Wanna be runner and lifter! Looking for friends and motivates!



  • chadr74
    chadr74 Posts: 26 Member
    kminjee wrote: »
    chadr74 wrote: »
    I have a passion for lifting weights and I know how you feel about the cardio. I usually only run outside if I am with a friend or 5k. The treadmill will make you keep a certain speed and keep your stride consistent which helped me run longer distances. Hope is a great thing but remember you are in control! Remember that a missed workout is a missed opportunity to build muscle and burn fat. Do you do cardio and lifting the same day or do you mix it up.
    yeah yesterday I did a mile on the treadmill and it wasn't too bad it did take me 15 minutes haha at 4 mph but I'm gonna try today to get it under 14 minutes!

    June 1st broke any personal records yet on the mile times?
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    kminjee wrote: »
    StrongLife wrote: »
    I hear you about not digging cardio. If there isn't a ball to chase then I dread it. I tend to do it on the same day.

    Yeah I use to play soccer years ago and I was in the best shape of my life but I never knew I was doing cardio haha

    Yep. That was my sport too. I still kick it around with my son. Like to pretend I still got it!

  • curiouschemist
    curiouschemist Posts: 23 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'7 and started my journey at 194 pounds. I'm currently at 171. I used to hate running with a passion. I decided to change that and signed up to run my first half marathon. I have been training since January and my half is on June 20th! I was just told that I need to take six weeks off of running after my half to nurse an injury and I'm so bummed. I went from not being able to run a full mile and hating every second to being disappointed that I can't run for six week!

    For me it was all about sticking to a plan. On my 25th birthday I signed up for a half marathon. Spending the money and knowing that I wouldn't be able to do it unless I trained FORCED me to train and run on days that I didn't want to. I found a plan on the internet and wrote all my runs in my planner. I put stickers on each of the runs that I complete. It felt so awesome to see my planner fill up with stickers. Even better is the progress I've made fitness-wise. I went from struggling through a 14 minute mile to consistently running 10-10:30 miles. You can do it if you put your mind to it and hold yourself accountable!