What should I do after a major binge?

I ate healthy all day but I just raided my kitchen and ate 2 smore sandwiches and a bag of pretzels and 3 spoonfuls of peanut butter and 2 strawberries and a bowl of popcorn and a chicken strip and a bag of peanuts. I feel disgusting. Should I abstain from food tomorrow to get back on track?


  • georginabain
    georginabain Posts: 20 Member
    No, do not abstain! That is proberly why you binged in the first place.

    Just start over tomorrow. Everyone falls off the wagon! Just get back on track, don't deprive yourself.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Just drink a little bit of water and tomorrow be mindful of what you eat. Tomorrow is a new day, you get to start off fresh!
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    pick yourself up, dust your self off, and start all over again. we all have our moments -- just don't let this take you off on a tangent. Don't stop eating because of a slip, just get back on track and follow your eating plan.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    No. I just went 600 in the negative. Log it. I will do double my exercise tomorrow and stick to my calories. I will still be in the negative for the week.
  • igentheelk
    igentheelk Posts: 5 Member
    Pretend nothing happened tonight, and carry on with your plan. What you usually do is more important than what you sometimes do. Also, you might want to check your diary to find out the reason behind this binge. Maybe you didn't eat enough, maybe you've been making yourself feel deprived but you didn't know it, maybe you're under big stress recently...etc. People do binge eating for different reasons. Find it and make some adjustment to your plan. Good luck :)
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    No, do not abstain! That is proberly why you binged in the first place.

    Just start over tomorrow. Everyone falls off the wagon! Just get back on track, don't deprive yourself.

    So much truth. It's often excessive restriction that drives binge behaviour. You may feel like you are the only person who has ever done this, but I assure you, it isn't as rare as you'd think.

    Just put it behind you, and try to to move forward from where you are right now. Dwelling on it will only make you feel bad, which, in a particularly nasty irony, will probably make you more likely to do it again.

    Look at your food diary for the day leading up to the binge. If your protein, fat, or calories were very low, that's quite likely to have been a contributor.
  • Buffaloeggs
    Buffaloeggs Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah as the others have said, careful down the road of abstaining or exercising to compensate otherwise you'll get stuck in a vicious cycle that could lead to an eating disorder.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member

    :smile: Seriously though, this is exactly why excessive restriction from specific foods isn’t necessarily a great idea. You can make things fit into your macros all the time if you’re smart about it and pre-plan. Don’t beat yourself up - tomorrow is another day!
  • coraborealis80
    coraborealis80 Posts: 53 Member
    joeycole1 wrote: »
    I ate healthy all day but I just raided my kitchen and ate 2 smore sandwiches and a bag of pretzels and 3 spoonfuls of peanut butter and 2 strawberries and a bowl of popcorn and a chicken strip and a bag of peanuts. I feel disgusting. Should I abstain from food tomorrow to get back on track?

    Take a deep breath, accept the mistake for the day, and start from scratch in the morning.

    Never ever use fasting as a punishment-it will lead to another binge, and food being punishment can also lead to eating disorders.

    Ask yourself what triggered the binge. Are you emotional? Were you hungry? Did it just taste soooo amazinnng? Then ask yourself what kind of plan you can set up for the future to avoid a repeat. Maybe your calorie intake is too low. You're not huge and trying 2 lbs a week at 1200, you probably will be hungry. Maybe you're sad, journaling, reading a book, or even digging in to a game might help. Maybe it was the taste. Setting up warnings for future you can be helpful.

    For example, I have a TARDIS cookie jar with all of my sweets-generally gifts from people. Every time it opens, it makes the noise. It discourages me from opening it too often. I have a note on my chip bin in the cupboard reminding me 1 is a treat, not to combine treats, and 2 is a binge. I also stopped buying the foods I was likely to binge on if I got them, and filllled my veggie drawers with both fruits and veggies.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Have a normal day and if you can do it without messing yourself up..

    Mediate on some healthy snacks

    It seems you didn't have a plan

    We all get snack urges, or at least I do!

    Rock on

  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    What was that 1,500... 2,000 calories max? That doesn't sound like a binge to me; it sounds like you're hungry and the calories will do you good. Just log it and move on.
  • Ariana876
    Ariana876 Posts: 7 Member
    Just make sure you drink plenty of water and jump back on the wagon

  • VickiLogan11
    VickiLogan11 Posts: 99 Member
    Keep going as normal. Everyone does it once in a while :)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You are 18. And your profile indicates you have very little to lose. Forget about it, move on with your life.
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    I kind of did something similar on purpose yesterday. I never gained from one day of binging. I had Ice Cream and ate vietnamese food, then came home and made myself Sauerkraut with Saitan Steak and some Soy Sausages...in addition to breakfast and an entire bag of roasted soybeans. Every body is different, but I never had issues with doing this once in a while (once or twice a month). I just eat normal today and still feel good about yesterday ;)
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    So, what's wrong with 2 strawberries? :D. You'll be alright. It happens to the best of us.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I promise you will be fine. Just try to be better next time. no worries.
    food should not be shameful. It's just food.