starting training for a 61.1 mile canoe trip (all in a week)!

JuJuRex Posts: 14 Member
Just looking for helpful tips to help for ways ro get in shape with not mich time each time each day unfotionally I have a busy schedule and I need excersises besides a rowing machine for those muscles


  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    edited June 2015
    Nothing beats spending time on the water. Do you have training trips planned?

    Also, will you be doing a lot of portaging? May want to practice hiking with a heavy pack if so.
  • JuJuRex
    JuJuRex Posts: 14 Member
    I dont think there will be much its all along a river but I will look into that thanks
  • JuJuRex
    JuJuRex Posts: 14 Member
    And its with a scout group; if my mom dosent get in shape either none of the female scouts can go because she will be the only female leader, technically im not in the group yet but I will be eligible to join before they leave for the trip so I cant go with on any training
  • JuJuRex
    JuJuRex Posts: 14 Member
    With them.. I hate it when my phone decides im done typing lol
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member

    I went with my sons' Boy Scout Troop to the Boundary Waters 2 years ago. Great trip but difficult; a lot of rocky portages, rain, and wind. Make sure you know how to paddle!
  • JuJuRex
    JuJuRex Posts: 14 Member
    Yeah my brothers troop has a venture crew the place im going is swamp base
    If you just google search swamp base its the first one to come up but thats the website
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Oh cool, saw an article on that in the BSA leaders magazine. Hope you have a great time!