Binge Eating................ How to stop the emotional roller coaster?



  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Nice, I like that you quaote GOT.
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    I'm not sure I have any advice, but I appreciate your post regardless. There are a lot of us who struggle with binge eating and it's nice to feel "not so alone". I don't know of many things that feel worse than the "post binge" feeling. That instant gratification I get from a binge is NOTHING compared to the agony of the post binge. I've been very successful in the past few months of avoiding the binge I think because my mindset has changed. I'm trying to lose weight in a way that I can live with permanently - and I know "super clean" eating isn't going to work for me long term, LOL. I'm definitely eating healthier and I feel great about it. But I haven't eliminated "unhealthy" food all together, either. Knowing I'm taking the kids out for Froyo on Friday night (and will absolutely have toppings on that Froyo!) helps me NOT have an ice cream binge on Tuesday night. Instead I'll have a 40 calorie fudgecicle after dinner and feel really satisfied. So I guess scheduling in times of the week where I know I'm going to have something super delicious helps me stay focused on keeping the rest of my eating on track. Hang in there Charlie.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Thanks for the input. Everyone individual has a individual strategy. And each one is successful for that individual. Way to go guys.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    I believe that mine is chemical.. but, I also "don't like myself" either. I am too fat, not good enough, etc. And that is just something that I know I need to get over. It's kind of a lose-lose for me right now! @Charlie003
  • allison_moushey
    allison_moushey Posts: 36 Member
    I was dealing with heavy depression from December up until about March I was starting to pull out of it. In that time I lost a lot of weight and was only 100lbs just from no appetite and sleeping the whole day away without eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
    As I started to get out of that "funk" I went out to eat a lot with my little sister because my doctor told me to make an effort to go out. Unfortunately all the Pasta, IHOP, icecream, etc made me gain the weight back very quickly and with unhealthy food.
    I'm trying to undo all of that and then that fat to muscle. I'm 112lbs now so I don't have to lose weight, but it is more fat than muscle.
    The issue I'm having now is that I do good during the day, but just before bed I binge eat just anything I have in the kitchen. So instead of crying before bed, I'm eating a lot.

    I think I'm just gonna get rid of any junk in my pantry and when I start binge eating I can either stop myself, or at least it's something like carrots and peanut butter instead of chips, cookies and icecream.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Allison, I wish I could help you. You should not be crying to sleep.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I was dealing with heavy depression from December up until about March I was starting to pull out of it. In that time I lost a lot of weight and was only 100lbs just from no appetite and sleeping the whole day away without eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
    As I started to get out of that "funk" I went out to eat a lot with my little sister because my doctor told me to make an effort to go out. Unfortunately all the Pasta, IHOP, icecream, etc made me gain the weight back very quickly and with unhealthy food.
    I'm trying to undo all of that and then that fat to muscle. I'm 112lbs now so I don't have to lose weight, but it is more fat than muscle.
    The issue I'm having now is that I do good during the day, but just before bed I binge eat just anything I have in the kitchen. So instead of crying before bed, I'm eating a lot.

    I think I'm just gonna get rid of any junk in my pantry and when I start binge eating I can either stop myself, or at least it's something like carrots and peanut butter instead of chips, cookies and icecream.

    also check out there are some snacks/desserts that are low calorie so that if you do binge, you don't have to feel horrid. great for people who have binging tendencies. or for people known to eat the whole pan of brownies :blush:

    when was doing that, I would do something at night I could feel good about. that why I went to bed with a positive feeling. like wrote a poem, journaled, went for walk, watched a comedy, did pushups or worked on a yoga sequence. Now I just meditate. Acknowledge I am having feelings, checking in what the emotions are and why I am having them. and then I just picture exhaling them and blowing them gently away.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Distraction. Today I got up to train....but I ended up back in bed. Not because I needed sleep, but because I lost the fight of will power. Shows how weak I still am.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @Charlie003 , how about changing the language around these events? You don't strike me as a weak person at all.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    But it is still a weakness in my will power. I could have gone and did the workout, I just did not. Weakness in purpose leads to failure. One must be resolute in order to accomplish hard earned goals.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member

    I'd still like to see you slide around these events using some girly language for a change. Like owning the moment. This has worked for me, by the way. It might be worth a try. Here's an example.

    "I chose to...[go back to bed/skip the workout] because for today, the warm comfy bed was more appealing. I will give the gym another try tomorrow [tonight]."

    Then make a list of all the great rewards you get from working out.

    Carrot instead of whip.

    Just sayin'.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Thats just not my way. I am not touchy feely. I am a flow chart kind of thinker. If A then train...If B then fail to train. The reasons are not important, not in my case. I failed to do what I set out to do for no other reason than a weakness in will power. That is owning the moment. It takes a lot to admit to weakness, most will use excuses. But the excuses are just the cause of the weakness. I like to call it as it is.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I call things as they are, too. I say you are cheating half your character. I think you can acknowledge your weak side without giving in.

    I literally have weak knees. I've got a plan for that. Beating on them because they failed to hold me up is unproductive.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    But, it is the giving in to the weak side that acknowledges it. There is nothing wrong in accepting the truth without having to sugar coat it. What is,is. I accept my failure. Nothing wrong with self honesty.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Here's the thing. When you go on a food bender it's like you've lost all volition. That tells me that there's a side of your character that is not acknowledged. You dismiss it, but it's obviously strong enough to overcome your otherwise rational self. I'm saying make peace with that side of you so both parts of your personality can work as a team towards your righteous goals.

    It's like trying to strengthen my knees when my core is too weak, my hips are too stiff, and my quads aren't supporting the knees as they should. I have to rebuild my whole body around my knees so it's all working together.