Taco Bell!!!

spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
edited June 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Call it bad. Call it gross. But I loves me some Taco Bell. It's pretty much the only fast food I eat anymore, mostly cause I find they're the only place that doesn't taste like salted grease.

They've had a pretty extensive nutrition menu, but I was always annoyed that they didn't include the condiments/toppings, as there are a lot I don't like that I know are also pretty high calorie. So, I emailed their team asking about a bunch of them. Didn't hear back for a while. Then a couple weeks ago: 'we've added some of the toppings you asked about, but go back in a couple weeks and we think you'll be VERY happy with the changes!'

Well, now...


Plus they've added some new things that look *great*

AND the calculator actually *works*, doesn't randomly crash, etc like many others out there (I'm looking at you, McDonalds)

Also, I randomly weigh my meals from them, and they have always been *spot on* with what I get against their listed serving sizes, unlike some other places (looking at you, every other fast food place out there but especially you, McDonalds Fries)

Anyway, just tossing this out there since it's pretty cool, I think!

*edit to add* You can also change your caloric goals on the calculator, and it'll change the percentages of your micros and macros accordingly!


  • Stacyandsilas
    Stacyandsilas Posts: 14 Member
    Nice! Taco Bell is my fav fast food place also. I usually get one bean burrito when I'm out in a pinch! My fav.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    OK, that's pretty cool. I also love me some TB!
  • hstull82
    hstull82 Posts: 116 Member
    I wouldn't say I love TB, in fact I rarely eat there. But when I'm out in a hurry the chicken crunchy fresco tacos are like only 150 calories & pretty decent. A couple of those & it's a good healthy little meal on the go.
  • jaxass
    jaxass Posts: 2,128 Member
    Their chicken fresco tacos are low in calories. Tasty too.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Love me some TB. It's the only fast food I really enjoy anymore. It's still pretty dang high in calories vs. satiety, so I don't let myself get it too often, but I can murder a burrito supreme and mexican pizza.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    There's a Taco Bell in Chicago that will become the first in America to serve booze. Frozen daquiri with my nacho cheese chicken chalupa? Yes, please. It'll be worth braving the hipster neighborhood.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Mexican pizza is a filling 550 calorie lunch, I just had that today actually. Not a favorite place to go but it's fine in a pinch.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I believe their mobile app will recalculate calories for you as well, if you take condiments off or put them on when constructing an order. I don't think the app gives detailed macros though.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Awesome! I love when restaurants give more detailed nutrition info. May be getting some TB tonight
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    This is awesome! And when I forget to pack lunch, TB is my go-to for fast food that fits my macros!
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    Are those 'Cantina Bowls' new? Don't think I've ever seen them before, but think that may be my new go-to lunch. For 400ish calories (extra meats, take out the sauces and beans cause fark beans) that's like twice the protein I usually get between breakfast and lunch...

    I should totally do an 'all Taco Bell' diet. Get famous like Jared the Subway dude. Salt content can't be MUCH worse... XD
  • joepratt503
    joepratt503 Posts: 191 Member
    TB is my
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    This is awesome! And when I forget to pack lunch, TB is my go-to for fast food that fits my macros!
    TB is my go-to for fast food that fits my FACE!! :open_mouth:
  • boomhower1820
    boomhower1820 Posts: 86 Member
    I eat there quite often myself. Their old nutrition info was good but a chore to go through. I'm going to love this calculator. Now I need some Diablo sauce!
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    omg this is brilliant!! I didn't realize they had this!!! I always get their tacos but sub beans for meat so I was never sure what the calories were exactly. I'm so excited.

    I seriously freaking love taco bell.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I had the chicken Cantina Bowl a few months ago and really enjoyed it for "fast food" it was pretty filling.

    Of course I still like Wendy's too, can't beat a bowl of chili and/or a baked potato some days.
  • epixstudiosnh
    epixstudiosnh Posts: 72 Member
    I was about to be really really happy with this news but then I played with the calculator. Two tacos would put me over my sodium for the day. :( I love me some Taco Bell but that just isn't worth it. This is an awesome tool though!!
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    I was about to be really really happy with this news but then I played with the calculator. Two tacos would put me over my sodium for the day. :( I love me some Taco Bell but that just isn't worth it. This is an awesome tool though!!

    Do you have a medical condition that tells you to limit your sodium? If not, enjoy from time to time anyway! :)
  • deltayork
    deltayork Posts: 71 Member
    Yummm Taco Bell. That's for dinner tonight! Two taco supreme's.
  • epixstudiosnh
    epixstudiosnh Posts: 72 Member
    I was about to be really really happy with this news but then I played with the calculator. Two tacos would put me over my sodium for the day. :( I love me some Taco Bell but that just isn't worth it. This is an awesome tool though!!

    Do you have a medical condition that tells you to limit your sodium? If not, enjoy from time to time anyway! :)

    No but I find that if I go over 1,000mg a day I gain a ton of water weight. The other night I went to dinner at a friend's house and we had tacos. I had three tacos, small soft shells, ground chicken, lettuce, and salsa. I weigh myself every day (great motivation for me) and gained 4.4 pounds just in that one night and per the tracker I had 1,800mg of sodium all day. Any time I go over 1,000mg the scale goes up. But on days when I keep the sodium to a minimum and drink plenty of water the numbers drop like crazy.
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    I was about to be really really happy with this news but then I played with the calculator. Two tacos would put me over my sodium for the day. :( I love me some Taco Bell but that just isn't worth it. This is an awesome tool though!!

    Do you have a medical condition that tells you to limit your sodium? If not, enjoy from time to time anyway! :)

    No but I find that if I go over 1,000mg a day I gain a ton of water weight. The other night I went to dinner at a friend's house and we had tacos. I had three tacos, small soft shells, ground chicken, lettuce, and salsa. I weigh myself every day (great motivation for me) and gained 4.4 pounds just in that one night and per the tracker I had 1,800mg of sodium all day. Any time I go over 1,000mg the scale goes up. But on days when I keep the sodium to a minimum and drink plenty of water the numbers drop like crazy.

    Ah yeah -- that can be a deterrent. I find this to be true as well and it did bother me a first, but I've found it goes away within a couple days... and if I'm really good with the sodium for the rest of the week my numbers look even better :D (up 4ish lbs for a couple days, then down like 6... so 2 lbs lost even though I was set to .5/wk at the time)