Losing weight whilst battling illness?



  • weetrish1
    weetrish1 Posts: 7 Member
    NerdyNix wrote: »
    That's good that you have your husband to help motivate you :) mines a skinny dude!

    How is everyone feeling?
    Struggling a wee bit these days as not been able to get out for my wee walk, due to possible sciatica. I've been following your diary you're doing great! A lot of exercise too which is good.
    I'm off work (again) have been since February, are you able to work?

  • BrennaReistad
    BrennaReistad Posts: 9 Member
    what are everyone tips and tricks? I'm trying to get back into this but every time I do well I end up gaining weight. Note, weight, not muscle. We had my thyroid checked twice because I freaked out my doctors.

    POTS -Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome- all of the problems, google it. Also need an increase of salt in my diet because I have to add water weight @_@

    Severe Depressive Disorder and Anxiety
    Major Stress
    Acid Reflux
    Mast Cell Disorder

    on Prozac, Adderall, prevacid, syroquil/melatonin, clariton, cromolyn, midodrine

    My cromolyn is $95 a month w/o insurance (over 200 with insurance, long story and stupid as #@)(#$) but when I can afford it and take it regularly, my weight stabilizes. Since then I've been pretty stuck at the weight I'm at.

    I cut sugar out and I gain weight. I end up binge eating sugar and I lose it. Its so confusing!!!!! I had a really weird week or two where I had ice cream for breakfast (yes I know bad) and I lost 5lb in two weeks. Then later gained it back.

    I also only have an hour when I get home (3 hour commute) and go to sleep to get a full nights sleep. So I'm starting to make myself walk at work because I have no other time to exercise.

    Advice is wonderful!!!!

  • NerdyNix
    NerdyNix Posts: 111 Member
    weetrish1 wrote: »
    NerdyNix wrote: »
    That's good that you have your husband to help motivate you :) mines a skinny dude!

    How is everyone feeling?
    Struggling a wee bit these days as not been able to get out for my wee walk, due to possible sciatica. I've been following your diary you're doing great! A lot of exercise too which is good.
    I'm off work (again) have been since February, are you able to work?

    Yes I've been having a few weeks of remission which has been great. Hoping it lasts as usually I'm 90% flare! Can't remember the last time I had this much energy!

    I don't work no but that's more to do with my children still being young. Not sure if I will go back to work or not. I can walk and do basic things but I'm not reliable. I can be full of energy and able bodied one day and then bedbound the next so I'm not sure how that would work with employment.
    How is your workplace with your absences?
  • NerdyNix
    NerdyNix Posts: 111 Member
    Brenna that sounds so messed u that your medication is that expensive!! Makes me very thankful for the NHS over here as my meds are all free. Would cost me over £80 a month for all mine I think!

    Walking to work when you feel up to it is a great way to exercise! I have an exercise bike too which I find helpful as I can sit on it, watch TV and just cycle in stages, normally I cycle till it hurts and then rest for a few minutes and then carry on cycling till it hurts again!
  • MimiMayRR
    MimiMayRR Posts: 19 Member
    I have Crohn's disease. Sometimes it makes me LOSE weight really rapidly, but as soon as I get better it comes right back if I'm not super careful.

    I used to use exercise a lot to try to control my weight, but now I can't always rely on being able to exercise. So I measure and weigh everything I can and watch my calories. I do gentle exercise like yoga and walking, but only when I feel up for it and don't push myself when I'm not feeling well. I don't ever plan on having exercise calories to "eat back" so I'm not tempted to overdo it on the exercise, and so I don't stress about it when I have to take a break. I think it's also important to not cut calories too severely, just enough to put you in a slight deficit, and to make sure as many of your calories as possible come from healthy, healing foods so you support your body as much as possible as you lose weight.

    Good luck!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    behcets with myalgia.
    working on healthy eating and before that yoga. I do aerial yoga because it's easier on my joints.
    it's one day at a time. running is my new goal, pain is pain. but I will not be defined or limited by my pain
  • amrluvarr
    amrluvarr Posts: 52 Member
    I really love the inspiration on this thread!

    I have Crohn's disease. It took about 10 years to get a diagnosis because I never lost weight. Still have 100lbs to lose. I have to remind myself everyday I am not my disease. I currently take steroids and just started an immunosuppressant. I take things super slow. I'm not weighing myself just yet but I do count my calories and measure everything I eat- I have MFP set to only 0.5lbs per week. I'm too tired to exercise but my doc is hopeful that I will reach remission soon. At this point, I'm just trying to care for (and love) my body!

    Best of luck!
  • NerdyNix
    NerdyNix Posts: 111 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hope everyone is well, And the weight loss is still happening! Hope nobody minds, I just wanted to ask a question. Has anyone ever had a Bone Profile test done in a blood test? It's been requested by my GP and I'm not sure why. I've not had it tested before.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    No to the bone profile--that's interesting!

    My meds cost several thousand dollars a month. It limits my life hugely.
  • weetrish1
    weetrish1 Posts: 7 Member
    NerdyNix wrote: »
    weetrish1 wrote: »
    NerdyNix wrote: »
    That's good that you have your husband to help motivate you :) mines a skinny dude!

