Too embarrassed to run....?



  • TheSunshineQueen
    TheSunshineQueen Posts: 276 Member
    edited June 2015
    I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said, except perhaps this:


    I wear noise cancellation headphones and blast music when I go for walks so I can pretend that I'm the only one who exists. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't, and when it doesn't I find myself repeating this. It's become a mantra of sorts, and it often helps.

    You're not running for anyone but yourself. Yes, there will be people who will probably think snide or condescending thoughts about you, but that's not your problem. And y'know? At this time next year, you'll be so absolutely amazing at running that whoever judged you will either feel incredibly awed or incredibly stupid. IF they even remember you, that is.

    It's also good to keep in mind that everyone starts somewhere. The person running a 5-minute mile certainly didn't start out that way!

    Stay strong, don't quit, and best of luck!
  • adnaram
    adnaram Posts: 44 Member
    It helps me to remember that EVERYONE (really everyone) has insecurities. Maybe someone else is an amazing runner but feels inadequate about finances or unsure about her relationships. Everyone struggles with something. I admire when people face those fears and that's exactly what you're doing when you get out there.

    You got this.
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    Google the YouTube video of Pheobe (from Friends) running.
    If she can do can do it.

    this is what I was going to say too. I walk after I can't run anymore and it must have looked to some when I started that I was doing some sort of perverse HIIT .. but all I was really doing was trying to get from a-b in the quickest time possible

    Don't worry about what others think or do... do you and you'll be fine

    good luck and keep with it

  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said, except perhaps this:


    I wear noise cancellation headphones and blast music when I go for walks so I can pretend that I'm the only one who exists. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't, and when it doesn't I find myself repeating this. It's become a mantra of sorts, and it often helps.

    You're not running for anyone but yourself. Yes, there will be people who will probably think snide or condescending thoughts about you, but that's not your problem. And y'know? At this time next year, you'll be so absolutely amazing at running that whoever judged you will either feel incredibly awed or incredibly stupid. IF they even remember you, that is.

    It's also good to keep in mind that everyone starts somewhere. The person running a 5-minute mile certainly didn't start out that way!

    Stay strong, don't quit, and best of luck!

    That is a very dangerous thing to do. When I'm out on my bicycle, I see all kinds of people step out in front of me because they are distracted and they don't hear me. Unless you are on a path that is limited to pedestrians, you really need to be able to hear the traffic that is around you or you could be walking into danger that you didn't realize was there.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    edited June 2015
    Consider finding a track-your local high school probably has one. I started out that way and it offers several benefits, a modicum of privacy being one of them
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    What is an MILF?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    kjurassic wrote: »
    What is an MILF?

    "Mother I'd Like to F---".

    And older woman who's attractive, I guess. At least I hope, LOL.
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    Everyone is new at something at some point in their life. Everyone feels weird or awkward when trying something new. I used to feel the same way when I would run outside but, hey, screw them! You're getting active and being healthy. And honestly I doubt anyone is even thinking anything when you run past. And so what if you can't run a long distance without stopping and bending over to catch your breath? You'll get there. It's just going to take baby steps and it's probably better to start off with faster walking and then slooowly move up to jogging. You can really hurt your knees and burn yourself out.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    part of your weight loss journey is going to be thinking less harshly of yourself and others. It isn't fair to others to think they would be judging you with cruelty. The truth is that when I see people with weight issues exercising I think good thoughts for and about them.
  • jasonallenross
    jasonallenross Posts: 15 Member
    I feel so silly when I try to get out and run down my road. First off, im overweight so I know that anyone who sees me running is thinking "she needs to be running!"

    Concentrate more on you and your goals. If it makes you feel any better, most people see you and likely don't give you a second thought. Or they might think "Man, if that girl is running, I should really get out my shoes and get out there".
    And when I try to jog or run, I feel like i run like a hippopotamus! Lol i just dont have super great coordination when it comes to running and I can't run for long distances so I feel embarrassed when I only run for 30 seconds and then stop because the people I see running are those who run for ever and never walk.

