Cutting out alcohol??

abruno3 Posts: 2 Member
I am trying really hard to only drink more than 1 glass of wine only on my cheat day... has anyone else found that cutting out 3 to 4 days of drinking 3 drinks a week helped in their weight loss?? And what did you do to help yourself succeed?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    cutting alcohol = cutting long as those calories aren't duplicated elsewhere, of course it could help.
  • karakolbenson
    karakolbenson Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same situation as you are! I am trying to lose the last 10 pounds and am realizing that alcohol holds me back tremendously. It is so hard to resist, especially in the summertime when soaking up the sun on a patio with friends. I find for me that I need to completely abstain from alcohol, because once I have one or two drinks I can easily allow myself to have more to the point where I end up drinking too much, and eating because I am hungry! If you can learn to say no from the beginning there is a better chance of success. I find if I focus on what I want most (look awesome in my wedding dress, wear a crop top this summer, lose some body fat) then I ask myself - would I rather have all of that, or this drink? The answer is usually not to drink!
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited June 2015
    Stick to a lower calorie drink like Gin & Diet Tonic w/lime or Vodka & Club w/lemon (no added sugars or juice).

    Remember drink with moderation while at least filling your minimum protein and fat requirements and getting a variety of whole, minimally processed nutritious foods.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    I never really drank that often, but I always did order a mixed drink when I went out with friends (which was usually twice a week). Yikes, those things hide a lot of calories! More than half of what I should be taking in a day! So in my case, yeah, cutting those out has majorly helped. Ordering "skinny" cocktails on days I still want to drink has helped, but they still have 100-200 calories in them, so I have to be careful. Also - I have rediscovered my love of wine, as you mentioned. I like to drink it a lot more slowly, so I'm usually content with one glass per social event.

    Honestly, I'd love to get to a point where I'm only drinking water (and a little coffee in the morning). Flavored drinks of any sort typically land me in trouble at the end of the day.
  • abruno3
    abruno3 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks guys!!! I have decided to only drink on "cheat day," other than 1 glass of wine... like one member said drinking makes you binge eat!! Gin= pizza in my world! I think the next time I want to drink I will think crop top/ bikini = sober hah! Thanks!!! :)
  • hstull82
    hstull82 Posts: 116 Member
    If I'm going to drink which is very rare I will have a shot or two of vodka at 65 calories per shot mixed with soda water with extra squeezed lime. I've never been one for sugary mixed drinks so it doesn't bother me.

    Keep up the great work OP it's awesome you are looking for ways to make it work into your goals!
  • halfninja2
    halfninja2 Posts: 35 Member
    In my experience, I have more success losing body fat if I don't drink alcohol, even just a beer or two once or twice a week has a negative effect. I can still lose body fat by managing my calories/exercise, but it's just one more thing working against me instead of for me. For perspective, my starting weight was 210lbs, lowest weight was 145lbs. Currently 158lbs after putting on a good amount of muscle.
  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    halfninja2 wrote: »
    In my experience, I have more success losing body fat if I don't drink alcohol, even just a beer or two once or twice a week has a negative effect. I can still lose body fat by managing my calories/exercise, but it's just one more thing working against me instead of for me. For perspective, my starting weight was 210lbs, lowest weight was 145lbs. Currently 158lbs after putting on a good amount of muscle.

    Agree with this. I find that alcohol may not impare your weight loss if you work it in to your macros but it will make it harder to drop body fat.

    When I started my journey I went 6 months without so much as a beer. It wasnt the easiest thing in the world but it helped keep me honest during the process.

  • jaxass
    jaxass Posts: 2,128 Member
    When I was younger, alcohol made me hungry. I imagine it would do the same today, but I don't drink but maybe a beer or two a year...that's it. Good luck and let us know how it helps/hurts.
  • Indigoblu1
    Indigoblu1 Posts: 127 Member
    Up until a couple of months ago I was drinking vodka nightly after work. I don't normally eat much, but alcohol made me so hungry that I could honestly go through an entire pizza by myself and then some. I didn't exercise anymore and just became lethargic. Now, I'm back to taking my 1-2 mile walks at lunch, 4-8 mile walks on the weekends and, finally, exercising - strength and cardio. I can't remember when I've felt this good. I never want to go back to that dark, lonely place.

    I'm not implying that anybody here is like I was, just saying how bleak and non-productive it was.
  • epixstudiosnh
    epixstudiosnh Posts: 72 Member
    I drink light beer and vodka like Stoli Grape or Blueberry with club soda when I go out every week and do not have any issues. Last night I had a Stoli Grape and Sprite, a Dirty Girl Scout (adult chocolate milk with peppermint schnapps - tastes like a Thin Mint) and a Dirty Samoan (Adult chocolate milk with Kahlua and Malibu Coconut rum) and I still lost a pound from yesterday to this morning. Of course I couldn't do that multiple times in a week, I usually stick to light beer and the Stoli since there are many calories or sugars. Moderation and a little modification :)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Alcohol are calories and the first to be evacuated when consumed. I wholeheartedly believe that if you are active...the calories don't count 1:1.
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    I limit my alcohol when losing weight and I'd like to continue to do that during maintenance. I just have 1 glass of beer or wine on the weekend. Like one on Friday when we go out for dinner and then one on Saturday at home. I alternate sips of my drink with sips of water to make it last longer and it works great for me. I just love the taste and how it pairs with delicious food- not looking to get drunk at all.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    I completely cut alcohol from my diet for a month and I lost 5lbs...changed nothing else. Alcohol is just empty calories; if you're trying to reach your have to decided how badly you want to reach them. Sometimes letting go of cokes, alcohol, or that usually the trick.
  • yasminbower1991
    yasminbower1991 Posts: 63 Member
    No way! I love having a drink and will just make sure i work out a bit more, and save some calories up from the day x
  • tedm1969
    tedm1969 Posts: 7 Member
    Besides the calories alcohol stifles muscle growth. Protein synthesis decreases, for days after consuming alcohol, alcohol lowers testosterone, alcohol slows fat metabolism greatly and it affects workouts.
    I lost a fair amount of weight while fitting alcohol into my macros and training but once I quit I got way more fit rather than just thinner. It makes adding muscle and keeping BF% low a lot easier for me but most of us compromise our diets and training in one way or another for guilty pleasures.
  • SanamDamsaz
    SanamDamsaz Posts: 3 Member
    If and when I drink, I make sure its simply alcohol mixed with water and perhaps a squeeze of lemon! I used to not be able to drink at all as it always led to binge eating. Once you get a grasp of drunk binge eating, I don't see the major harm in enjoying a drink or two here and there, as long as you don't mix them with sugary juices!
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    I stopped drinking in January and haven't really noticed much change with my weight. I do notice that I feel less dehydrated. I am losing fat and increasing muscle more now than before I was drinking but I can't necessarily attribute that to no alcohol. Too many other variables. I believe they're just calories, fit them in or don't...