Too embarrassed to run....?



  • meghanttu08
    meghanttu08 Posts: 158 Member
    I was in the same boat as you. Just keep at it! I started doing .10 mile and quitting. I've done two halfs so far! Just go for 1/4 of a mile than walk 3/4. Use the treadmill and walk on an incline. Once you got 1/4 mile down go to a half. If you have to, alternate laps between walking and running. Also what helps me is alternating running days with strength training. Do squats and lunges and that will help!
  • baby05phat
    baby05phat Posts: 71 Member
    I was also super embarrassed so I run with my dog, she takes the lead and it looks like I'm just out exercising her!
  • LegendOfBlake
    LegendOfBlake Posts: 36 Member
    Put on some music and forget about the world. Who cares what they think? You're doing this for you!

    "I feel like i run like a hippopotamus"

    Let me stop you there. If you're running like a hippopotamus, you are already a god-tier runner. Hippopotamus are typically around 3,500 pounds. If you are 3,500 pounds and you still manage to reach a max speed for a hippo (30mph!!!) then it's time to end MyFitnessPal, because you just took the goddamn trophy for fitness. Hippos are cool as hell.

    Anyway, you can do it and all that jazz.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Put on some music and forget about the world. Who cares what they think? You're doing this for you!

    "I feel like i run like a hippopotamus"

    Let me stop you there. If you're running like a hippopotamus, you are already a god-tier runner. Hippopotamus are typically around 3,500 pounds. If you are 3,500 pounds and you still manage to reach a max speed for a hippo (30mph!!!) then it's time to end MyFitnessPal, because you just took the goddamn trophy for fitness. Hippos are cool as hell.

    Anyway, you can do it and all that jazz.
    They actually are. And mean too - they kill more people than lions.
    Just to chime in and agree with everyone else. Try to ignore the people around you and just do your thing. I'm a new runner myself and the BEST advice I got - apart from get decent shoes - was to slow right down. Now I run at a speed that many people could walk at, but because I'm not gasping for breath, I can now do 5K without stopping. That's something I would never have thought possible, but there you are. Also I'm, 47 and still overweight, so it's doable. Good luck!
  • hannah1011z
    hannah1011z Posts: 113 Member
    Lmao oh my gosh I am so glad I'm not the only one! Coming from a 375 lb woman I litterally feel like not only all eyes are on my but I feel like my fat is flopping all over up and down as I run lol. So I try to hold it down while I run which only makes me look even funnier! I would love to try to run down the street but not only am I scared of them saying something but I'm scared of making a fool of myself trying to run and having to stop a lot. I played basket ball a little with my hubby today and ran more then I have in years but only really about three times from one side of the court to the other (long ways) which I know isn't too much but that was between walking and whatnot and it felt like a lot.
  • Nery_Tay
    Nery_Tay Posts: 81 Member
    I can say there are more people out there who encourage people running than who are negative. Negative people are those lazy people who just drive or never get off there seats. I can tell my experience I feel running in a running group is great because no matter how slow you are (because I'm the slowest) because in a group people encourage you. I started running August last year and when I began I couldn't even run .3 of a mile with out walking. A whole 9 months later I ran a full marathon. I feel that when I run in the street people are just watching, but then I realize there either driving away or just encouraging me.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    kjurassic wrote: »
    What is an MILF?

    Mother I like to.....
  • seebexshrink
    seebexshrink Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I totally know how you feel... I'm 5'9 so very tall but I'm 200+ pounds. I have lost 30 pounds and have another 40 to go and hit a plateau... I have always hated running and I can't run at all! I started very small on my local canal just jogging to one bridge and walking to the next... I have only been running for a couple weeks and yesterday I got up to 5k! I did have a few short walking breaks but that to me was a huge achievement! Headphones and an amazing playlist are the key, just zone everything else out. I'm sure I have had the odd comment but I don't care and I didn't hear it. My most embarrassing thing is how slow I go! My thinking is... Just keep your feet moving, even if you are jogging really slowly and hardly going fast... Just keep your feet going... I have got a little faster but I sometimes find myself stuck behind someone walking (briskly) and I need a big push of energy to get round them and jog on lol! I promise you can do this... Just take it step by step... Little and often. You will be amazed at how quickly your body will respond to what your doing and it will get easier and you will feel stronger.... Other people??? What other people??
  • MsNeumann
    MsNeumann Posts: 75 Member
    In addition to C25K, you can look up Jeff Galloway on google or look at his books on Amazon. He promotes a run/walk/run method of running distances and races so that you can achieve your goals and run without getting injured. I switched from C25k to this approach and I am able to run longer distances without the fatigue or the breathing issues. The walk breaks really help a lot. I downloaded an interval timer app to my phone and set up my intervals to what feels comfortable and I'm off and running every other day. Good luck!
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I just considered my health more important to what people thought of me. I know it sounds hard, because our bodies are changing and for a lot of us we have judged ourselves too harshly. I run intermittantly. I'm not the best. But I am okay with doing something, even if I don't look great doing it.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I just started running. and I'm not good at it. I feel like I look like I'm struggling. and then you see those runners who just seem to float. and I feel like a failure.
    but they didn't just run like that off the bat. it took practice. they may have even looked like me when they started.
    I run in the morning with the dog. and I stay in the neighborhood streets, not on busy streets. Less people.

    I couldn't run much and I started run one block, and then walk the next. now a month later, I almost have the whole mile. and I'm going to keep going. because I can. And one day I want to float