Exercise advice please

hi all. I workout at home around my little boy going to nursery. I use a stationary bike and elliptic every day but need to add in some core or strength work but not sure where to start. What I have done so far has only been for three weeks and my legs are toning nicely and have lost some from my love ha doke area but need to lose some from tummy and tone up my arms too. Any help or advice of what I can add in would be much appreciated, thanks all


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Progressive resistance training to help retain muscle.

    Btw there is no such thing as toning any thing up. You can lose fat while revealing muscle you have underneath it. You are seeing the benefits of losing fat, now put some training in with it and retain as much muscle as possible while eating enough protein in you diet.
  • syndeo
    syndeo Posts: 68 Member
    You can't target fat burning. Not possible. Your body burns fat where it burns fat.

    If you want to strengthen core, just google some core exercises. Planks, side planks, bridge, clamshells, etc. Want to increase strength, push ups, dips, burpees, squats, sits against a well, toe raises etc. Google body weight exercises. Lots of videos online for sure.
  • DesertGunR
    DesertGunR Posts: 187 Member
    So you want to add some strength training to your home work out. Don't worry you can and you don't need anything more than you to do it. There are many different body weight programs out there. Which are just basic calisthenics programs. Look up "Using your body as a gym" and several other like them. If you want to start small there are apps that can provide assistance like 100 push-ups or sit-ups challenges, etc..

    Good Luck!
  • snorris1983
    snorris1983 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks very much. Added in some squats and lunges and crunches etc today so shall just try and add a bit each day and see where it gets me.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    But really, its your calorie deficit that's what's doing the work.
  • jacklfc88
    jacklfc88 Posts: 247 Member
    Thanks very much. Added in some squats and lunges and crunches etc today so shall just try and add a bit each day and see where it gets me.

    concentrate on form - really important!
  • SexyGamerGal
    SexyGamerGal Posts: 75 Member
    I do blogilatws at home while my son is at preschool. I could always feel it massively in my abs. I could hold my shoulders up finally by the end of her beginner 2.0 calendar. Because I had no core strength at the beggining. So it might be another option to switch it up.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Look up pilates videos too...I do a class twice a week that only uses our bodies as resistance...you could do it all at home no problem!

    V sits
    leg raises
    planks, rolling, side, standard, leg raises while planking
    roll ups, roll overs
    push ups, in many variations

    building core strength is so great even if you can't spot reduce...I stand taller and straighter with a strong core!
  • snorris1983
    snorris1983 Posts: 24 Member
    Great thanks. Shall have to try some of those. I was thinking of doing the plank challenge. I can't do a push up for the life of me, just no strength in my arms to hold my own weight and no core strength either. Figured I can build myself up slowly and gain strength. Even tried a bit of yoga today.
  • snorris1983
    snorris1983 Posts: 24 Member
    I had never heard of blogilates before but searched and found the app. May have to try the beginner calendar myself. Anything that helps burn fat and build muscle along with my healthy eating is good by me.
  • awnurmarc
    awnurmarc Posts: 125 Member
    I think you can buy adjustable dumbbells and plates for them at Walmart that aren't too expensive. Then you can do planks on your elbows and floor presses with dumbbells increasing the weight a small increment each workout. The combination of core strength from the planks and progressive weight on the dumbbells should get you to do a pushup. (But be careful. Holding and balancing two heavy weights over your face is not without risk.)

    A push-up, like a chin-up or a dip, is a pretty difficult move to work up to. I was so proud of myself for getting to do two chin-ups but doing the third took a long time. And now I'm having the same frustration even when I can do four but want to grow to five. I am asking my body to get 25% stronger. That's a big jump!

    But if you can go up in smaller increments, you will be amazed at how strong you can become. You have no idea. (And I'm not talking about muscle size; just amazing strength.) But you have to be able to start low and just provoke your muscles to a slightly heavier challenge each session.
  • snorris1983
    snorris1983 Posts: 24 Member
    edited June 2015
    Shall have to get some weights then I think and work up. I can do a girly push up but not a proper one.
    Quite sore from workout on Monday so had a rest day yesterday and doing some today but taking it easy and loosening up. Shall be back to working hard soon though.
  • sammyc0815
    sammyc0815 Posts: 1 Member
    Try downloading the Nike Training Club app! It's great for at home workouts. There's full body workouts, some cardio, and workouts that target specific areas. There's also videos you can watch for each exercise just incase you don't understand how to do them or proper form.
  • snorris1983
    snorris1983 Posts: 24 Member
    Great thanks shall have a look at that
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Great thanks. Shall have to try some of those. I was thinking of doing the plank challenge. I can't do a push up for the life of me, just no strength in my arms to hold my own weight and no core strength either. Figured I can build myself up slowly and gain strength. Even tried a bit of yoga today.

    After 2 years of weight loss and strength gains I am finally able to do 10 push ups - what I sexistly call big boy push ups! Before that I'd do push ups on my knees. That counts as long as you do them properly and keep your body straight rather than bending at the hip. Practice whenever you can (i often drop and do 10!) and you'll get there. It's a great goal to have. Nothing more empowering than a big boy push up!
  • bonbon42261
    bonbon42261 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I really need help. I am so confuse when I work out how to count my how many calories I burn. If I get on a treadmill it will say I burn ex. 150 kal. When I add it in here it will give me like 215kal. Then when I get on the full body elliptical for 30 min the machine may say I burn 200kal and then this will say 400kal. I have absolutely no idea what to keep track of. Part of me wants to use this app because it has my weight and height. But it is like so unbelievable I could burn that amount of calories sometimes. Please help me. I am new at all of this.