DRINKING water only- thoughts, results, recommendations



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I love how the idea of drinking only water is somehow controversial or needs to be ran by the collective for approval. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's necessary at all to drink only water or implying that other drinks are unhealthy, etc. Simply that it's funny that it's so ingrained in our minds that things like milk, soda, coffee, tea, juices, etc are de facto requirements in our lives.

    Why is it bad that people enjoy things like milk, soda, coffee, etc.? How is it surprising that people want to know whether they HAVE to cut out these enjoyable things from their diet to be healthy/lose weight?

    OP - if you want to drink water only, then go for it! Just know that you don't have to, if you enjoy other things.

    I don't really like to drink my calories, so I drink mostly water. However, I do drink about 4 cups of coffee a day (with skim milk and Equal, so calories are minimal), the occasional diet soda (maybe one a day if I'm on a kick or have them in the house, but usually just when I'm out to eat), and unsweetened tea. I drink beer on the weekends, but I log it and keep it within my daily calorie goal.
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    I think you'll like the way you feel! Water is so essential for all of your body's functions, and it will work so much better when it's well-hydrated. I second working your way up slowly. I started out at 4 cups, and now I'm drinking somewhere in the range of 3 liters to a gallon every day, mostly based on my activity level for the day. My body craves it and I feel like garbage if I don't get enough! It also helps keep water retention down, which is a big plus, since water weight is singularly the most frustrating thing about weight loss. I'll still drink tea with a little bit of honey in it almost every day, though. And peeing a lot isn't necessarily a bad thing. Gives me a good reason to get away from my desk and stretch my legs more throughout the day.

    I still work in a treat occasionally. I don't particularly enjoy the taste of alcohol, but my husband and I still pretend with sparkling juice. And I really don't care if that makes me sound like an 8-year-old! But anyways, I'll work a serving of that into my calories/macros, or I'll get something sweet from Starbucks. Whatever I do, I always make sure I have enough room in my macros for it.

    Maybe tell your friends you're trying to replace all fluids with water, and suggest social activities that don't revolve around getting a drink? And also, one thing that helped me get my water intake up was to drink from a container that had a straw. Not sure why this helped - maybe drinking from a straw is just so much easier than constantly taking a cap off and putting it back on - but it made a big difference.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    I often prefer not to waste calories on drinks

    I do love to drink, but when I'm keeping the calories tight then that's the first thing to go
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I drink 2 cups of coffee each morning and I do like my ocassional beer and wine but keep that to like one a day and mostly only on weekends. I drink about 120 oz of water a day. At first I hated it and was always looking for "flavors" to add to my water. Now it's just what I drink. I've been doing this for a year and I feel really good and my skin has never looked better.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    We made it for 2.5 million years on just water so you should be ok :-)
  • PhysicsOnIce
    PhysicsOnIce Posts: 46 Member
    There is nothing wrong in only drinking water. I drink mostly water , along side my morning coffee or tea and the occasional half glass of wine on holidays.

    I'm the person who whenever my group of friends and I go out always orders water, most of the time sparkling water with lemon. Don't be surprise when your friends start to tease about it or will start to push you a bit to have drink. Considering that the standard American beers have between 80-200 calories per beer... I live in Belgium where the beer is basically a half loaf of liquid bread, you can guess the calorie count on some of those beers......

    Also, it is completely natural that you have to pee a lot, the more water you drink the easier it is for your body to get rid of excess toxins. Peeing is simply your bodies way of getting rid of those toxins.

    Good Luck.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    davert123 wrote: »
    We made it for 2.5 million years on just water so you should be ok :-)

    Just drinking water is fine but as a species we have not made it on just water for quite a long time.
    Homo sapiens have been around about 200,000 years and have been drinking beer, wine, chocolate, coffee and tea for thousands of years. Historically, there have been times and places where people did not drink water much at all.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I never developed a taste for milk, juice or soda. I'm primarily a black and green tea drinker. (Weak; lightly sweetened or sweetened with stevia. Almost flavored water.)

    I was drinking hot chocolate last winter but when I recommitted to losing weight, that went out the window without conscious thought. Sure, there's room in the calorie budget, but I have other plans for those carbs and calories.
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    There is no "recommended" amount of water to drink per day. Drink when you get thirsty. There are no demonstrated health benefits to drinking eight glasses of water per day.
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    I drink water only. It's not really a diet for me. It's just what I do. I think that drinking water only helps prevent water retention. Of course, if I eat salty foods I am going to retain water.
  • Stayhuman853
    Stayhuman853 Posts: 13 Member
    I drink just water and I go to the bathroom A LOT.

