I want to lose 24 pounds in 12 weeks!

I'm so tired of going to bed hating myself and waking up doing the same! Today is the day it stops. Period.


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Why 12 weeks? Whilst healthy weight loss is 1-2lbs a week, the 2lbs a week will be hard to sustain of you dont have a lot to lose. Is it really a big thing if it takes a bit longer? Imo the focus should be on getting to target and not always when.
  • Starsel
    Starsel Posts: 18 Member
    It would be great if you could do that, but being realist, wouldn't it be a bit fast? Good luck if you do and tell us how you did it. I love to lose a pound a day but I know at the weekend it would nearly almost all go back on, so expects have said take it slow. Still dont work. I hate dieting, counting calories, hate exercise, just want to live my life and be happy but overweight makes me unhappy, so until I lose the weight, I cant truly be happy. I just wish I was one of these people that can eat anything and not gain weight. Guess I'm one of the unlucky ones that I have to work at it. Been doing it all my life cant see it changing.