Easy & Filling Snacks

im_simply_karen Posts: 50 Member
Hey everyone! I'm a teen looking for some filling snack ideas b/c I'm struggling to find low calorie & filling things to hold me over til my next meal. I would love to hear what yall have found works!


  • alexislucas84
    alexislucas84 Posts: 10 Member
    Dark chocolate covered strawberries by dole.... they are 60 cals per pack and very satisfying.
  • marciaholland77
    marciaholland77 Posts: 85 Member
    Veggie Straws work for me in between meals.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    How low calorie are you after? Some of my go to snacks are:
    • half of a Quest bar
    • some greek yogurt
    • popcorn air popped with some oil/butter spray (no propellant) and seasonings
    • apple or banana, perhaps with PB2 to dip in
    • turkey sausages
    • banana oat muffin (runningwithspoons.com/2014/06/24/banana-oat-greek-yogurt-muffins/, when I put 50g choc chips in they're ~120 cal each)
    • pita with hummus (especially pesto hummus)
  • pamelaplus3
    pamelaplus3 Posts: 1 Member
    I always love fruit (except melon) but it depends on if I have time to work it off. Some of my other go to's:
    *Boiled egg
    *Hummus & vegs - carrots, colored bell pepper, cucs, jicama
    *1/4c mixed nuts
    *V8 low salt
    *Baby Bell cheese
    *Dove Dark Chocolate
    *Apple w/peanut butter
  • sclause
    sclause Posts: 86 Member
    I never thought of this before today, sweet corn is only 2/1.00 right now so I had picked up a bunch. I just removed the husk and washed it, I was going to cook it but ended up just eating it raw without any butter or salt. It was delicious! It was only like 70 calories too, IMO way better than cooked with butter and salt. I love fruit when it's in season it's practically all I eat, and it's good for you too. My personal favorite is watermelon
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    Fruit, carrot (possibly dipped in a low fat herby yoghurt dip), rice cakes, egg white omelette, a leafy salad.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    I pack one serving of dry roasted almonds for a snack on the go, or for between meals at work. It's 160cal, but they're so high protein and good for me that I don't worry about it. And frankly, one serving is enough for three snacks during my day. It's worth it, and delicious!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I like to freeze thick pureed vegetable soups that are around 50-75 calories per cup. They fill me up every time.
  • buddysma
    buddysma Posts: 1 Member
    I like a protein shake and an apple or in the late afternoon I like having a quest bar 20 minutes before a workout because it helps push through my workout. I also have had almonds for my snack but only do it sparingly because even though they are great snacks the fat content is high.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    apple cut up and sauteed with some cinnamon & oats until all soft & yummy then put that over some banana nice cream

    Ahhh yes

    grapes,dark chocolate squares,almonds,caramel rice cakes,banana & peanut butter toast,beanfields chips,hummus & veggies,pretzels,roasted chickpeas,watermelon
  • alyssaby
    alyssaby Posts: 5 Member
    Try roasting a small potato, a handful of baby carrots and some zucchini with balsamic vinegar. Tastes great, low calorie.
  • Solangelle
    Solangelle Posts: 5 Member
    Try to get protein in there, which I find most filling. Protein bars, protein chips, Greek yogurt with fruit, cottage cheese (I blend it with vanilla extract and a tsp of maple syrup because I hate the curds - also a good pretend icing). I also eat careful portions of nuts for some fat, and a square of dark chocolate is always a good idea.
  • 196449ab
    196449ab Posts: 8 Member
    Tuna fish with avocado instead of mayo and a teaspoon or two of dijon mustard. It sounded weird to me at first, but i love it. It's packed with protein, healthy fats grim the avocado, and it will satisfy you.
  • SparkyJess3
    SparkyJess3 Posts: 625 Member
    Snapea Crisps are really yummy 22 for 110 calories and you get the crunchy and saltiness just like a chip!
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    just saw on another post that sounds good ~ split a cheesestick in half (or fourths even) and wrap a peice of lunchmeat (ham or turkey) ~ quick, easy, protein packed snack!
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    Snapea Crisps are really yummy 22 for 110 calories and you get the crunchy and saltiness just like a chip!

    love these!!
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Fruits, roasted or raw veggies, nut butters, raw nuts, hardboiled eggs, cubed cheeses, smoothies of all kinds, etc
  • BicepsAndBows
    BicepsAndBows Posts: 197 Member
    Quest Protein Bars (you can get them at GNC or www.questnutrition.com)
    Greek yogurt with 2 Tbsp. granola
    1/4 cup raw, unsalted almonds
    Banana or apple with 1 Tbsp. natural peanut butter
    Carrot or celery sticks and 2 Tbsp. hummus
    A homemade smoothie (there are TONS of low calorie and filling recipes on Pinterest!)
    Protein shake (make with protein powder of your choice and 1 cup almond milk)
    String cheese
  • Laramary602
    Laramary602 Posts: 52 Member
    Sugar free apple chips and some roasted almonds