    They say you need 8 cups of water (8oz each), not to be confused with "glasses" which may be more than 8 oz. I always end up drinking more water than the recommended amount because I drink through the work day and drink 1-2 water bottles (3 cups each) during work outs.

    I love water and I don't miss any other drinks!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I drink mostly water now (usually around 5 glasses). I don't still drink tea but is mostly herbal.
    I can't say it's given all the benefits it's supposed to. My skin isn't clearer, I don't look younger or feel better. I do pee more though. Lol.
  • Dofflin
    Dofflin Posts: 127 Member
    Good luck, perhaps you have not been in touch with your body's thirst signal and this can help you get bck in touch. If you're into drinking, I can't imagine it'll last for long unless you've been looking for a reason to quit.
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    The only beverage I usually drink is water. Pop gives me UTI's and juice has a lot of sugar and calories. I will once in a while drink a lemonade vitamin water zero. It isn't as good as regular lemonade, but still has the lemonade flavor if I am feeling something other than water. And it has 0 calories. I also used to add Mio Water Enhancer but after my last pregnancy, it has grossed me out since. I notice that I don't really lose weight like I would normally lose if I don't drink at LEAST 8 cups of water a day. I pee a lot too, but it flushes out unnecessary toxins.
  • RaeB1013
    RaeB1013 Posts: 265 Member
    I drink water only, and have for 7 weeks now. At first I was peeing like crazy and it would hit me out of nowhere. I think my kidneys and my bladder are used to it now because although I still do pee a lot, it's not as crazy as it used to be. I FEEL so much better drinking only water and it has really helped with my skin too. It also helps keep you full, which is a great benefit. I've been told by a few people that I look "glowy" and I definitely attribute that to the water. It also helps flush out excess sodium which helps with not retaining water. Water is the absolute best thing you can nourish your body with. Good choice!
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    I drink primarily water and have for years. I don't like the taste of artificial sweeteners in diet drinks so I would rather have the real thing in limited amounts--very limited. A six pack of soda will last me several months. I do drink a lot of tea and flavored waters as "just" water tends to get a little boring after a while. I will drink sparkling water with lemon or lime for a change as well. I have found when I go out for a drink I am satisfied with one drink, usually a glass of wine. I will sometimes have a wine spritzer (wine with soda and lime) or just soda water with a lime or lemon. It gives the appearance of drinking without the extra calories that alcohol brings. If you were a heavy soda or coffee drinker you will find you have headaches for the first few days--caffeine withdrawal. Your body does adapt to the increase in water and you will find you will not be going to the bathroom so often, although that is not a bad thing.
  • happygolucky721
    happygolucky721 Posts: 26 Member
    I just can't justify drinking my calories - it's just not worth it, I love food too much lol. I stick to water, unsweetened tea, coffee (on occasion with a splash of skim milk) though usually black. Diet soda is a treat. Once in a blue moon, I'll meet a friend at starbucks and get a fancy drink and chat. It's less cals and money overall than going out for dinner. Don't see any major benefits other than staying within cal goals...
  • smendrin
    smendrin Posts: 3 Member
    I started drinking mostly water two days ago, as opposed to the diet soda I was drinking all day. I cut back to only one diet soda in the AM (it's like my version of coffee) and water or green tea the rest of the day. I've already noticed a huge difference in my skin and face, and I'm not bloated like I used to be (thanks to the water and clean eating combination). The first day was tough, but today I'm finding I'm craving water and have already had 48 oz in the last 3 hours. I'd say it's definitely worth the extra trips to the bathroom.
  • RaeB1013
    RaeB1013 Posts: 265 Member
    smendrin wrote: »
    I started drinking mostly water two days ago, as opposed to the diet soda I was drinking all day. I cut back to only one diet soda in the AM (it's like my version of coffee) and water or green tea the rest of the day. I've already noticed a huge difference in my skin and face, and I'm not bloated like I used to be (thanks to the water and clean eating combination). The first day was tough, but today I'm finding I'm craving water and have already had 48 oz in the last 3 hours. I'd say it's definitely worth the extra trips to the bathroom.

    Yes! I crave water now too! I drink 180 oz a day. If I don't drink at LEAST 150oz I almost feel dehydrated. It's become such a habit that I don't even "struggle" to drink it anymore.