June 2015 Running Challenge



  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Here's my June so far:
    1: 3.6 miles+ body pump
    2: 5 miles easy run
    3: 3.5 miles
    4: rest day
    5: 7.1 miles on hilly course
    6: 12 mile hill hike with my daughter.
    7: I think I'll have another rest day today but it's only early morning and maybe I'll get the urge to go run later.

    31.2 miles done so far.
    Goal 120 miles for June.
  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member


    @DonPendergraft - I love the photo! That's me for sure!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Dear god- it's only the 7th and we are up to 11 pages! nicely done guys!!

    So I think trying to hit a specific goal isn't so awesome for me- it's just not a priority- but doing SOME running is.

    I'm going to try to make Sunday my sunday runday- and try to get some running in during rehearsal when the peoples are pretty self sufficient.
    So- a weekly run will be my goal- ANY weekly run- any mileage- just some sort of run.

    Date...... Miles..... Time..... Notes
    7 June.... 4.04...... 35.24.... Solid- M.3 started to get tight- but felt good. Very happy for sub 9 min splits.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @mmabry72 first 10k in such an awesome time? Congratulations!

    @donpendergraft Wow, great pic! A little blurry from the lightning-fast speed you're moving at, but still ;-)

    @whatmerunning A half marathon on hilly roads, and in less than 3 hours, well done! If I'm ever brave enough to try a half, I'll make sure its nice and flat.

    @7lenn7 Sorry go read about the hitch in your plans. I hope you'll get a chance for a painless run tomorrow. I'm actually wearing thick socks all year round. A few weeks back I bought the "summer" version of the brand my other socks are from, but unfortunatly those are giving me blisters, so I'm back to the "warm" edition (which are really hard to find this time of the year).

    @shanaber: Good that you felt better later and could go for a run - and that you felt great afterwards probably means that was the right decision, rather than staying home. You've earned your rest day now :-)
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited June 2015
    I ran my second 5k race today - in 29:04 min!

    My first one was 30:14 in April. I had been kind of hoping to get under 30 minutes, but since I din't follow any training plan, I wasn't really sure if that would be realistic or not. When I got to the race this morning, I thought it would probably be "or not", the start was so chaotic. There were 1200 runners and walkers, and people just queued up in the start lane when they showed up, regardless of pace plans. My first 1.5km were really uneven paced, with slowing down a lot when behind some people, then dashing forward when there was a chance to pass, which left me feeling kind of spent quite soon.
    Towards the middle of the run, when I could pick a pace and stick with it, things went better. But it was warmer than I'm used to, so I stopped and grabbed some water at the water station at 3km. And then had to walk a bit a few hundred meters further when I realised I'd gulped down the water to fast and was feeling sick.... Newbie mistake, I guess!

    Well, I recovered fast enough that I thought I'd still have a chance of making the sub-30 time. I was so disappointed when I turned around the last corner and saw the big watch over the finish line down the road jump from 29:59 to 30:00! Until it occured to me that it had taken me quite a while to reach the start line after the starter's gun, so that with a bit of sprinting I might still make it. And I did :)

    I don't hold the certificate to prove it yet, since they had some problems with the printers; after waiting 30 min, they said it might be another hour. But they gave everyone who didn't want to wait that long a blank piece of the nice certificate paper with the event watermark, so that we could print it ourselves at home. I've already downloaded it, but I'm not sure I'll actually print it - I still haven't figured out what to do with the certificate and medal from my first run.
    What do you guys do with all the race bling?


    e.t.a: I just realised I wrote a longish report like I had run a marathon, lol! Sorry, you don't have to read all of it. I'm just super-excided because I'm still new to this racing thing...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @Abakan - We have almost the exact same mileage for the week and I am resting today too :smiley:
    @_nikkiwolf_ - I think it great that you are so excited about your race! That is how it should be regardless of the distance! Congratulations on your PR and getting under 30 minutes!! That is awesome!
    As for the bling, I have a small message/notes board on the wall as you come into my home office and there are 4 hooks on the bottom. All of my medals hang there where I see them when I come in. Most of the races I have run do have not given out certificates and I have not printed the only one I have received because I would likely just file it.

