help I'm a food addict

mamawlisa64 Posts: 5 Member
edited June 2015 in Introduce Yourself
:'( Hello my name is Lisa and I'm a food addict I love food but it don't love Mr I am hoping in the near future to have vsg surgery also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy.


  • Mskris1086
    Mskris1086 Posts: 4 Member
    The sleeve will help bc it completely changes your attitude towards food. Not to mention you can't eat nearly the amount you're eating now. The true struggle initially is head hunger. Your stomach isn't hungry but your head is bc its a habit. You learn to recognize that and get past it.
    When are you getting sleeved? :)
  • RebeccaD22
    RebeccaD22 Posts: 202 Member
    First step is admitting it. If you don't already, pick up a hobby you can do anytime. One that you enjoy. Whether it is a Sudoku game, knitting, or a new book. Keep your mind occupied and eventually, along with diet and exercise, i think you won't think about it so much. I don't know what a vsg is but good luck and I hope you find more happiness.