Terrified of loose skin.



  • Jaxxie1181
    Jaxxie1181 Posts: 138 Member
    Chances are you won't have too much loose skin. Not like you see on people who weighed 400+lbs and then lost a bunch of weight. How elastic your skin is depends on so many factors, including genetics, so you may or may not have some. Even if you do once you reach your goal weight it will never be the same as when you were at your starting weight and it can be concealed with the right clothing. :)
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    edited June 2015
    drink plenty of water and don't lose too quickly and you will be fine

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited June 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Insurance wouldn't cover the surgery anyway, and cosmetic surgeons typically won't perform the procedure until you've hit goal and maintained it for a year. Yes, I've investigated this.

    There are many insurance plans that will cover it if it's causing medical conditions such as sores opening from the hanging skin.

    Hmm I will keep that in mind as I keep losing as a just in case it happens.

    Yeah well that isn't something you want to happen so let's not hope for that option. If you're at that point that means there are tears in the skin fold or at the spot where it's hanging off of and one of the big problems is infection and possible sepsis. Sepsis isn't something that you want to deal with.

    I think I have more of a reason to get rid of this weight and yes my chest sag a lot more than I want to. One time I was actually check for breast cancer when a new doctor saw that I tend to get these bumps under the sagging. Maybe I should bring that to someone attention now. But I am and was always prone to getting abscess which is what they call it. They get so annoy and one was so painful I went to the ER for it. I couldn't even lift weights because I was in pain.

  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I can't find much scientific to collaborate this, so take it as you will:
    The advice I've heard is to get even a little bit further under your goal weight. The body has to then pull in some of the looser fat pockets just to get the fat out of them.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Don't let this fear stop you from achieving your goals. I don't have much advice to offer, but I'll share with you what I shared with the people on PumpUp.
    I really hope my skin adjusts to my new weight after maintaining for awhile, because this sucks. That said though, it could be worse and there is always surgery if it comes down to it. When it's all said and done though, I'd rather have loose skin and be healthy than go back to horrible health with a BMI of 44.

    There isn't much I can do about my loose skin. My health was horrible when I was at my heaviest and I really don't want to go back. If I lose another 8 lbs, I will literally be half the person I was.
    You're younger than me and you don't have as much to lose as I did. I honestly think you will be fine if you follow the advice that has been given so far.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    . One time I was actually check for breast cancer when a new doctor saw that I tend to get these bumps under the sagging.

    I had a similar incident. I think some hard fat lumps in my breast kind of glommed together. It was then an irregular lump on the mammogram, which set off all sorts of alarms. I got an ultrasound and it came back clear. Minor scare.

    All my cellulitis shows up in hard relief now. No matter. I can run!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    . One time I was actually check for breast cancer when a new doctor saw that I tend to get these bumps under the sagging.

    I had a similar incident. I think some hard fat lumps in my breast kind of glommed together. It was then an irregular lump on the mammogram, which set off all sorts of alarms. I got an ultrasound and it came back clear. Minor scare.

    All my cellulitis shows up in hard relief now. No matter. I can run!

    This all happened when I was 21 though.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @yopeeps025 , ah, to be 21 again!
  • TiffanyR71
    TiffanyR71 Posts: 217 Member
    Stay hydrated
    Moisturize daily
    Eat plenty of dietary fat as you lose
    Good luck - you're young, you'll be fine- and as everyone else said, it's better to have some loose skin than to be obese!
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    I currently weigh 235 and my goal weight is around 140-150 and I'm terrified that I'm going to have a lot of gross lose hanging skin when I get there.

    I do toning and I'm losing slowly but I've heard you will still have it and sometimes it has to be surgically removed. I don't have insurance or make a lot of money plus I'm terrified of surgery.

    Any tips or help would be appreciated.

    Loose skin is far better than fat, for your health and for how you look and feel on the day to day.

    It's a very lame excuse/fear to avoid doing the work of losing weight.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @UltimateRBF and @JuniperVera , my granddaughter is fifteen and lots of things terrify her though she admits to only a few. True fearlessness comes with maturity, and our OP is nineteen. I understand that she may be truly afraid of what her body will look like when she is done.

    High blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease are all fears of the old.

    At her age, her greatest risk is from a car accident, not from being overweight.

    That being said, this is a fear that can be faced.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    I'm 35. -59 pounds. Have had stretch marks since puberty (I have seen people on here claim there is a link.) And: no loose skin. I have done strength training (all bodyweight until fairly recently), I drink a ton of water and moisturize (not sure that really helps but it's something I've always done), and I lost the bulk of the weight fairly quickly.

    It's probably going to come down to genetics. You're 19. I wouldn't sweat it. Eat all of the calories MFP gives you, eat half of your exercise calories, begin strength training. You will either have loose skin or you won't and I'm not sure you can really control it.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I agree that I'd rather have loose skin than be fat. But if I could be skinny without loose skin that would be better. Unfortunately I've had several csections so nothing is ever gonna lay flat again. Loose skin doesn't scare me. I'm with @jgnatca that as you get older you care become more fearless as concerns your physical appearance.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I've followed all the advice - my weight loss took 3+ years; I do the strength training; drink plenty of water; moisturise... And I have tons of loose skin. Tons. I've had a surgical consultation, but that route would be expensive and require at least 3 surgeries, carrying all the risks that go along with that. Plus, did you know that when you're really fat your veins get bigger to make sure all parts of your body get adequate blood supply? Did you also know that when you lose weight, your veins don't shrink down? So there's the additional risk of increased blood loss (but I'm awesome at donating blood. They love me.)

    My point is there may not be anything you can do to prevent loose skin. It's going to be more about genetics than anything else. So alongside all the strategies you're trying, spend some time working on being ok with the idea of loose skin. And if you can't be ok with it, at least find ways to handle not being ok with it.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I'm more terrified of getting sick/dying from obesity.
    My advice: Get on a strength training program.
  • Bellodesiderare
    Bellodesiderare Posts: 278 Member
    I currently weigh 235 and my goal weight is around 140-150 and I'm terrified that I'm going to have a lot of gross lose hanging skin when I get there.

    I do toning and I'm losing slowly but I've heard you will still have it and sometimes it has to be surgically removed. I don't have insurance or make a lot of money plus I'm terrified of surgery.

    Any tips or help would be appreciated.

    I started out at 220 lbs and am now 142. I do have a little bit of loose skin, but not much. I cannot recommend Stronglifts 5 x 5 highly enough. Lifting weights helps maintain lean body mass (LBM). Otherwise, don't get in a hurry to lose the weight. Your skin will thank you for losing at a healthy pace :) Below are my before/afters. Feel free to friend me if you want the support. Good luck to you!!

