holds onto calories
    in panic mode. We are animals and very efficient when there seems to be a shortage of food.
    When we increase exercise and don't fuel our body for the workload... again starvation mindset
    and we won't lose, and if we do, it will be very slowly.
    That is all false. Hooey. Woo. Irrational.
    Read this. Read it over & over until it sinks in.

    Yes, Virginia, there is a starvation mode.
    What you're describing is not it.
    The body has to burn calories to survive. If you're alive, you're burning calories.
    It will not 'hold onto' calories unless you're eating more than you need to run your body.
    It's impossible, because science.

    It prefers to burn carbs (glucose, then glycogen), then fat, and as a distant inefficient 3rd, muscle.

    "Starvation mode" is when the body burns muscle for energy to live, in a last-ditch effort to
    survive long enough to find food before becoming unable to breathe or move blood.

    Look at anorexics. They wouldn't be skin & bones if your version of starvation mode were real.
    Ditto for concentration camp survivors.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    sheinz7132 wrote:
    I have been eating very healthy and doing T25 (I am on week 2) and the scale hasn't moved an ounce!
    In addition to sexypants, read this:

    And this:
    That discusses setting realistic & healthy goals. You desperately need to do that.
    One of the links (I think it's the 3rd, it's from the Baylor College of Medicine) will even tell you how many servings
    of each food group you should be eating to maintain any particular weight. Put in your healthy goal weight, or
    play with the weight until the BMI is in a healthy range (18 - 24.9), then eat what it says. When you hit a plateau,
    cut a couple hundred cal/day & give it a couple weeks. Unless you're very short, or your doctor says it's OK, don't
    go under 1200.

    "Eating healthy" means more than just eating small portions of nonprocessed foods.
    It means getting the nutrition (including calories) your body needs to run properly.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited June 2015
    There is a link to a study done on people who "starve" them self's almost to dead. The link is in the forum somewhere too.

    What the body does is after a half year...yes a half year or even longer...the body start to use 7% less calories to be alive. So slowing down what it burns normally.
    Indeed a survival mode if you want to call it like that...but you keep losing weight..slowly but you will and you will after all kind of medical issues eventually die.

    But it takes a long time and in the meantime you lose weight, till you are a scary skin over bone skeleton.

    Starvation mode used here by a lot of people, telling others that your body "holds on" to body fat is totally nonsense. ( Scientifically proven. when i find the link i will post it).
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I don't think I should log on here anymore, everyone thinks they're doctors and nurses. Guess I wasted my time with my degree lol. I could have been educated through Web MD or my fitness pal...who knew.

    I'm curious...what is your degree in? Where did you attend school to earn this degree?
  • rosette976
    rosette976 Posts: 1 Member
    I didn't read all the comments, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to repeat other people (sorry about that). And, i'm french so sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes.

    You are saying that you are eating healthy, but eating healthy is the exact opposite of what you are doing.
    1000 or 1100 Kcal a day IS NOT ENOUGH ! You should eat at least 1600 Kcal: carbs (with low glycemic index), fat (but good fat, like olive oil, amends, peanut butter) and proteine (at least 70g each day).
    You will see, you will feel like you are eating a lot, but no. Eat well and you will look well.

    Why ? Because as everyone told you, you are starving your body so:
    - you can't get muscle, because in order to build your muscle, your body needs protein, and because you are not giving your body enough protein, it takes it in your muscle, so it is completely unproductive.
    - you are not getting fit, because your body is keeping all the fat, because it is STARVING

    Today, you can eat 1300 Kcal, stay at 1300 kcal for a week, and next week go at 1600 kcal. You won't get fat, don't worry !

    Last thing, don't loose more that 500g a week, otherwise, it will be a muscle loss and it is not good.
    If you see that you are losing more than 500g a week, eat more carbs (but again, with low glycemic index !!)

    And of course, keep going to the gym :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    sheinz7132 wrote: »
    I have been eating very healthy and doing T25 (I am on week 2) and the scale hasn't moved an ounce! In the past I starve and never workout and I seem to loose 2-5 pounds per week! What gives???

    Take your measurements. I can go weeks without the scales moving but be getting smaller inch wise the entire time.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I don't think I should log on here anymore, everyone thinks they're doctors and nurses. Guess I wasted my time with my degree lol. I could have been educated through Web MD or my fitness pal...who knew.

    Perhaps you shouldn't if actual science bothers you

    When you don't eat enough, typically less than 1200 calories, but higher if you're a larger person or male, your body believes it's starving ans holds onto calories in panic mode. We are animals and very efficient when there seems to be a shortage of food.
    When we increase exercise and don't fuel our body for the workload...again starvation mind set and we won't lose, and if we do, it will be very slowly.
    For an exercise like T25 you need protein and cards to fuel and recover from workout. More calories in your diet will allow your body to see...okay they're going to make me work more, but I'm not really missing anything...okay I'll give up some fat stores so we can be more effective in these workouts.
    Good luck

    You don't know what you think you know and this knowledge is tabloid misrepresentation of basic science

    But if you stick around you might learn