    Oh and my favorite Half so far is not flat, it has some rolling hills, nothing terrible but drops about 700 feet down to the beach over several miles. It is a very fast course :)
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    nikkiwolf.... Great account of your 5k race, that's such a great time for your second race it took me about 8 attemps to break the 30 minutes , congrat's.
  • cheliebee
    cheliebee Posts: 40 Member

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    6/3 - 3 miles
    6/5 - 3 miles
    6/6 - .75 mi.
    6/7 - 2.55 mi

    9.25 done 20.75 to go.

    Next run is Weds then nothing until Saturday and my second 5k. Going in with an easy goal to be lower then 42:18 which was my last effort.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    mmabry 72 - Congrats on the 10K way to go on your first attempt!
    whatmerunning - I would never attempt a 5k on hilly roads let alone a half! Amazing time too!
    nikkiwolf - Great job on the sub 30 5k! I love reading the race reports. Keep them coming.
  • Knyvern
    Knyvern Posts: 183 Member
    Just joined and I want to do 25 miles this month. I started C25K on June 2nd.


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited June 2015
    6/1 - 5 miles
    6/2 - 5.3 miles
    6/3 - 3.2 miles
    6/4 - 4.4 miles
    6/5 - 2.3 miles
    6/6 - 1.6 miles - rest day today but did this to keep the 41 Days of Awesome challenge streak going
    6/7 - 7 miles - I'm so proud of this run it was at 10:21 pace, which is fast for me - I was comfortable the whole run :smiley:

    28.8 out of 120 miles


    @shanaber - your comment made me smile
    @7lenny7 - sorry about your foot and the running plans
    @_nikkiwolf_ - I get excited after every race and will talk about it to anyone who will listen to me no matter what the distance. I love to read about everyone's races. Sub 30 fantastic!!!! I hang my bling on my bedroom mirror, for Skip I brought her a medal holder like this - she also has one for karate for her tournament medals.


    She wants one of these, I just need to order it for her bibs - she writes what race (if it doesn't say) and her times on her bibs


    @jorocka good to see you, great run
    @scoutmomof8 welcome!

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ Congrats, that is awesome! And don't worry about a long report. A 5k race is very respectable in my opinion. You run your butt off in those! I recall being SO happy to see the finish line at my last 5k. I was more pleased to finish that one than any of hte half marathons this year. Well, except the one I actually bonked at, but that was all my fault. People shouldn't bonk at a half, but there I was. Completely Ba-bonk-a-bonked. As for the bling, I'm trying to figure that out now. Probably best to figure that out early on. I just hung mine from anyplace I could. I've run out of options now though. I will have to figure something out. Buy a rack or something to hang your medals from with a LOT of empty space. That's what I'm thinking of doing as my OCD will cause me to enter more races to fill up that empty space.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    5k continuous for consecutive days(another first) plus 1.6km magic mile for my galloway plan.
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    skippygirlsmum.... Nice pace , I wish I could run happily at that speed, My easy running pace is 13 minute miles so I was really pleased with 11.01 pace in a recent half marathon. Hopefully as I build up my weekly mileage I'll be able to catch up with you lol.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    15.2 out of 50

    A great day! Not only did I run 4.5 miles, my PR for distance, but I did it with no pain!!
  • fit_at_fifty
    fit_at_fifty Posts: 56 Member
    1.9 done today, 8.51 so far :)

  • Harpin_Maddog
    Harpin_Maddog Posts: 52 Member

  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    6/1- swim/ bike day
    6/2- 3 mi.
    6/3- rest day
    6/4- 5.7 mile trail run
    6/5- rest day
    6/6- swim and bike
    6/7- 1.5 mile brick run on hilly mtb trails after a 2 hr bike ride. It. Was. Rough.

    Total: 10.2 mi.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    6/1 rest
    6/2 -2.25 hot sore miles, Reformer Pilate's
    6/3- rest
    6/4- doc visit. Resting SIJ
    6/5- 4.60
    6/6- rest
    6/7- 3.74 hot, "can I have one of your socks? I gotta poop, mines SmartWool."...

    10.57/60+ I'm gonna have to pick up the pace!