Not much weight to loose, but im stuck...

So ive been off again and on again diets and this sight..yes i know i wont loose if i am on again off again. However ive always been excersizing. Im not feeling ANY different..pants arent looser. The only thing i cant think is that I really dont have much weight to loose...10-15 lbs and it just will not come off.. any suggestions?
Here what im doing:
Slim fast for breakfast
Lean cuisine for lunch
celery or watermelon or pickles for snacks when i get hungry
no special dinner but I watch the amount i intake-i have a picky hubby and 2 kids so its hard to make something "special" and their dinner with working full time.
I go to the gym a few times a week
I am also taking Oxyelete Pro from GNC..its a fat burner


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Well there are a myriad of things wrong here LOL!

    Slim Fast - fake food with hardly any protein or nurishment - all chemicals
    Lean Cuisine - more "diet" food with tons of preservatives and sodium and little nutrition
    Dinner - you say you watch the amount you eat but exactly what is that amount?

    If you're not losing weight, you need to lower your calorie intake, and if you don't know your calorie intake you need to track everything! Down to the last ounce! And you definitely need to add real food into your diet.
  • Mommyof3texans
    Right away I see...too many processed items i.e. too much sodium. Skip the pickles. Limit the slimfasts and lean cuisines as much as possible.
  • leahsevilla
    leahsevilla Posts: 127 Member
    I'd maybe look at the amount of sugar that you're consuming. Some lean cuisines or other microwaveable lunches have more sugar than a snickers bar. (!!!) Also you might need more calories it doesn't seem like very many. I used to under eat on accident because i didnt know how many i needed to eat back after working out. good luck!
  • mimommaof2
    mimommaof2 Posts: 6
    im under 1000 calories a pop no chocolate
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I'm doing low-intensity walk-jogging, supposedly to burn Fat as Fuel.
    'I had been eating cakes, desserts, candies, etc.,
    but just 7 days ago started MFP and a few days ago limited Carbs.

    This week I'm going to
    --Limit overall Calories
    --Limit Carbs <100 grams
    --Low level strength training "Primal Fitness" at "Mark's Daily Apple" (link below

    I don't know whether it will work, but you can watch me for a week and see what happens...

    And Please join our "Last 20 pounds" Club here.

    Our goal is to Kick Ourselves outta that Club so we can join the
    "Last 10 pounds" Club
    link --->
  • melanielea47
    You may want to make sure you are not going below your "basement" caloric intake amount. If you fail to consume enough key nutrients your body will retain water and/or fat. As the woman that posted before me said - I would recommend consuming more nutrient-rich food and definitely more protein and healthy starches. Best of luck to you! : )
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Slim Fast - fake food with hardly any protein or nurishment - all chemicals
    Lean Cuisine - more "diet" food with tons of preservatives and sodium and little nutrition

    I would start with avoiding "hydrogenated" in the ingredients list.

    That knocks out a whole lot of Poorer Choices right off the bat.

    What are your Goal amount of Grams for Protein? are you eating all those grams? if not, I would begin there.
    Same with Fat grams -- avoiding "hydrogenated"
    And then I would watch my Carbs and Sugars grams.

    First week you could just Eat as you Always do, and Log Everything.
    THen you can go to
    and Protein, carb, and fats
    and see how your 7-day trend looks.

    And then you can being to adjust after that.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    i.e. too much sodium. Skip the pickles.

    Does Sodium inhibit Fat burning for fuel?

    I hadn't heard that.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    i.e. too much sodium. Skip the pickles.

    Does Sodium inhibit Fat burning for fuel?

    I hadn't heard that.

    No, it doesn't inhibit fat burning. Rather, it does make you retain water, hence the scale may not move and your clothes may not feel different because you are bloated.
  • jwd28
    jwd28 Posts: 765
    im under 1000 calories a pop no chocolate

    I don't think you're eating enough. Under 1000 calories isn't going to give your body what it needs. I'd recommend eating AT LEAST 1200 and more on the days you exercise.

    Also, I agree with some of the other posters - slim fast and other highly processed foods aren't healthy. You might want to consider incorporating more "real" food - eggs, lean proteins (chicken, turkey), fresh fruits and vegetables...

    Best of luck to you!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    it does make you retain water

    Oh, okay,
    Water I don't mind.
    Fat I'd like to lose :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I can only hold in so many gallons of water I would assume.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    it does make you retain water

    Oh, okay,
    Water I don't mind.
    Fat I'd like to lose :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I can only hold in so many gallons of water I would assume.

    I mind both, but that's just me :wink:
  • mimommaof2
    mimommaof2 Posts: 6
    hmm i thought i was doing good..but i guess i dont really know what to do..
    What type of things do you wat in the day?
  • yiffanarff
    yiffanarff Posts: 123 Member
    Do you own a blender? Instead of slim fast, maybe you could try a green smoothie instead. There are a ton of recipes you can find on the internet. I usually do something like almond milk, kale, a banana, and protein powder and ice in mine. Smoothies are a really great way to get some protein and nutrients into your body early in the morning.

    And I agree with everyone else, try and avoid the lean cuisine's, they're full of bad things you don't want. Try and eat more whole foods. Also, I would definitely say up your calories. Especially since you say you're going to the gym a few times a week. You need to eat minimum 1200 calories, and probably more on your exercise days.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    hmm i thought i was doing good..but i guess i dont really know what to do..
    What type of things do you wat in the day?

    Don't beat yourself up, at least you were trying. You have been given a lot of great advice here. Up your cals and eat clean. For breakfast I usually eat oatmeal, berries and almond milk. For lunch I usually make an egg white omelette with zucchini and mushrooms and put it over a bed of lettuce with salsa, have some carrots and hummus. For dinner I usually have a lean meat, salad, veggies and some brown rice. For snacks throughout the day I usually have low fat yogurt, low fat cheese, nuts, heart smart popcorn, berries, veggies. I also drink 18-20 cups of water a day. Hope this CAN do this!
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    What do you do at the gym? Are you 'picking' at food thinking you have burned loads of calories at the gym when you've actually only burned a hundred or so?

    I have gained weight becuase I fell into that trap! It's worth monitoring EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth and every bit of exercise - not just guesstimating it!

    B x
  • mimommaof2
    mimommaof2 Posts: 6
    A min of 30 minutes cardio..then abs and weights one day will be an arm day and the next a leg day but every trip includes abs and cardio