Lower Body Bulge

So i lost my way in recent months but i have still been eating clean somewhat. I am 34, 5ft 5 in, 146 lbs, waist 29.5, stomach 32.5. I really would live to reduce the lower belly bulge i have. I know you can't spot reduce. But i feel this is the last area where mostvof my fat is. Would it be smart to eat as though i am going to compete in a bikini fitness competition? I also find i have become a muncher eating whole wheat bread and crackers which i didn't do before. HELP!!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Wheat belly ?
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    How about switching up your exercise routine.
    What are you doing at the moment?
  • rhonellewaldron
    rhonellewaldron Posts: 10 Member
    I do total body hiit boot camp for one hr 3 days a week. Should i have a day of only cardio?
  • rhonellewaldron
    rhonellewaldron Posts: 10 Member
    I occasionally have a whole wheat sandwich as a night snack. Could that be the issue?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Fat will come off where genetics determine it will come off if you're in a caloric deficit. If the bulge is fat, it's not because you eat whole wheat sandwiches, per se.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    Is it a soft bulge or a hard bulge? If the bulge is just your posture and your musculature (or lack thereof) you will resolve it differently from if you have IBS problems from wheat and different from how you would resolve it if it's fat. Your stomach can stick out for a variety of reasons, and before you can solve the problem, you need to determine what the problem IS.
  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    I fear having to attack the bulge. Lol. My waist is 30.5, but my stomach is 36.5. I weigh 166 at 5'7.
    I think your size is great, but you will probably have to lose more weight and/or do some lifting.
  • rhonellewaldron
    rhonellewaldron Posts: 10 Member
    @ElizabethKalmbach it is a hard bulge. I do believe some it has to do with genetics. All the females in my family are apple-shaped and have a bulge.

  • rhonellewaldron
    rhonellewaldron Posts: 10 Member
    I will talk to my trainer about it re: lifting heavier (which i try to do each class) or if more cardio is required
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I am apple shaped and I have soft bulges (fat) and hard bulges (muscle or gas/cramping) in my stomach. The lower part of my stomach can stick out if I'm having some IBS issues, but it can also stick out if my posture is not correct. After having a baby, I had to work on my musculature to actively suck my stomach back in and get everything tightened up to where it used to be. IBS issues would be corrected through diet or doctor, and posture/musculature you'd work on with your trainer. Guys have more intramuscular fat that girls tend to, so they can have a stomach that sticks out and is hard with fat, but it's much more rare with girls.

    All of that said, I still have lower belly fat to work on, but the appearance has been greatly improved by squats and deadlifts and other compound move weight lifting that fixed up my posture and musculature. :)