MFP Newbie Questions

Viflux Posts: 2 Member
Hi all. After being overweight/obese for most of my entire adult life, a recent family situation has provided the "motivation" I need to get things in order. Starting out at 34 years old, 5'10", and 280 lbs.

I have 2 questions specifically about the mobile application that I'm hoping someone can clear up for me.

1. When folks talk about eating to a deficit of 500-1000 calories, is that a deficit as displayed on the "Diary" screen? Or does MFP set your target calories to a specific deficit based on your goals and activity level? My guess is that if MFP suggests I target 1700 calories daily after I set my goals/activity level, that 1700 is already a deficit from my maintenance level...but would like someone to confirm or correct that.

2. With respect to the "Macros" screen...I'm a little confused. The %s simply don't make sense to me. Is the "Total" and "Goal" meant to represent the % of all calories coming from those sources? If that's the case, what is the (g) total next to each listing?

And before I go, one further non-application related question...

- I have a very busy but flexible work schedule (e.g.: I come & go as I please but generally have 4-8 hours of meetings each day) do those in similar situations manage their diets? One big thing I've struggled with is frequent work "engagements" that involve lunch or dinner that I can't generally afford (from a career perspective) to back out of. I have tried to limit where possible (buffets are easy) but this feels like it will be my biggest sub-challenge.

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Viflux wrote: »
    Hi all. After being overweight/obese for most of my entire adult life, a recent family situation has provided the "motivation" I need to get things in order. Starting out at 34 years old, 5'10", and 280 lbs.

    I have 2 questions specifically about the mobile application that I'm hoping someone can clear up for me.

    1. When folks talk about eating to a deficit of 500-1000 calories, is that a deficit as displayed on the "Diary" screen? Or does MFP set your target calories to a specific deficit based on your goals and activity level? My guess is that if MFP suggests I target 1700 calories daily after I set my goals/activity level, that 1700 is already a deficit from my maintenance level...but would like someone to confirm or correct that.

    2. With respect to the "Macros" screen...I'm a little confused. The %s simply don't make sense to me. Is the "Total" and "Goal" meant to represent the % of all calories coming from those sources? If that's the case, what is the (g) total next to each listing?

    And before I go, one further non-application related question...

    - I have a very busy but flexible work schedule (e.g.: I come & go as I please but generally have 4-8 hours of meetings each day) do those in similar situations manage their diets? One big thing I've struggled with is frequent work "engagements" that involve lunch or dinner that I can't generally afford (from a career perspective) to back out of. I have tried to limit where possible (buffets are easy) but this feels like it will be my biggest sub-challenge.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    1- The number that MFP gives you already has your deficit built into it. So if MFP gives you 2000 calories for a one pound per week loss, the deficit is already included in the 2000 calorie number. With the MFP metodh you eat back exercise calories, so that you net 2000 calories. However, most calorie burn estimates overestimate so you should only eat back half of what you burn.

    2. The total is what you have consumed for the day. So if you consume 130 grams of protein and your goal for the day is 35% protein and that equals 150 grams of protein then you are under on protein by 20 grams. Macros are in grams, but MFP distributes it in percents. Make sense?

    You have a few options with the business lunch/dinner things. Try to eat a little less for breakfast and lunch to compensate for dinner. Or eat less for breakfast and dinner to compensate for lunch. Also, you can make better choices like grilled chicken and steamed vegetables over chicken marsala and mashed potatoes. You can also try to look up the entries before hand and then pre log them into your day and build around that.

    Hope this helps….
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    1. The goal MFP gives you already has your deficit taken out, which is 250 calories for each half pound.
    2. It's showing you the grams of each macro for you goal percentages. Carbs and protein are 4 calories per gram, fat is 9 calories per gram.
    3. If you're going to a chain restaurant, you can always look up nutrition information beforehand to see what dishes can fit into your goals. If a local place that doesn't offer that, then just do your best to eat wisely: grilled meats and veggies when possible, limit yourself on other items, and you can always take half home to eat another time.
  • Viflux
    Viflux Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you both...the key thing I was missing was 4 calories/gram for C+P vs. 9 calories/gram for F.

    Thanks again!
  • stee849
    stee849 Posts: 2 Member
    For eating out, something I've learned to do is get a box at the beginning of the meal before I start eating. Put half the meal in the box to save for lunch or dinner tomorrow and cut those calories in half!!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    stee849 wrote: »
    For eating out, something I've learned to do is get a box at the beginning of the meal before I start eating. Put half the meal in the box to save for lunch or dinner tomorrow and cut those calories in half!!

    this is a good idea, I may start to do this

    I would recommend staying with simple meals, grilled chicken or steak and veggies. If it is a chain, look it up ahead of time for the menu. also, when I go out to eat if I know at the beginning of the day, I will "save" calories to eat out later in the day
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Viflux wrote: »
    Thank you both...the key thing I was missing was 4 calories/gram for C+P vs. 9 calories/gram for F.

    Thanks again!

    MFP has weird settings that you can modify. Pay attention to your Protein grams. Do not worry about the Carbs and Fat.
    For eating out, look for grilled, steamed, broiled, and baked meats. I generally stay away from anything fried, with cheese, breaded, crunchy (fried) or with sauce as all of those with usually have higher calories.