Having trouble eating enough?



  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    micymarie wrote: »

    Weighing can make a pretty big difference, again especially with fats, though you may not need to do that until you get closer to goal. I think people were assuming you weren't losing weight and therefore were underestimating your caloric intake. Honestly, you probably are (like nearly everyone, even registered dieticians in a study on calorie estimation), but if you are losing weight at a safe and reasonable level, it's not a big deal. It's when people start to stall or plateau that accuracy really counts.

    Try increasing your fats and protein and see if the weight loss slows down. After the first couple of weeks, 1-2 lbs is considered safe, though with 100 lbs to lose you may be able to lose slightly faster without issues. If you are consistently losing 3-4 lb or even more per week, you need to keep adding calories, because you are right that too much of a calorie deficit can definitely do more harm than good.

    Even if I don't need to yet I might as well get in the habit of using a scale and hopefully it helps with the probable accuracy issue. And I can definitely incorporate more avocados and nuts as I like them both especially avocados. In the past two weeks I've already lost 8 pounds. I run for 45 minutes every night and I do resistance stuff three times a week, with saturdays off. I thought that may be contributing to the quick loss but it still seemed pretty steep that's why it seemed worth figuring out maybe getting some suggestions. Much appreciated.

    It sounds as if you are doing really well. Just take MakePeasNotWar's advice to get your calorie count up along with using a food scale.

    The only other thing that I would look at is your protein levels and if you are getting enough.

    Good luck and I commend you on trying to get this right.

  • micymarie
    micymarie Posts: 10 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    How come your profile says you need to lose more than 100 lbs but at the same time you are concerned you are not eating enough? These two together, they do not make sense. Is the profile wrong?

    The more that someone weighs the more that it will take to fuel their body.

    I am 200lbs...if I was only eating 1000 calories...that would not be enough. My BMR is over 1500.

    I think that she is saying that since going Vegan that she is having a hard time reaching her calorie goals. The days that I eat mostly vegetables I do good to get in 800 calories. I am full but haven't met my calorie goal of 1600.

    That was how I read it. I got so used to avoiding oils and restricting nuts to small portions when I was vegetarian (to make room for cheese and ice cream, lol) that when I stopped eating dairy my fat intake dropped like a stone. The volume of food went up, but calories went way down.

    Now that I have increased oils and nuts, my calories tend to hover between 1600-2000 depending on my activity level and hunger. I can't remember the last time (not including being sick) that my calories were below 1200.

    And yes thats exactly what i meant I'm glad someone got it haha. I dropped dairy for the same reason, although i do use eggs for a protein source. Plus same thing as well dairy was making my fat intake way too high and moderation isn't really a skill of mine so i figured it was better to not eat it all and now i don't crave cheese/ice cream all the time which is nice.
  • micymarie
    micymarie Posts: 10 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »

    It sounds as if you are doing really well. Just take MakePeasNotWar's advice to get your calorie count up along with using a food scale.

    The only other thing that I would look at is your protein levels and if you are getting enough.

    Good luck and I commend you on trying to get this right.

  • Antoinetterys
    Antoinetterys Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2016
    I actually am having the same problem. I very rarely go over 1300 calories and usually get 900 or so. I tend to get a little over half of my recommended protein (I get 50g out of 80). I never get certain vitamins from diet alone. I just found this article that hopefully will give u ideas on how to get more calories.


    I however eat beef a few times a week and rarely eat chicken. I was a vegetarian for 13 years. I now eat eggs a few times a week. I also eat cheese and ice cream a few times a week. U may consider paying attention to your carb intake and the vitamins provided by the veggies u are eating.

    To balance mine lately I have been eating less fruit and more vegetables. Adding peanut butter to my meals and I'm trying to diversify the types of food I eat. I also cook with Sunflower or Canola oil. Nuts and granola (as dessert) also help.