Losing Weight To Look & Feel Better!

Hey people I'm new to this weight loss site, and so far I find it exciting :D I have never went to a website to help Shed some pounds but everyone seems so friendly :)

My name is Kayla,
CW- 240
GW- 180

I have 3 Months to shed 60 pounds, Any Advice on extra things I can do?


  • yaydie
    yaydie Posts: 1
    hey im new here too... i wanna lose 50 pounds by august and i really need some tips and help... any suggestions from anyone.. or what r u doing to lose....starting weight is 210 wanna be 160 by august...
  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    just log everything you eat, stay within your calorie goals and EXERCISE!! daily (or atleast 5days a week) exercise is so very important. I am a big fan of Jillian Michaels DVDs (she's from the Biggest Loser). She has a whole bunch out, just google, or look on Amazon. They are cheap and they will produce quick weight loss!!! I would suggest starting with her 30 Day Shred DVD, it's only 28 minutes of your day, you can do it right at home, and there is no way you CAN'T lose weight if you're doing it consistently and eating a low calorie diet!! Good luck! =)
  • towerrounder
    Hey, 60 pounds is quite a lot to lose in three months. Im losing about a 2 pounds a week, which is quite a bit for me. Im just limiting my calories and walking a bit more. Good luck.
  • lovinglife71
    lovinglife71 Posts: 65 Member
    I find eating clean and natural helps me the most! I try to stay away from caffeine, prepackaged foods, sugar, wht starches! Lots of Water!! Oh and mfp automatically adds back your calories burned, there is always a big debate wether to eat those calories back.... some say you will go into starvation mode if you don't eat them back, some say they don't loose if they eat them back, I find what works best for me is eating back half calories burned....for example mfp has me set at 1200 calories, if I burn 500 cal's then ill eat back the 250 of those burned calories. I think every"body" is different and it's kind of a trial and error thing to find what works best for you. This is a great place for that, awesome tools and awesome people to help you on your weight loss journey!! Feel free to add me and we can support each other.
  • hyper588
    hyper588 Posts: 28
    I too have about 50 more pounds to lose. Just hired a personal trainer--10 sessions-- to see what we can accomplish over the next 4-5 weeks, as I have a class reunion then. (Almost waited a bit too long...) Yet, short term goals are good and hopefully a spring board to life-long healthier choices.

    I am committed to eat 1200-1300 calories and do two-a-days (exercise at least an hour at 400-600 calories, twice a day) for the next 5 weeks. I really, really want to lose 10lbs before this reunion.

    I am incorporating 1 cup skim milk, 4 oz white (no sugar added) grapefruit juice, 8 almonds and 5 olives into my daily diet... all foods that are supposed to help reduce belly fat...which has gotten out of control since I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago.

    Good luck everyone.
  • mnmmaker
    mnmmaker Posts: 1
    The best advice anyone can give to someone who is trying to lose weight is encouragement. We all can lose weight the trick is keeping it off. As we make the decision to lose weight look at it as a lifestyle change not a diet. Set a goal but a reasonable goal. If you want to lose 30 lbs then first start at losing 15 lbs .... Be sure to eat a good breakfast that gives you the fuel you need to get going.. Just like a car needs gas to make it move you need food to get your body moving. Eat a light snack.. Fruit , veggies, anything. Well maybe not anything ... you don't want to eat donuts or candy .. I heard something that really made sense If you think you are hungry then grab an apple... if an apple doesn't sound good then you really aren't Hungry.

    Add exercise to your daily routine.. Doesn't have to be going to the gym... but if you go to the grocery store park further from the door. If there are stairs that you can take instead of the elevator take them. Walk to the end of the block and back when you go to check the mail. When you are watching TV.. get up when a commercial comes on and walk to the opposite end of the house and back until your program comes back on. The idea is to get up and move around more then what you have been doing.

    You don't need any special diet books to help you and spend lots of money on strange boring recipes. One thing to remember when you go shopping stay on the outside of the isles . When you step into the inside you are buying foods that are not healthy... Think about it the next time you are in the store. Fruits/Veggies / Meat / Eggs/ all the good healthy fresh things are on the outer ailes.

    Good things to think about if I add to my plate I add to my weight - Don't add salt to your meals or when cooking..Don't add sugar to your meals

    If all this is too much then take what you are eating right now and cut it in half. When you go out to eat ask for a togo box when they bring out the food. Cut it in half and put it in the container. Eat what is on your plate and save the rest for dinner or Lunch the next day.
    Do this for two weeks and you will see a difference and you will see that you really don't need all that food you are just as full with 1/2.

    Take a picture of your self the day you are starting your Lifestyle change.. Take measurements... Weigh yourself

    Then pick a day of the week you will weigh and measure each week. You will be amazed at the change ... Within a month you will be happy with the progress you are making that you will be ready to eat healthier and exercise more.

    Good luck on your journey to a wonderful lifestyle change... And Remember if you think you ate the wrong thing or don't feel like exercising one day.. That's okay.. Because tomorrow is a new day and we dust ourself off and work harder and eat better the next day. Remember it isn't what you eat but how much and why you eat it .