    No, you are seeing the people who used to run like a hippopotamus and who stuck with it long enough to be people can run forever. I went from zero running to completing a marathon using the run/walk method. It's a wonderful way to build in breaks, build confidence and also build endurance to where you can run forever. Soon enough you'll be running longer and longer. The people who can run distance didn't get there by magic, they got there by putting in the work.
    All in all, im embarrassed to run. Is there anyone else who has been through or going through the same thing? I would love to know how you dealt or are dealing with it (: Please no negative comments! Thanks!! (:

    I move my focus inward and concentrate on how each step is bringing me more towards my goals. Other people can go about their business -- I'm working on ME. The hardest two steps of a run are the first two, everything else is pure winning.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You need to not care so much what strangers think. They are not in your shoes and don't know your struggle. Neither does their opinion matter in your life. Don't let these thoughts about strangers and what they think, deter you from what you need to do for you.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Are you, like 12?



    'Cause no one over the age of 12 should give one iota of one sh|t what *anyone* thinks about 'em, right?
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Even for fit people, interval training - that is, run/walk/run/walk - is used as a technique to improve speed. Besides, C25K is increasingly popular and getting better and better known, so even if the odd non-runner looks askance, experienced runners won't think twice about a person doing a run/walk. And you should feel smug and superior to non-runners because you are *doing something* about your lack of fitness, while they are not.

    Incidentally I had a family cheer me on randomly once when I was wheezing while running :smile:
  • cazbit
    cazbit Posts: 122 Member
    As a fellow bigger girl who has just started running outside I can relate. You can feel very self conscious at first but I have put this down to the newness of it all, just like when learning to drive or being the new girl at a new job. On my run this morning as the rain pelted down and the wind was battering me I decided everyone would think "she is bad *kitten* being out in this" put my hood up, put my ear phones in and got into the zone, which was running a minute, walking a minute intervals Now they may not have thought that but a PMA will do wonders for getting you past that awkward phase. With other runners I keep my head down and focus on my running/ walking. I don't know their story, they could have started out bigger than me, have been through physio and getting back out there, or be like my friend Lauren who crushes marathons and doesn't break a sweat but who also doesn't have a mean thought for anyone and just thinks there's a fellow runner.

    Be proud of yourself for getting out there, one day we will both look back at these initial runs and realise us running outside was a much bigger deal to us than to anyone who passes by us x
  • governatorkp
    governatorkp Posts: 89 Member
    I feel so silly when I try to get out and run down my road. First off, im overweight so I know that anyone who sees me running is thinking "she needs to be running!" And when I try to jog or run, I feel like i run like a hippopotamus! Lol i just dont have super great coordination when it comes to running and I can't run for long distances so I feel embarrassed when I only run for 30 seconds and then stop because the people I see running are those who run for ever and never walk. All in all, im embarrassed to run. Is there anyone else who has been through or going through the same thing? I would love to know how you dealt or are dealing with it (: Please no negative comments! Thanks!! (:

    You are assuming as you do not know what others think.
    You seem to have a self-destructive view on your own body.

    Realize that people are very self-centered.
    You worry about how other think you look- They don't really care.
    Because while you are worrying about your own insecurities, they are too busy worrying about their own, or worrying about their own personal life.

    What you need to work on is your self-image, self-acceptance, and unconditional self-love.
    Losing weight is about more than science. It's psychology.

  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    Girl, every runner had to start somewhere. I ran my first half-marathon at 208lbs, and I walked A LOT of it! Even 40lbs lighter, I do my running in intervals. I got a watch with an interval timer, and I set it for 2 minutes to run, 1 minute to walk, and off I go! You can set it for 30 seconds to run and 2 minutes to walk...however you want. The best thing is that you've started and you're trying. If you can walk, you can run. GET IT, GIRL!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Who cares what people think? Just do it!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    I recommend the C25K program like most of the others here. I did it two years ago. I was probably 70-80 lbs heavier than I am now. I live near a lake and would run when I knew no one would see me. One day I finally got stuck where I was behind a couple walking their dog and I knew the timer to run was about to start. I just sucked it up and went for it. Only the dog had a reaction. Now I run around the same lake, into other parts of my subdivision, including on the sidewalk on the main road. It doesn't matter that people see me anymore. Ive never heard one bad comment and have gotten some positive ones - even a head nod or two by some fit young men running by (and as a 51 year old woman, this is nice). I see some large men and women out there as well and just think good thoughts for them. Do it for yourself and enjoy it, you may be surprised with your abilities after a while and how good it makes you feel.