Prepping for Triathlon

hey guys,

I'm participating in a charity triathlon I a couple of weeks. Before now, I was eating to slightly lose and doing tons of cardio and strength training 3-5 times a week.

I am worried about my endurance. Would you guys recommend shifting to maintainance amounts food wise while I'm preparing myself? The event is 2.5 weeks away.

I am 23, 5'4" and about 115 pounds.



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    There's a reason that many endurance athletes will put on a kg or two leading up to a race.....they take fuel (would I be correct in thinking that this is a sprint -or shorter - tri?) I would be inclined to eat at or close to maintenance and don't skimp on the carbs.
  • dmkoenig
    dmkoenig Posts: 299 Member
    What's the distance of your tri? My guess is if it's a charity tri the length and duration is not going to be anything that will give you any problems; you've certainly been plenty active that endurance is not going to be a concern nor significant nutrition changes are needed.

    You might want to consider doing a couple of brick workouts - a bike workout followed immediately by a run. It doesn't need to be anything intense and long but it will get your legs accustomed to going from one use to another. That's one of the aspects of a triathlon that takes some getting used to.

    As far as nutrition goes, you shouldn't have to do anything differently than eat your normal foods. Nutrition starts playing a critical role once you get into the longer tris but if your event is under 2 hours just eat as you normally would. Be sure to cut back on training in the week leading up to the event as you want your glycogen stores fully recharged. You can eat a high carb meal 48 hours prior to the race; other than that it's probably more important to stick with things that sit well with you.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    What have you been doing to train? I assume this is a short distance "sprint" race? If so I wouldn't worry too much about your diet as you approach the race.
  • emilyvotaw8
    emilyvotaw8 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys! I am biking around 5 miles and running 7, the total length of the event is 7 hours
  • emilyvotaw8
    emilyvotaw8 Posts: 10 Member
    I should explain that it's technically an "urban adventure" and there are random physical challenges thrown in to explain the length of the event
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I should explain that it's technically an "urban adventure" and there are random physical challenges thrown in to explain the length of the event

    So how far are you actually biking, running and swimming at the event?