First time bulk



  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    It's a little difficult to tell, but I am not sure you're locking out and to reiterate Joe's comments, yes hip drive.

    I do feel as if I am standing straight up at the end of the lift. My knee flexibility is not the greatest. That's about as straight as my knees get, unfortunately.

    On the positive side, knee (along with hip and wrist) mobility can be increased.
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    It's a little difficult to tell, but I am not sure you're locking out and to reiterate Joe's comments, yes hip drive.

    I do feel as if I am standing straight up at the end of the lift. My knee flexibility is not the greatest. That's about as straight as my knees get, unfortunately.

    On the positive side, knee (along with hip and wrist) mobility can be increased.

    Matt would know.....he's "old..."

  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    It's a little difficult to tell, but I am not sure you're locking out and to reiterate Joe's comments, yes hip drive.

    I do feel as if I am standing straight up at the end of the lift. My knee flexibility is not the greatest. That's about as straight as my knees get, unfortunately.

    On the positive side, knee (along with hip and wrist) mobility can be increased.

    Matt would know.....he's "old..."
    Hey! I'm old enough to kick your...

    I need a nap.
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I hear you on the deadlifts. I just started doing them a year ago. My form isn't horrible but I keep switching back and forth between Sumo and Convential. I need to video myself doing Sumo at a heavier weight to see how my form is. When I pull conventional, my hips like to shoot up because my starting position is poor.
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Independence Day update.

    Got through my 9th week pretty well. Scale went up by about 1 pound from last week, I gained something in my biceps and neck. All other measurements stayed the same. About 3 weeks ago I stalled on bench. Was supposed to get 280lbs for 3 and struggled to get 2. Dropped the weight a bit and worked my way back up. I easily did 280lbs for 3 yesterday. Felt like I could do about 6. One of those rare surges of strength I guess. Felt really good. Happy 4th to all the bulking freaks out there! And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.

    That is fantastic man! A 280 bench is awesome and the one pound gain is great! Definitely on a good path man!
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    Independence Day update.

    Got through my 9th week pretty well. Scale went up by about 1 pound from last week, I gained something in my biceps and neck. All other measurements stayed the same. About 3 weeks ago I stalled on bench. Was supposed to get 280lbs for 3 and struggled to get 2. Dropped the weight a bit and worked my way back up. I easily did 280lbs for 3 yesterday. Felt like I could do about 6. One of those rare surges of strength I guess. Felt really good. Happy 4th to all the bulking freaks out there! And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.

    dat bench doe

    how u so strang

    props tho man haha
  • se015
    se015 Posts: 583 Member
    just started the same style of exercise and diet about a week ago. I am doing Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 with accessories (started a about 1.5 month ago gained a lot of strength but wasn't getting the calories to gain the mass i wanted , went from 80-180lbs squat for example but have only put on 1 pound in a month which is a little slow i am aiming for 3 to 4)

    As I've said in the past, I'm no expert, but I can tell you from experience that the 5x5 isn't always the best. I used do that and I also used to heavy weight lifting with low rep ranges as low as 2 and as high as 8, but then I started doing lighter weight and rep range from 8-12 with 3 or 4 sets, depending honestly on how I feel that day. This seems to be working, my muscles are getting bigger! It all depends on what you want more, strength or muscle thickness. Yes they both come when you lift weights, but I noticed when I did those programs my strength would improve dramatically, but no changes in size, then I started doing the Hypertrophy mode workouts, less weight, higher reps and size came on! Everyone is different, but just something to consider.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Definitely not an expert on form so hopefully someone else will chime in. I think they look pretty good. Although I have no clue how you manage to lift to commercials; it would drive me insane...
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    edited July 2015
    Ideally you want your head/spine neutral throughout, so you would be looking down to start.
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    edited July 2015
    I've been reading your thread the past couple of days. I appreciate you documenting this (as well as the sense of humor of all the contributors). I thought I would chime in not to hijaak the thread but to support your experience with my own.

    My story: I'm doing my first bulk too... at 64 it's a scary thing to do on many levels. I joined MFP January 2012 at 208 pounds ready to lose 30. I lost 50 in three years. Lost too much and ended up with tendonitis in my arms trying to keep up in the gym. So I started eating more. Ramped up from deficits at around 1700 calories a day to my present 2400, which I've been at since mid-March.

    My lowest weight was 150 on Mar. 1 although I dropped a quick 5 being sick so I usually figure 155. I'm bouncing around 166-167 now. About half is muscle according to measuring. Getting "chubby" around the waist which is scary but as I believe you said, I know how to lose. :smiley:

    I've experienced some upper body gains in measurements, look a lot better, and definitely have improved my strength. I mix free weights and machines. I did the Power Muscle Burn program for several months and now doing "powerbuilding" based on the two types of hypertrophy I read about on T-Nation. 4-day routine with muscle groups.

    In hindsight, I should have started maintenance MUCH sooner but was busy chasing the illusive last 10 pounds around my waist, which never happened. Slowly making my way back and relying on the "process" to work for me. I'm getting support from an MFP friend who knows her stuff and I trust her. I plan to evaluate my progress on October 1 and see if it is time to cut or keep going a little longer.

    I put off bulking (actually it just feels like eating too much after 3 years losing) for several months because I was afraid to gain fat again. At my age, many more factors come into play, IMO. It's been trying emotionally at times and I'm feeling uncomfortable now with the fat gain (about 40%) but the muscle & strength gains have been encouraging.

    I will keep following this thread as it is similar to my experience. Thanks again and keep up the good work.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    edited July 2015
    Sorry to hear about your injury. Sounds like any pulling exercise will aggravate and prevent healing. Couldn't you still squat and bench 3x a week? Benching with safeties (or in a power rack) and utilizing a false/suicide grip may allow for healing.
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    Unfortunately, @Finishing_Strong's post seemed to be a bit of foreshadowing for me.

    I'm pretty sure I have tendinitis.
    I met a guy at the gym with shoulder pain. He referred me to a chiropractor who also did ART, or Active Release Technique. I had several sessions that helped tremendously. I also had ibuprofen shots in each shoulder. Immediate relief and mobility and non-steroidal. I'm not 100% but much better and can lift pain free 99% of the time. You can research ART online, see YouTube demos, and look for providers. Try