Have 3 weeks to lose 10 lbs

My friend's wedding is in 22 days and the bridesmaid's dress I bought fit 5-10 pounds ago, but currently only zips half way! I really need it to fit otherwise I won't be in the wedding. Do you guys think I can do it? Also I really want to lose about 20-30 lbs. after that. Feel free to add me!

For reference:
I'm 5'5''
150 lbs.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    5 lbs, absolutely if you are committed. 10 lbs is a big stretch, not theoretically impossible, but I wouldn't aim for it.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    As a backup, I would see if a local tailor or seamstress can let the dress out at all. Weight loss doesn't always work on the schedule we want and I'd hate for you to have to scramble or do something dangerous at the last minute.
  • ccourcha
    ccourcha Posts: 316 Member
    5-6 is realistic. Calorie deficit and exercise.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    I'm not sure, I kind of doubt it, without very restrictive dieting. Can you exchange it?
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    As a backup, I would see if a local tailor or seamstress can let the dress out at all. Weight loss doesn't always work on the schedule we want and I'd hate for you to have to scramble or do something dangerous at the last minute.

  • Stella014
    Stella014 Posts: 20 Member
    I started last Thursday. Cut my calories to 1200 and did 10k steps/day and some extra exercise (nothing extreme) and have lost 2,3kg which is 5lbs. So yes I think it's possible. I'm going to a white dress summer party in 23 days and hope to lose another 6-7lbs.
    I'm 5"4 and and 158lbs
  • Tango1020
    Tango1020 Posts: 8 Member
    You can do it girl !!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Tango1020 wrote: »
    You can do it girl !!

    Well she could lose scale weight, but whether that water fluctuation will make a difference to her size is debatable but it might do

    Stick to your calories, don't drop below 1200, watch your sodium and carbs (under 100g) to maximise water weight loss. Move more .. go out for walks, exercise

    Note this is not advice for proper body fat loss and preservation of LBM...just for manipulating your water weight
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Just do your best, but 5lbs is more realistic in that time frame...perhaps invest in some control undies?
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    It is possible but unlikely with only that amount to lose. I would suggest some spanx pants and maybe a body wrap for instant but temporary inch loss in most needed areas... Stick to 1200 and do plenty of exercise and drink lots of water, you should be able to make some progress but I doubt the full 10 lbs.
  • runrascal
    runrascal Posts: 53 Member
    I'm going to fly in the face of the whole forum now and will get horribly flamed I expect :)
    For such a short time you could take a drastic approach, in three weeks you will come to no harm on a lower calorie diet. This method is tried and tested and perfectly safe it's commonly known as the 5:2 or fasting diet and is medically approved.

    Weekly allowance 7000 used up like this:
    Day 1. 1200
    Day 2. 500
    Day 3. 500
    Day 4 1200
    Day 5. 1200
    Day 6. 1200
    Day 7 1200

    MFP won't let you log the 500 cal days I'm afraid but you can still use it to keep track. The best way for those days is to measure out your total day's food the day before and keep it in a bowl. Once the bowl is empty...

    Also exercise if good, but short of Olympic level training won't give you a huge weight loss without strict calorie control - in my opinion the calorie burn awarded by MFP is over generous. So never "eat" your exercise calories; don't look at net calorie intake at all, just stick to the amounts I've given you. Good luck and enjoy your day.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    runrascal wrote: »
    I'm going to fly in the face of the whole forum now and will get horribly flamed I expect :)
    For such a short time you could take a drastic approach, in three weeks you will come to no harm on a lower calorie diet. This method is tried and tested and perfectly safe it's commonly known as the 5:2 or fasting diet and is medically approved.

    Weekly allowance 7000 used up like this:
    Day 1. 1200
    Day 2. 500
    Day 3. 500
    Day 4 1200
    Day 5. 1200
    Day 6. 1200
    Day 7 1200

    MFP won't let you log the 500 cal days I'm afraid but you can still use it to keep track. The best way for those days is to measure out your total day's food the day before and keep it in a bowl. Once the bowl is empty...

    Also exercise if good, but short of Olympic level training won't give you a huge weight loss without strict calorie control - in my opinion the calorie burn awarded by MFP is over generous. So never "eat" your exercise calories; don't look at net calorie intake at all, just stick to the amounts I've given you. Good luck and enjoy your day.

