How far do you commute to the gym?



  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    It's about 25-30 miles away and I go in the evenings. I'm not a morning person, and I go to work at 7:15a. There is a closer gym, but their hours are terrible.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    A flight of stairs in the winter, and my porch/yard in the sunmer.

    When I did go to a gym, I always located it closer to work than home. I don't think I've ever gone to the gym from my house. Always from work.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    3 miles or a 10 minute drive.
  • TaurianDoll
    TaurianDoll Posts: 111 Member
    My gym is across the street (a very busy street). It's a 0.4 mile run and a 3 minute drive (gotta wait at a really long traffic light).
  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    30 feet from my back door to my garage.
  • Megeffer
    Megeffer Posts: 48 Member
    10 minutes driving. I tend to go early in the morning after I drop my boyfriend off at work (4am) and before I go into work (8 am) if I don't go then, then I go late at night 830pm or later. Right when my son is getting settled into bed.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    5 minute driving but I often walk to it and it is 2 miles each way so it takes me a little less than 40 minutes each way while walking.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    1 step. My garage is my gym. ;)
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    Three miles currently. When I was working out of town, I joined at an Anytime and it was ok for where I was, but I didn't enjoy that particular one. Now that I'm in town again....I definitely count my blessings that I am so close. I think driving a long way to workout would deter me a bit. Even though I do love my gym time!
  • raisealittlehell
    raisealittlehell Posts: 341 Member
    2 mins from my office across campus. But on the weekends its maybe a 7 min drive
  • benwonnell
    benwonnell Posts: 6 Member
    Work is 8 miles away(13 minutes) and the gym is about the midpoint between home and work. I usually go on my way home. Big time convenience, as I'm not so sure I'd go if it was out of the way of my routine.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    My gym is at work and 3 miles away. I usually bike to work (about 20 minutes) unless it's raining.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    My gym is about 15 minutes from my house and 5 minutes from work (it is between home/work). I only go there to swim, and either go before work or on my way home from work. I do all strength sessions in my workout room in my house. Biking and running are either from my house, or meeting people someplace - could be anywhere from a 5 minute drive to a 30 minute drive, depending on where we're meeting. Yoga is at a studio that is slightly out of my way going home from work - takes me about 25 minutes to get there from work and 5-10 minutes to get home, depending on traffic.
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    I walk downstairs to the garage.
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    Less than 15 minutes from home.
  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    it sucks, but i'm about a 25 minute drive away (always because of traffic at the only time i'm able to go to the gym). i wish there was a gym closer to me :'(
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Takes me about 4 minutes, maybe 5 on average
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    Used to be 20 minutes until I bought my own equipment. My gym didn't have all :/ Plus the creepers. Now I roll out of bed and go to my front room - so worth it compared to the money wasted on gas everyday. All ready paid for itself! Now I have wifi for my music too.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    It's a 15 second walk from my bedroom. Just down the stairs and out to the garage. Can't get more convenient than that. When I did go to an actual gym, it was walking distance from our house (though I never walked), or less than a 5-minute drive.
  • themrsmejia
    themrsmejia Posts: 1 Member
    3 floors down in my office building!