    How is everyone feeling?
    Struggling a wee bit these days as not been able to get out for my wee walk, due to possible sciatica. I've been following your diary you're doing great! A lot of exercise too which is good.
    I'm off work (again) have been since February, are you able to work?

    Yes I've been having a few weeks of remission which has been great. Hoping it lasts as usually I'm 90% flare! Can't remember the last time I had this much energy!

    I don't work no but that's more to do with my children still being young. Not sure if I will go back to work or not. I can walk and do basic things but I'm not reliable. I can be full of energy and able bodied one day and then bedbound the next so I'm not sure how that would work with employment.
    How is your workplace with your absences?

  • weetrish1
    weetrish1 Posts: 7 Member
    Work been ok although I've been off nearly 2 years out of 4. I'm the same feel now I'm not reliable.
    Still too young though to retire (I'm 55)
    I just hope that this time the maintaining drug will do what it's supposed to do
  • weetrish1
    weetrish1 Posts: 7 Member
    NerdyNix wrote: »
    Hope everyone is well, And the weight loss is still happening! Hope nobody minds, I just wanted to ask a question. Has anyone ever had a Bone Profile test done in a blood test? It's been requested by my GP and I'm not sure why. I've not had it tested before.


    No never had that done.. But having a full body bone scan done, as steroids can cause osteoporosis.. I take alendronic acid and ad cal to prevent though
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited June 2015
    New to the thread. I wonder if your doctor ordered the test because one of your meds or conditions might affect bone density?

    I have Psoriatic Arthritis, Fibro/CFS (which really is white noise at this point except for the fatigue), Hypothyroidism that's a bit out of control at the moment, Celiac disease, and Chronic (bordering on becoming intractable) Migraines.

    As another poster said upthread, I am none of these conditions, though.

    I've lost 43 pounds since November. I'm going to be 53 in August and I'm short, so weight loss is a little slower for me than some, but that's okay.

    I feel better than I have in years. I exercise when I can. By far, the migraines interfere most with my fitness goals. I can usually get around my issues with fatigue by exercising first thing in the morning, but exercise can trigger migraines. It's a minefield sometimes, but I keep going because it has proven to be the single most effective thing in managing my pain and overall well being.

    It's weird. There's this sweet spot with activity, I've found. If I get too much, it's bad for the fatigue issue, and if I don't get enough, it's bad as well. I've also found the same with my diet as well and my carbohydrate intake. Too few and I'm more fatigued, too much, and I'm dragging as well. I feel like I'm always finding balance.

    I don't mention pain much in this post, and that's because I don't pay it much mind. I have synethesia, and experience anything less than the most severe pain as sound, color, and shape... sort of. It's hard to explain. I have a very, very high pain tolerance too--confirmed by a neurologist during a nerve conduction test! The wrinkle in this whole scenario is that this caused me to have a lot of my issues go without being diagnosed for YEARS. I was complaining about the peripheral symptoms, because they were what bothered me most.

    I like to water jog, walk at an incline on a treadmill, and lift weights.
  • gabbysmummy
    gabbysmummy Posts: 1 Member
    I have psoriatic arthritis.. Autoimmune disease.. Anyone else sharing the joy with me?
  • breeze_brat
    breeze_brat Posts: 65 Member
    edited June 2015
    I have asthma and am on 4 medicines for it (one being steroid) and have hypothyroidism
  • NerdyNix
    NerdyNix Posts: 111 Member
    @mamapeach910 what is water jogging?!
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    NerdyNix wrote: »
    @mamapeach910 what is water jogging?!

    Oh, it's awesome! I did a half hour today, still got the endorphins pumping.

    I wear a flotation belt to keep my shoulders elevated out of the water and basically do jogging motions in a deep water pool without touching the bottom. No impact, but the water gives resistance. Decent calorie burn too.

  • NerdyNix
    NerdyNix Posts: 111 Member
    Sounds great!! I do Aqua Fit which is just water aerobics and it's really fun but also hard work! It's a workout I enjoy which always helps!!

    Saw this image on Facebook and thought of this group as many of you have said similar things :)

  • tedioustrainingap
    tedioustrainingap Posts: 78 Member
    ME/ CFS has defined me for around 7 years. This week has been my turning point :)

    I was a self defence instructor, then came down with PTSD, ME and DPU (delayed pressure urticaria). Over the course of 7 years, my health and fitness deteriorated to the point that I couldn't walk half a mile, without spending the next two weeks incapacitated. I have recovered from the PTSD and the DPU has stopped but I still struggled to find an activity which I could use to start to build my fitness back up and beat ME.

    This week I started swimming and I have done between an hour and 90 minutes every day since! I joined MFP to help track my progress. Returning to good health (as far as is possible) is my main aim but I'd also like to lose what I can of the 18kg I've gained, which has been exacerbated by medication.

    Land based activities are still a way off. I don't know how well my pool fitness will transfer but If I can continue swimming daily (aside from weekends - I use those two rest days to gauge any ME response to activity), I will be a far healthier, happier person and mother from here on in :).

  • plor225
    plor225 Posts: 13 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and a rare blood disease they aren't sure what it is. I have no immune system. I ended up in hospital last month for 11 days. Had to freeze gym membership for two months.
    All I've been doing is eating junk trying to make myself feel better. I need to stop.
    I'm only 23 and need to get my exercise regime back into routine :( can anyone relate?