    This could also lead you to be so hungry you say forget it and binge, derailing any progress you make doing it the right way. Those 2- 500 calorie days would be brutal...
  • runrascal
    runrascal Posts: 53 Member
    the low cal days require discipline it's true, but it's only for a couple of weeks and the OP has a really strong motivation and an imminent goal. And is there a "right way" - there are many successful approaches to achieving a calorie deficit.
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    runrascal wrote: »
    I'm going to fly in the face of the whole forum now and will get horribly flamed I expect :)
    For such a short time you could take a drastic approach, in three weeks you will come to no harm on a lower calorie diet. This method is tried and tested and perfectly safe it's commonly known as the 5:2 or fasting diet and is medically approved.

    Weekly allowance 7000 used up like this:
    Day 1. 1200
    Day 2. 500
    Day 3. 500
    Day 4 1200
    Day 5. 1200
    Day 6. 1200
    Day 7 1200

    MFP won't let you log the 500 cal days I'm afraid but you can still use it to keep track. The best way for those days is to measure out your total day's food the day before and keep it in a bowl. Once the bowl is empty...

    Also exercise if good, but short of Olympic level training won't give you a huge weight loss without strict calorie control - in my opinion the calorie burn awarded by MFP is over generous. So never "eat" your exercise calories; don't look at net calorie intake at all, just stick to the amounts I've given you. Good luck and enjoy your day.

    Can we skip day 2 and 3? Lol

    I agree with @diannethegeek better go to a tailor and have it adjusted asap. It's possible to drop 10lbs within 3 weeks time if you have a lot of weight to lose. In your case, you don't have much.
  • headwind2015
    headwind2015 Posts: 69 Member
    runrascal wrote: »
    I'm going to fly in the face of the whole forum now and will get horribly flamed I expect :)
    For such a short time you could take a drastic approach, in three weeks you will come to no harm on a lower calorie diet. This method is tried and tested and perfectly safe it's commonly known as the 5:2 or fasting diet and is medically approved.

    Medically approved by who? A quick google search makes the 5:2 fasting diet look like a panacea. Sounds too good to be true which sets off my BS detector. Especially knowing that anyone can pay to have their research published in a scientific journal.


    I agree with the above posters, get the dress adjusted and lose weight in a more sustainable method.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited June 2015
    i think five is reasonable and then look into control under garments. I pulled my waist in to get a dress on with such a control garment. I needed about an inch or 2 and it worked.
    however wiggling out and going to the bathroom was a differnet issue
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    runrascal wrote: »
    I'm going to fly in the face of the whole forum now and will get horribly flamed I expect :)
    For such a short time you could take a drastic approach, in three weeks you will come to no harm on a lower calorie diet. This method is tried and tested and perfectly safe it's commonly known as the 5:2 or fasting diet and is medically approved.

    Weekly allowance 7000 used up like this:
    Day 1. 1200
    Day 2. 500
    Day 3. 500
    Day 4 1200
    Day 5. 1200
    Day 6. 1200
    Day 7 1200

    MFP won't let you log the 500 cal days I'm afraid but you can still use it to keep track. The best way for those days is to measure out your total day's food the day before and keep it in a bowl. Once the bowl is empty...

    Also exercise if good, but short of Olympic level training won't give you a huge weight loss without strict calorie control - in my opinion the calorie burn awarded by MFP is over generous. So never "eat" your exercise calories; don't look at net calorie intake at all, just stick to the amounts I've given you. Good luck and enjoy your day.

    For the record, this is not 5:2 fasting. With 5:2, or any of the forms of intermittent fasting with low calorie days, you'd be at your maintenance calories the other 5 days of the week. This is just a low calorie diet with two vlcd days.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    runrascal wrote: »
    I'm going to fly in the face of the whole forum now and will get horribly flamed I expect :)
    For such a short time you could take a drastic approach, in three weeks you will come to no harm on a lower calorie diet. This method is tried and tested and perfectly safe it's commonly known as the 5:2 or fasting diet and is medically approved.

    Weekly allowance 7000 used up like this:
    Day 1. 1200
    Day 2. 500
    Day 3. 500
    Day 4 1200
    Day 5. 1200
    Day 6. 1200
    Day 7 1200

    MFP won't let you log the 500 cal days I'm afraid but you can still use it to keep track. The best way for those days is to measure out your total day's food the day before and keep it in a bowl. Once the bowl is empty...

    Also exercise if good, but short of Olympic level training won't give you a huge weight loss without strict calorie control - in my opinion the calorie burn awarded by MFP is over generous. So never "eat" your exercise calories; don't look at net calorie intake at all, just stick to the amounts I've given you. Good luck and enjoy your day.

    For the record, this is not 5:2 fasting. With 5:2, or any of the forms of intermittent fasting with low calorie days, you'd be at your maintenance calories the other 5 days of the week. This is just a low calorie diet with two vlcd days.
